Chapter 38

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"Shall we start my goddess" Yuri said with confident. "You know for the first time feel proud to be one" Kai Li said proudly. The master and Jia looked at her confused but amused. Heechul and his guys attacked the boys but Rave went against them she controlled their blood from inside making the boys freeze. "What the hell are you doing" Tae Ho screamed out to her. "I don't know I just don't want to kill anymore" Rave yelled back. "What a pathetic child" the master said sending an attack to Rave but it was covered by Yugyeom. Youngjae now understood and just laughed. The boys were confused but stood beside Rave and him. Jackson went to Kai Li and Yuri. Kai Li took out her pistols and Jackson jump on taking out his sword. Yuri jump out to Jia and Yoona followed her. "I have a spell that Miss Kim taught me" she sent a voice to his head. "What's the plan" he sent back. "We attack and I do the spell but I need to get into his head but he still might move so I need you protect me can you do that" shed said back.

"Just tell me when to go" he was focused on protecting her. She jumped first at him. She shot a one pistol at Jacksons sword relflecting to Masters leg brining him down. "Now" she yelled soon falling down she was in his head. Before the master attack Kai Li Jackson removed her from his grip. He placed her with his parents and went back to the master. Jackson was fighting against the master. The boys were trained to kill gods with Jackson and were beating Heechul and his guys. Jia was going hand and hand with Yoona. The rest of the gods and goddess stayed back in safe zone.

She was in his head. She saw him standing in front of him. "I will kill you even if I have to die" she raised her hand. "Your weak and I will kill him" the master showed Jackson dead. She shook was it real or a distraction. She tried to get herself put together she tried not to think of him dead. "No that's just a vision" she said sharply. "Whatever but he's dead" he said back trying to make her weak. A tear fell from her she had to do the spell to protect him. She started it and walked towards the master. Jackson out side was fighting him when the Master vomited blood and cried out in pain. Jackson stood back she started the spell now it's her fight. "Please come back to me" Jackson whispered to himself. Jia was turned into ashes by Yoona. Jinyoung killed Mino by cutting him up. Youngjae, Yugyeom and Rave killed Tae Ho with his body. BamBam and Hani killed the last guy which was always a mystery by breaking his neck. JB and Mark struggled with Heechul as he became more powerful seeing Jia fall. He started to torture them all with his powers by controlling them to kill themselves.

"From the universe, to the heavens to the bottom of hell you shall disappear from existence" he was on his knees. She was bleeding from her eyes. Blood made cuts from her arms to her legs. She burned him from the inside to the outside. "Jackson" his mother cried. He turned to see Kai Li opening up cuts around her body and blood falling from her eyes. Her mother cried "Why is she doing my spell only I can do it she will die". Jackson was shocked about her mother. He grabbed the master and tried to stab him to stop it but was stopped. "You can't she started it all we can do is wait" Yoona said. He looked back the masters body burning. "Please stop we can beat him another day just please comeback to me" his tears came out with out noticing. She burned him completely and cried "I am sorry Jackson". The master was dead but Kai Li didn't wake up. Her heart was burned. The others finally put Heechul down and killed him. Everyone was injured but Kai Li didn't wake up. Jackson watch Kai Li as the master was burned. He ran to her and the others surrounded her. "Kai Li wake up, Kai Li wake up please, babe" he cried. Yoona stood behind him and couldn't even look at her daughter die. He carried her in a bridal way "we have save her there has to to be a way please". "I am sorry my boy but she is gone" his father tried to comfort her. He fell carrying her "you idiot we were supposed live". Rave fell and cried and how she didn't deserve to die. Hani covered her tears in JB's chest. "I should have died" Rave whispered to herself. Yugyeom just put one of hands on her shoulders. "Why am I still breathing and not her" her mother fell and collapsed. Mark helped her stand. Jackson felt like he was stabbed in the heart. He was supposed to protect her. He loved her. He wanted to be with her forever. And now he carrying her dead body in his arms.

It's been two days and it was the day Kai Li would be burned. Everyone came but not Jackson he couldn't watch. Yoona was in depression and she could barely function. Rave wanted to kill her self but was stopped by Yugyeom. The boys stood to see a great friend pass away. Jackson was by the hills that he and her saw the stars and had their first kiss. It was the same hill they trained and laughed and played together. He kept criminal looking at pictures of him and her. He remembered the fights they got into and kisses they exchanged. He remembered her smile that's all her saw. Yuri was disappointed for not protecting her. Jackson would not love another girl as Kai Li was his Goddess. He had no will to live anymore but he couldn't die because if he did then Kai Li's death was for no reason.

Back home it was an awkward silence Jackson stayed under his covers. He didn't eat or get out his room. He became mentally sick. He started to dream about her "I love you" her vision came in front of him. All he could was cry. The boys couldn't help him all they could was stay by him. JB came in too sometimes hug him from his nightmares. She left him weak. He needed her.

It's been a month and now the Gods and Goddess were allowed in the camp everyone was happy. "Yah I am trying to focus can you stop dancing" Rave yelled at Yugyeom which was distracting her while she was training. He just laughed at her cuteness. Yuri and Jinyoung played chess to show who was the smartest. Yuri lost each time. JB and Hani were having a picnic. Youngjae sang to kids. Mark and BamBam played with the kids. Miss Kim and Yoona were now the leaders of the camp and they kept it organized and happy. "We should put a salon in the camp" Jacksons mom complained the two women. "No" they both yelled at her. Jackson was still at the cabin dying from depression. He didn't want to live anymore. Far away on a hill a girl stood. "I need to find him" she spoke out too a bear.

Hello my wonderful readers that are still reading (again thank you so much) I just wanted to say that I am sorry for updating really late. I promise it won't take this long again. Well what do you think about the new chapter or the other tell me in the comments. I love you all thank you ❤❤💚💜

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