Chapter 10

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"WHAT" Yuri yells loud braking the barrier.
"Can you help me and put the barrier back up" Covering her mouth he beggs for her help.
"How are we supposed to get her to you know do that" Yuri still trying to relax and put the barrier up.
He looked at her with pleading eyes. "Alright I will figure something outjust act normal if anything try to stat a conversation with her" Yuri signs out. "Wait at a free time at the camp"
"Yes but you and her are going on a mission today" she looked at him.
"Yea but we will be busy" he answered.
"Just try to, I will help trust me also please protect her she thinking about giving up and she might get hurt again" Yuri says in concern while they both walk back.
They both walked in Kai Li still not done putting her pants on. She looked at both of them with a cheese stick in her mouth while on leg was in one slot in the pants and she was going to the next. Jackson looked in surprised and got a little red trying to cover his eyes.
"PERVERT" Yuri yells roaring at him leading him outside again.

The start of the mission was to lead humans out of the area of the camp because if they found out about us then they would die.  Everyone was in a group besides Kai Li her job was to go up to the humans and lead them out. Also the council made it an order that she be alone. Jackson caught on the idea of her being alone and didn't like it he also needed to get near her to keep her safe like he promised Yuri.
"Okay so what we went through yesterday" Jinyoung says to everyone giving them the hint that the mission was a go.

Kai Li eyes caught on the humans and she soon change her battle uniform into a casual wear like humans would wear in the forest. Pressing the button she spoke into it " KL is locked on target and is approaching"
"Eagle accepted" JB says back through.
Kai Li was looking at the flowers when 4 humans approached her two kids and their parents. They looked nice.
"Hi um can you help us we are kinda lost"
"Oh yea sure where are trying to go"
"We are trying to make it to a bridge to the vacation club on the other side we are trying to take a shortcut through a camp her"
"Oh that camp" she says with shivers
"Whats wrong are you okay"
"Oh yea it's that who ever goes to that camp with disappear they says their lives a old man who eats people that's why when they go to that camp they never comeback I mean I would know I was a survivor I only remember the words "blood"
"Oh my is their another way"
"Of course come on"
Kai Li gets up and takes the humans to where they have to go and even tells them a safe travel. Everyone was really surprised and through the ear pieces they start talking about the defense team taking pictures of her smile.
Even the boys looked at Jackson he just smirked. He knows what her smile looked like, it was like the Gods above answered his calls on this beautiful goddess.

On the way back to the camp Jackson left his post to go to Kai Li which was at her post. His mind was only thinking about her smile and two of the council will attack again. Looking out he saw a figure with a battle uniform and a ponytail tied up.
"Boo-" Jackson stops and looks down at the knife pointed towards his neck. "So now I know that you are really hard to scare."
"Not really" she answers back
"Look the beast has spoken" Jackson said in a joke.
"Beast? At least it's a little better than witch I was getting bored being called that." She responded sarcastically.
"Don't get use to it because I don't call girls that" he was polite and kind.
"Haha you know you are one of the most weirdest person I met. I mean I don't know I have no comment" she giggled a little at him.
"What your laughing" he shocked with her laugh.
"It's dark look up" she points up.
Jackson follows her figure and looks at the stars. They are all shining. Kai Li walks back and leans her body and head on a tree to be more comfortable. Jackson looked back down and looked how peaceful she was and how the stars felt nice. Looking at the features of her face through the stars shines she looked beautiful.
"So why" she asked still looking up
"Huh why what" he answers off guard
"Why do you hang out with me at lunch and concern yourself with me"
"Your different and a little interesting I don't like normal" he says walking toward her and leaning right next to her looking at the stars.
"Haha well in just 2 days you won't be seeing me anymore so that's why I am talking to you" she giving him a chance to finally talk.
His entire body shut down and was shocked as he shot his eyes to her "what are you talking about"
"I mean like I am leaving and you won't see me anymore like I will disappeared" she voice got soft.
"Why I mean yes it's bad to stay at the camp but don't leave" he soon moves his body to stand infront of her. 
"Huh" she said shocked when seeing him looking at her.
"Kai Li I am not an idiot your going to kill yourself"
"YAH where did you hear that and it's not important" she snapped standing straight on the tree.
"Kai Li your not a monster and there are other people like you out there in the world"
"How do you know-" her body shook as Jackson trapped her with both hands on each side leaning on the tree.
"Because I lived like you and I too wanted to kill myself if people found out what I was they would have nightmares so people called me a night crow which meant death" he spoke out looking at her with stress and soon his muscles relax releasing her.
He took a couple of steps back to look up at the sky and take a breathe.
"Look what I am saying is, try not to give up please, can you just wait a little while"
"I am sorry but I really don't have a while"
"Fight it, tomorrow is our day off give me tomorrow to convince that living is worth it" he grab her hand and pleads to her to give him a chance. She was shocked at sudden action and his softness.

Im lonely 💔

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