Chapter 20-Part IV

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Kato had listened until now, but he didn't like where this was headed. In fact, the hair on his neck was standing up and his blaster felt comfortable in the palm of his hand. It seemed like Ketty was under a spell and Greer had her fooled. He was aware Ketty needed him in so many ways, and all the years of not protecting her made him snap. Before he knew it, his arm pressed down on Greer's throat and it felt familiar. This would be so easy, he thought. "If you hurt her, or Boondock, I will kill you."

"Kato, I can handle this, let him go."

There was fear in Greer's eyes, but then Boondock squealed, "Look, an entourage has come to greet us."

The airlock opened, allowing hot rotten egg to assault their nostrils and causing Kato to reconsider his position. "I'm right here, and I'll be watching you, do you understand?"

"I got it," Greer said, a little shaken. On the other hand, he would have done the same if it had been Aleece. Outside a couple flanked by two security bots approached them. They smiled like old friends and Greer stepped to greet them with Purline and Boondock close behind.

"Wait here, you two," said Greer, holding them with his hand, but his voice was gentle, like the little bot was a demigod.

Ketty and Kato trailed behind as the small group of people came to greet them. There were several others there, but Kato couldn't help notice a young woman who walked directly behind the couple. Her black hair was like a raven's wing flashing in the sunlight, and she carried herself with a certain air of importance. She wore a modest dress which covered her completely despite the heat, while the sheer quality of the fabric hinted at her well-toned physique. But there the pleasantries ended and Kato's mind went blank while he tried to comprehend what he was seeing.

Mon-catasto's daughter Mikenzy wished for once in her lifetime someone would notice her, but it seemed she was invisible, relinquished to a back seat life of mediocrity. When she saw Kato hanging back with the famous girl from Karabellum, her heart fluttered with that foolish swirl that caught in her throat and she had to force herself to look away lest she be destroyed again. Not that the other person was at fault, rather her own awkward fawning tended to drive most people away rather quickly, despite her handicap.

That's what she called it anyway. And she could see it now in the way Kato stared at her with an inquisitive gaze while he tried to figure out exactly what was wrong with her. She knew he was thinking something was out of place, but he couldn't put his finger on it and until he did, he would keep staring. He might be thinking she had plastic surgery that had gone wrong, or that she was a robot with fine features which were a bit too perfect. Was it the way her eyes were set too far apart, or the high forehead that concealed her enlarged brain? There was just a hint of disproportion which irritated him to no end and when he settled on excessive genetic tampering, he was right but she would never give him the satisfaction of acknowledging it.

That was her mother's fault, she was so obsessed with perfect breeding she had tampered with Mikenzy's base strands and unwittingly created a monster. Mikenzy's social acuity had suffered and she had no grace when it came to basic friendships. She looked as if she had something better to do, staring at some birds in the bushes. Kato found her air of indifference familiar as if she was bored with today's guests. Then Kato recognized the father from a news feed.

"Mon-catasto," he whispered. The words hung in the air, as if pressed down by the sultry humidity. The man smiled at being recognized and came up with outstretched hand. Ketty inadvertently pulled away like he had the plague, then tried to recover when Kato elbowed her in the shoulder.

"Where's your manners, Ketty."

"Sorry," she said distractedly. "It is a pleasure to meet you, sir."

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Mc'kee. On behalf of my family, I want to thank you for your tireless service in establishing our robots as the finest in the Subdivision."

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