Chapter 6

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Jackson ran to the camp leader cabinet. He made it half way when Kai Li suddenly started mumbling and this time her eyes change from normal to a galaxy mix. "Yoona, Yoona, Yoona..." She kept repeating. "Kai Li what's wrong why are your eyes" he took a moment. " Kai Li what are you " he said with concern going down on one knee and stroking her hair. Still mumbling Jackson tried to cover her mouth to sneak in. Looking through the bush he spots the the camp leader Mr. Song Chang.
"Sir I ne-" he suddenly stopped as he saw the council with Kai Li's file.
"What are they doing with that?"
"Yoona mother the skies are red and the ground are blue...." Kai Li started a spell without even knowing.
"Kai Li that spell, stop talking please" Jackson putting his hands over her mouth.
"Ahh" Jackson he struggled with her.
All the council men and Mr. Song Chang looked to that direction.
"Listen this time did you guys get rid of Kai Li? Did you guys make sure she died?" Mr. Song Chang stated
"Kai Li! Dead! What the hell is going on" Jackson thought out loud
"Sun and planets join as one ......" Kai Li still mumbling
"Damn it girl, the moments you need to talk you don't and the then the moments you don't need to talk you talk what the heck " Jackson getting irritated picks her up.
"Let's go to my place I think there will be more help for you their than here" Jackson running towards his cabin.

"Guys, hey help me out" Jackson uses his power from a long distance to tell the members to get ready.
"Get every medical book out and all medical materials out but get the book in the secret box out I think there will be an answer in there about this girl"
His powers can help him communicate to other people from long distances.
Outside of the cabin JB and Mark stand outside and wait for Jackson and the guest that he is bringing.
JB suddenly is shocked on what he saw. It looked like Jackson was carrying a blood bag that was leaking. Mark quickly got off the head porch and ran directing." JB lets go" mark pulling him to Jackson.
"What the hell happened why did you bring her here?" JB started with the questions while carrying her off of him and mark putting his shoulder over his to help him thinking that Kai Li might have been hard to carry.
"Quickly take her and have Jinyoung and Bambam start I will explain later"
"Alright let's go"
"What the hell! Why is she like that you should have taken her to the emergency room" Yugyeom yells at Jackson
"Listen we don't have time just help her I will explain it later " he yells back to all of them
Yugyeom and Youngjae are looking in all of the medical books while Bambam and Jinyoung hold pressure will a force power on Kai Li to stop the blood.
"Have you guys found anything yet hurry " Mark yells hold The blood from coming out.
"Ahhhhh YOONA YOONA "Kai Li scream letting an energy force out.
All the boys we push away and kept fighting until Youngjae looked up
"What did she just say? " Youngjae spoke out
"I remember that name that's why I said to get the secrect box " Jackson replied back running to the box

The boys opened the box and quickly looked for answers in the books but not Jackson he was looking for a specific book. There was one book in there that had the topic about a specific power/persons. The book about the God's. This book had every information on a god or goddess. Jackson went for that book while the others looked into hybrids, witches, and syrians.
"Whoa whoa relax she can't be one let's check the witches book before that one. Remember all gods and goddess are not on earth" Jinyoung says
"No not all " Yugyeom snaps back
Jackson just ignored them and found a page. The page was called the curse. Because their is a goddess that is stronger than any other God or goddess. She created the curse to not let anyone to ever find something important to her so she hid it and protected with a curse. This goddesses name was Yoona. She is the goddess of the universe, life, and death.
"Don't Jackson you will be cursed" JB pulling him off the book.
"We have no choice right now we have to save her" he pleads to his leader.
"No there are other solutions but I am not giving you up because of a girl. A girl in fact that has already killed two people and destroyed other people's lives." He states back to Jackson.
"I can't you know that this might have to do with me and her please. If she knows Yoona she can tell her to take the curse off" Jackson pleads to JB
"I can-" he stated before cut off
"Guys look at this " Bambam pulls them to them to the microscope
"Kai Li has goddess poison in her." Mark says
"That can kill anybody it's a miracle that she still alive" Jinyoung said worried
Kai Li still trembling in pain she can feel 7 heat energy around her. She sits up at looks at all of them. Her were blue as the sky and her hair was black and red as of a rose being black paint poored on. Her outfit changes into an long soft flow dress with blood stains.
"Who dares open the curse page" she demands an answer with a deeper voice than usual. Everyone looks at Jackson. Jackson just stood with the book and did a small smirk.
"What did I get myself into " Jackson says still with a smirk but feeling worried.

So I'm bored 🤷🏻‍♀️

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