Chapter 33

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Kai Li is the most powerful goddess she can use all the spells of any god or goddess but when she does them they turn it a stronger force making it her own. She looked into Jacksons eyes "Jackson let me do a spell" she begged him. He new the outcome the spell was going to bring. The boys got up and all stood in front of her and Jackson they too stood up. "Aren't you going to ask us who we are" Heechul stop the boys and spoke out to Kai Li. Her gaze went from Jackson to him. Jackson rembered his powers it was to control minds "don't look him in the eye" he jumped in front of her covering her eyes. "Jackson let go of me now" she didn't sound so sweet. "Can't you just listen to me for once and stay behind me" he whispered. "I have something to say" she told him loosening his grip. She looked Heechul straight in the eye. He tried to control her feelings. "What the hell" he mumbled to himself. "What having trouble controlling me" she walked so close to him he took a step back. "I don't care what you and Jackson have to fight about but if you kill him, I kill you if you kidnap me and my friend again or hurt any of them I will kill you" she said sharply. "Who are you" he came to close for her comfort. "If I see you again who knows what I will do" she looked him the eye. He was pissed and annoyed that Jackson had barley no scratches and he did he had bruises even the other were out of breathe bleeding and broken bones while Kai Li only was bleeding from small scratches. "I am going home" she turned back limping to Hani. The others were getting up. Jackson just looked at Heechul. "I don't know why you came here but don't get my girlfriend involved" he walked towards the direction of Kai Li. "She wants to get married to you" Heechul yelled out. Jackson stopped and thought back to those words. Kai Li helping Hani looked at Jackson. "That's why I have to kill you because she only loves you" he turned around to Jackson. Kai Li stopped at his words. Who is her and marriage? "She even told me to kill your girlfriend but I want to kill you" he was angry. Jackson didn't look back at him he look at Kai Li. Kai Li was shocked that he can't still look at her "Hani I am sleeping over your place" she was angry and didn't want to know or fight. "Ahh my arm " she cried out. The two limping girls left they didn't look back at the boys. Kai Li had to much on her hand to deal with more problems. She thought to her why she wouldn't ask or do anything. Jackson turned around and looked at him in the eye angry consumed him he was getting out of control. "Don't touch her or I will kill you" his fist shook. Heechul just smirked of frustration. He walked away from them being followed by the boys. "Doesn't she know that your in the middle of a mission" Youngjae said annoyed. "She wants Kai Li to die"Jackson sighed.

"Don't move let me just" Hani was struggling to put a face mask on Kai Li. "Yah why is it so cold" she tried to escape. The door bell rang and Kai Li and Hani looked towards the door. They were in Hani's room. "Is it the boys" she said to Kai Li. She thought about them and was hoping it's not. "RAVE" Hani's father said out loud. The two girls look at each other in panic and ran to the door. "Yah I am not going to do anything to you, can I just come in" she begged and bowed. "Let's talk outside" Kai Li pulled her to sit in the front table out side. "Talk" Hani said strict. It surprised both girls where they even looked at each other weird. "There is a new girl on the team and my dad is going for a vacation I don't want to be alone with her" she complained like a child. "Where is Suzy" Kai Li asked nicely. "She with her boyfriend on a trip" she looked down. "Let's do a contract" Kai Li said. "What" she s looked shocked. "Give me you hand if you come after me and kill me or do anything to go against me you get poisoned" Kai Li grabbed her wrist. Kai Li took this as an opportunity to keep an eye on Rave and her Father. "Wait for how long" she stopped the process. "Until you tell me to take it off" she looked at her annoyed. "Thanks" she said back. The girls explained to the parents and went to Hani's room. "So what's the new girl like" Hani asked Rave. "She's nice" Rave was placing a face mask on herself. "So" Kai Li ate from a bag of chips. "Yea what's wrong with that" Hani backed her up. "No guys I mean it's a weird nice like creepy nice" Rave looked at them serious. "Oh my look at this Rave has been shaken" Kai Li laughed shaking her body. The girls laughed and Rave was not feeling good. "You'll see tomorrow" she said with an uneasy face. It was quiet for a while the girls read magazines played games on their phones took pictures and ate food. Kai Li was on the floor trying to take a nap. "So what about you and Jackson" Rave sat right by her. "They got into a fight" Hani sighed. "Really" her eyes opened wide. "It's not that I just need to think" Kai Li said. "What happened" Rave ate a cookie. "Marriage" Kai Li got up from her laying down. "I want to know more about him he knows to much about me" Kai Li was upset. The girls looked at her sad and confused. "I don't know why but every time I try to get to know him, he just says "I just survived my past that's it" like what's that supposed to mean ugh it so freakin frustrating" she slammed her pillow on her face. The girls saw Kai Li tired and just came to her. "But I don't know why every time I see him I'm happy safe and my heart beats different, my whole body shakes" a tear escaped has she tried to fight them. Hani didn't think much to hug and give her comfort.

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