Chapter 4-Part I

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Kato wore his mane of black hair like a lion, fiercely proud of his Asian heritage, he could trace it back a thousand years. His face was chiseled out of marble, every pore lined up in symmetrical perfection that gave him a flavor of power. The Sharp lines of his features intersected at acute angles, giving him the appearance of a god, but every link in the food chain has a predator which is higher. For Kato that was his sister. There wasn't a lot he could do to convince her to help him, unless she wanted to.

"We have to investigate. Come on sis." Begging wasn't in Kato's resume, but he was almost on his knees.

Astrid stared down at him with a look that said, you're a pathetic loser and if you weren't my brother I would ignore you. She was curious though, and at twenty-three years of age, she still had a little adventure left in her. But she wasn't giving in that easy.

She had her own secrets, and in two days she was leaving the Subdivision, but no one knew except her.

"You have to do my maintenance chores for a month, and give this to dad on Tuesday," she said. He took the data chip that looked like an expensive necklace and put it around his neck. "It's time locked, don't even try to open it."
"You got a boyfriend?" he asked hopefully.

"The day I find a man will be the day aliens take over the Subdivision."

He had no doubt about that. She was an ice queen, but he admired her stance. Why would she want to get bogged down in a complicated relationship that sucked the driving force behind her career? She was a master starship pilot at her young age and she was supposed to join the League of Space this summer. Kato knew the same genetic genius coursing through her veins was inside him, but even with the enhancements he received at his adoption, he still only had half her insight.

She saw the puppy dog look on her brother's face and realized this would be her last chance to impart wisdom on him. She believed the League of Space was picking her up for a secret mission on Tuesday, so why not.

"Ok, we can check it out, but we're not using one of dad's barn burners." Kato was excited. He knew his sister had the fastest light drive ship around, and she could do anything she wanted.

The Sunday morning sun blazed hot on his back as they made their way towards the tear drop of silver standing in front of the house. He had totally ignored his guests spending the night down in the barn, as a host he was lame and he didn't give a rip.

Small fusion motors burned blue bright as the ship lifted away in a storm of dust and debris. The wailing could be heard for miles, there was no mistake they were taking off. The ship rose over the trees, and then accelerated out towards the ocean. They covered the sixty-five miles in no time, slowing for the congested field of craft that surrounded the crash site.

Astrid let go of the controls and shouted, "Take us in."

He flipped the ship upside down, scrubbing speed with the inertial dampers and made a ninety-degree dive towards the ocean's surface. The shields kept out the water pressure as they began to dive five miles straight down. The ocean was deep here, a testament to the calm weather patterns on the planet's surface. Astrid kept an eye on the traces representing several craft under the surface until they broke free into a clear zone where only a few more advanced ships could reach. A klaxon sounded as government vessels tried to wave her off but she nodded and her brother kept going.

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Kato has a few good points, what do you like about Kato?

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