Chapter 24

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All day the two walked around the city. They went into stores and played around looking and trying in clothes. Kai Li passed by a nice snapback. She noticed that for training Jackson wore them. She looked towards Jackson looking at his phone. "Are you hungry" he said holding the door. "Come let me see something" she pulled him to the side taking out the snapback. She tippy toe and put it on him. It was all black and she had the person inside sew in the word Wang in white. "Perfect" she moved back looking at it. He touch his head taking a look by the reflection. "Do you like it" she looked at him nervously. "You know I should be the one buying you something"he turned to her feeling guilty. "What are talking about your paying for lunch come on" she smiled back at him grabbing his hand.

Everywhere they went it was crowed or full. The two just wanted a quiet place to eat. Jackson looked around and he saw a small park. The two when into a convenient store and bought small foods. "Come on we will eat at the park" he walked her to a bench. "So what you think" he asks looking at Kai Li eating. "It's good" she responds. "Hey you know that now I won't take this off " he pointed at the hat. "Good you look really nice in it" she laughed looking at the it. "I don't want to buy you food I kinda wanna get you something" he still felt guilty. She got him something nice. "Why I already have what I need" she paused looking at him "I have a new sweater and I have you". She playful pushed him to the side. "Come on I can't stand it anymore" he grabbed her hand making her drop her drink. "My drink" she said like a child loosing their ice cream. The two went into a store Jackson looked at everything. He saw something his and her style. They were matching bracelets he got one with a K and J. Ki Li just stood by a mirror while he held a black sweater with a pastel Purple Heart in the middle. "Jackson look theres a movie that will show soon lets go watch it and then we can go to dinner." She looked at her phone and then looked up to see Jackson looking at a pair boots. She just laughed on how cute he was being to find her something. "Try these on" he said carrying a pair of black boots. "Okay" she just smirk. She tried on the shoes while he looked nervously. She stood up and looked at him. "Perfect" he said making his way to the registration. "Here give me your wrist so everyone will know not to take you because your mine" he tied the bracelet. She looked at him surprised. She liked how he took care of her and how she can be herself. "You two are the cutes thing I have ever seen" the lady giving them their bag said. "Oh thank you" Jackson said surprised looking at Kai Li waiting for him. "She the best thing that has happened to me" he whispered to the lady. She just giggled. Kai Li from the door saw Jackson whispering to her ear and her giggle. She had a vibe that she didn't like. She usually doesn't get jealous I mean she couldn't believe that she got jealous of Rave and his own mom. He was just too perfect and her smile went to a worried attitude to what if one day some other girl comes in and he falls for her and leaves her. How will she sleep, show her true colors, and how will she not be lonely and how will she love. He walks to Kai Li "come on what time is that movie at" he puts his arm around her shoulders. She had space out a little and did a small jump "you okay" he asks her. "Oh yea just got distracted. It's in 34 minutes I think we can make it" she looked at her phone. She didn't even mention the girl and tried to not get jealous.

During the movie Kai Li tried to stay awake but with all the walking and barely eating lunch to fuel her up she fell asleep. She likes action and comedy movies she leaves the romance to k-dramas but the movie was a slow romance and it was the only one on. Jackson held her hand in his and leaned his head on hers. He looked down to her wrist and played with her bracelet. His thoughts were how their futures were going to be like when they go back. "We will be okay just relax" she whispered to him. "I know" he said back.

The two went for dinner and afterwards headed to a bridge where their will be a firework showing. During the show Kai Li just stared at the sky relaxed and calm. She leaned on the fence. Jackson stood right next her and just looked up. "Hey after everything settles we should go travel with others" she looked towards the ocean. Jackson walked up to the fence and leaned against it, right next to her "Travel?" "Yea why not it'll be fun" she looked at him from the side. "Well I don't care as long I am with you" he looked at her looking at him. They looked at each for a couple of seconds smiling at each other. Jackson came closer from behind. Kai Li looked out to be startled by two hands wrapping around her from the behind. Jackson wrapped his hands around her small body he rested his chin her left shoulders. They both looked through out the water. It was peaceful with them being with each other.

