Chapter 7

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"You my son how dare you open that page, didn't the stories that I made up about the curse page not scare you" Kai Li says with attitude. The boys are a little curious on if that was Kai Li.
"Whatever I will get to the point my name is Goddess Yoona this is my daughter Kai Li. You with the book your energy source is as strong as her but that's not important I only have 5 more minutes all the information that i don't tell you will soon come to you, but please look after my daughter she is in danger " Yoona communicates to the boys through Kai Li .
"Wait what do we do about the poison " Jackson yells to her
"I will neutralize for a week but you need to quickly find a god just like her and he needs to kiss her for her to be saved"
"But- "Jackson tries to talk
" I am sorry I ran out of time remember everything you need to know will soon come to you" Yoona says
Kai Li's hair, eyes, and outfit goes back to normal. Her clothes are still burned and has burn marks.
She slowly collapses to the table rolling off. Jackson's instinct quickly snaps as he runs to catch her.
He picks her up and settles her down on his bed on the other side is Bambam bed. Jackson quickly sits on Bambams bed. The rest of the boys are down stairs picking up.
"So your the daughter of a goddess" Jackson says thinking out loud.
Jackson went downstairs the guys fell asleep after all that happened but Jackson couldn't. After what he heard he couldn't believe it.

4 hours have passed and Jackson still can't go to bed so he had been sitting in the front step way out side. Soon a sound comes from him.
"Damn I so freakin hungry haven't eaten any thing since breakfast." He thought out aloud. Making his way back inside to the kitchen he had planned to make some food but all there was, was cheese, bread and ice cream. "well cheese it is" not even noticing that someone upstairs has awaken.

Kai Li finally wakes up her eye sight is still a little blurry. Ka Li sits up but is still in a pain. Looking down at her clothes she was still confused until she rembered seeing her mother. She still didn't care so she stood up as if nothing happened to her putting Jackson's slippers on. She made her way down stairs. But stopped half when she saw Jinyoung, and JB on the coach. "what the fuck are they doing here or where the fuck am I I need to get outta here" she thought to herself. The door soon opens and it was Jackson walking in. She watches him go to the kitchen. Kai Li can feel an empty stomach and quickly tip toes to the kitchen. She watched him. She soon felt and weird vibe off of him.

"Hey what are you doing don't just eat the cheese by itself eat it with bread" Kai Li stepped Infont of him only a breathe away and grabbing the cheese.
They looked at each other for a moment. She was attractive to his eyes has she found them appealing.
Soon later they took a step away from each other "looks like your up " Jackson replied with attitude.
Nothing came out of her mouth. Jackson just starts to lift the cheese to his mouth.
"Give me that " Kai Li snatches the cheese and grabs a knife. "Really" Jackson replies
"You should use your head then maybe you don't have to waste food"
"Man when you talk you kinda sound cute"
"Don't even try me, now pass me the bread"
"So why were you in the cave last night?"
"What I was at the cave?"
"You don't rembered? "
"Listen I just woke up my body hurts and every thing is still hazzy so shut up and let me eat"
"Who said you can eat my food"
Jackson trying to grab the cheese until Kai Li slams the the knife down almost hitting him. "Well someone is hungry"
She rolled her eyes putting he knife down and putting the the grilled cheese in the microwave.
They both leaned against the the sides. Looking at the floor Kai Li speaks up first "so you beat me what do you wanna know"
He looked up at her in shocked she not even going to ask why she is here or what happened he can feel the pain from her facial expression he noticed that she was weak but didn't show it. Still looking at her, he sees her worrying like if she is going to tell him she is monster.
"Your not a monster" he said while moving his head to look at the boys.
Kai Li was in such a state of shocked she just stared at him.

I posted the wrong chapter but here is the right one enjoy 💙

My Goddess | Jackson Wang |Where stories live. Discover now