Chapter 44

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Two months later

"Babe stop writing and lets go"Jackson yelled from down stairs. Kai Li closed her journal and grabbed her bag making her way down stairs. "Relax I am coming" she said. "I thought you hated to be late to things" Jackson grabbed her coat and his. "The host are Rave and Yugyeom right?" She asked him opening up the door. "Yea" he responded. "Okay then it doesn't matter if we are late they are always late too" she said not caring. "You got a point. Here" he handed her coat. Closing the door behind him. They both locked hands and made their way to the event.

"Finally you guys are here" Yugyeom said to Jackson and Kai Li which were late. "Yea what took you so long" BamBam said. "We felt like taking our time" Jackson said back. "Well whatever at least you guys still came" Rave pushed the boys out of the way and pulled Kai Li away from Jackson. "Nope she is mine thank you very much" Jackson pulled Kai Li out of Raves arm lock. Rave pouted in annoyance. Kai Li just smiled at how funny the situation became. The two joined with the others which was a huge hangout. The parents were not present. In the middle was a bomb fireJB and Hani were sitting next to each other, Mark and Jinyoung were sitting across from them. BamBam and Youngjae sat next to Mark and Jinyoung and across from them sat Kai Li and Jackson which were next to JB and Hani. Rave and Yugyeom sat in front of them. It was winter so everyone was cold and annoyed by the two. Jackson wrapped a blanket around himself and Kai Li pulling her close. "So tell us why we are here again" Kai Li said shivering. "We are here to hangout and enjoy each others company" Rave paused "after what happened I just want to do something nice" she said shyly this time. The others laughed and smiled at her cuteness. Kai Li just hugged close to Jackson with a good feeling.

Everyone was enjoying their time. The guys were talking while making food. Kai Li, Hani, and Rave sat around the camp fire with blankets and hot chocolate. "So how are the nightmares" Rave started the conversation. "I finally stopped having them" Kai Li took a sip from her hot chocolate. "That's good" Hani said. "Guys how did we even get here" Kai Li looked at the boys. "I have no clue but one thing is for sure I need to train harder" Rave said. "Not really, only Hani needs to" Kai Li did a soft laugh. "Guys how many times am I going to tell you I am smart and can do all the thinking but I can't be on the field" Hani pouted. The two girls laughed "we know". Kai Li took a sip from her hot chocolate,  "*sighs* Well now that the storm has passed I have been thinking of going to school". The two girls looked confused. "Kai Li you read all the time and you can remember it once you see it, your really smart just start working, why go to school and waste more time" Hani spoke out. "I want to do something with my life" she said with ease. "What about Jackson? What does he think about it" Rave asked. "I told him he said it would be great for me" she said with a smile. "Well that's good and what is he doing" Hani and Rave filled with curiosities. "He will be a chief at the supernaturals control station" Kai Li told she suddenly spoke up again "guys why do you want to know about me and Jackson so much what about you and Yugyeom or you with JB" she got annoyed. The girls just laughed.

Jackson and the boys were cooking food while drinking beer. Jackson and the boys heard the girls laugh and the boys couldn't help but smile "so when are you four going to get girlfriends" Yugyeom starting bragging. "Me and Jinyoung have girls" Mark spoke up. Jinyoung hit him on the arm. "What I am not just going to let him brag" Mark was annoyed with the youngest. "Wait what" the boys were speechless. "Why didn't you bring them" JB asked them. "We are just friends so we are not in that type of relationship but these girls are twins and we are really interested in them" Jinyoung said. The boys just rolled their eyes at them being just friends. "So Jackson, you and Mark will be the new pair for the station huh" Youngjae change the topic. "Mark is actually happy to start working there" BamBam said sarcastically and the boys laughed. "Yea but I am just a little worried" Jackson said. "Your going to do fine... ahh what the heck was that for" BamBam said while getting hit by JB. "You idiot he's worried about Kai Li" JB said frustrated. "I mean her nightmares have stopped and now she wants to go to school and find something she can do and I am happy for her it's just I still worry if I am not there will she still be safe" Jackson smiled to himself worried and thinking to much. "Wait she going to school but she the smartest one in the camp she can just start working" YoungJae was shocked. "Yea but she wants the experience which I think it might be nice" Jackson just wanted to make her happy. But Jackson was a little confused on how each conversation they had it had to be about him and her. "Guys how about we stop talking about me and Kai Li and finally find out the reason behind Yugyeom choosing Rave" Jackson put Yugyeom on the spot with a mischievous laugh. "Yea it's been like 3 months since you and Rave started dating and you really never told us why" JB was curious. "Did she put a spell on you my bro" BamBam put his arm over his shoulder. "Shut up and no she did not. " he paused adding " when you guys get to know her she kinda cute and different from what she was". "So tell us all about her I mean we all know you love her kisses" Youngjae teased him and the others laughed. "Come on guys just because I am the youngest doesn't mean you can tease me and my girlfriend" he pouted. "New weakness teasing Yugyeom with Rave" Mark made it simple and the boys cheered on the beer except Yugyeom. He just looked at them with a face.

Everyone finished eating and were surrounded again with beers. Jinyoung stood up and spoke "well guys we have been through hell up and down and we have had to deal with Yuri and her snoring" everyone laughed as he added "but it was worth it because now we are together". Jackson pulled Kai Li close to kiss her head. "Well we know now that nothing won't be able to break us or defeat us" JB said. "It's nice out here even though I am freezing my ass off but it's nice to see the stars and be here with you guys" Kai Li added as she was enjoying the moment. "We set up tents" Yugyeom and a Rave jumped together. Jackson gave out sigh "guys we are not camping out in the cold". "No the tents have heaters don't worry" Yugyeom said with confidence. "The only thing that is heating up is me getting a little irritated by you" JB said having his hand on his forehead. But the others just went with it. 

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