Jackson and Kai Li were at a food stand Kai Li told him that she would wait over by the table. Jackson got two hot drinks. He stood by the stand waiting for his order. Kai Li looked down on her phone see her photos that her and Jackson took that day. "Excuse me pretty lady what are you doing here alone at this time." She looked up to see 4 middle age men standing in front of her. She looked down on her phone "I'm not alone I am with my boyfriend". She didn't even bother looking their way. "Your one to lie because your scared" he squared down and touch her thighs. Kai Li looked at him with anger and pushed his hands off "don't touch me". "Haha your a hard one listen just stay calm" he touch her again getting closer. She felt invaded and scared "Jack-"she was pulled down and a hand was put over her mouth. "You really are a loud one two" the man said angrily with the others surrounding her. Jackson was helping a person with directions that when he heard half of his name being yelled he turned to check up on Kai Li. He was angry seeing 4 men bothering her. He saw a man with his hands on her mouth and her thighs. He ran up furious. "Don't touch her" the man looked at his hand being grabbed by another. Kai Li looked away from the men to see Jackson. She quickly got up and ran behind him. "Oh so are you the boyfriend" one of the men that stay silent said. "Go away or I will call the cops on you" he said holding Kai Li behind him. "Why get the law involved how about we deal with it like men" another man said with them four surrounding them. People were watching. "Your not men but cowards"he said back. "Jackson lets go people are watching" she shook his shirt to get her out of there. "Huh what a bunch of kids bothering us men, get them guys" he commanded. Jackson turned quickly to grab her arm. They both ran. A small whole was up their way. Jackson pulled Kai Li in. She hugged his chest as the space was small. The men kept running with out knowing anything. They both panted in between each other breathes. Jackson just hugged Kai Li. "You okay" he said breathless. She nodded yes resting her head on his chest. "Thank you" she hugged him back. Their heart were both beating fast and the emotions between them. "Lets go home your probably tired" he moved back putting his one arm over her shoulders and the other helping her out from out the hole. Kai Li trip but was secured by Jacksons arms. "Can you walk"he looked at her. "Yea it's fine" she said back. They took the bus back to the hotel it was quiet ride back. Kai Li felt pain in her ankle and was grabbing her right leg as it was her right ankle. Jackson looked at her hand he knew she was hurt. "Does it hurt" he asked. "Yea I think I need to put ice on it." She said trusting him. Kai Li was scared to be a burden on him as he might get hurt because of her. "Okay when we get off don't walk on that foot to much I will help you" he said to help her calm down. He wasn't going to carry her as she still might feel like a burden so he wanted to be caution of her injury but her feelings. They finally reached their destination Jackson helped her walk. Opening the door Jackson closed it behind him helping Kai Li sit her in the bed and take her shoes off. Jackson put medicine on her ankle. She laid down on the bed. "thank you for today" she said to make him feel better that her day wasn't so bad. "Why are thanking me silly girl" he leaned down to give her a kiss on the forehead he looked her the eye. She sat up "Because I told you to stop protecting me but I couldn't help my self even with the humans" she looked down. "Haha it's fine, you might be a strong girl but remember your still girl so men are dogs trust me once you become stronger you will be making them run away from you. So be don't be so hard on yourself."he sat down next her and pulled her into a hug. "So if men are dogs, does that mean you and the boys are too" she smirked at teasing him. "No not me, I don't know about the boys but the only guy your allowed to look at or be with is me got it" he pulled her back to make eye contact and pulled her back into his arms. "Yeah, yeah I know" she laughed hugging him back.

Hi guys so guys the name "Kai Li" is the Chinese name for "Carrie". So if you see "Carrie" it's the same name just in different languages also I will be sure to go back and fix any grammar mistakes Thank you and enjoy ✨✊🏻🦋

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