Chapter 34

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Jia was choking and grabbing Kai Li's hand when she flipped her. "You see your just a witch" she steps close to Kai Li which landed on her feet. Jackson got right in front of her before she touched her again. "Don't touch her and go away just leave" he was pissed. "I can't I am going to marry you and have my child with you" she said with a smile.  Kai Li watched her just smile and she read Jackson body and he was not feeling great about the situation he was tired pissed and angry. He was going to go crazy. He wasn't happy and he was being his protective way. Kai Li read him up and down. His muscles were getting tense. "Your still insane" he gave up taking a step back. Kai Li stopped him she felt him over heat. She moved in front of him to protect him. "Leave him alone" she held his hand behind her back. "You still seem to be in the way I guess I will have to kill you myself" she froze in taking a step forward and saw one of the council men grab her. "We need to see you at the head quarters" the tall man said taking her away. Jackson turned Kai Li around and held her tight whispering in her "let's go for a drink please". She was tired like him. "I will pick some up on the way home but I think you have fever I will take you home" she grabbed his hand walking to the boys and telling them he was under the weather. On the way out of the camp Jackson collapsed Kai Li was off guard and quickly picked him up she put one of his arms on her shoulders and helped him walk. They finally appeared at the cabin Yuri helped by having Kai Li put him on her back and she carried him to the room. "Yuri can you do me a favor" She asked her. "What is it" she offered to help. "Can you go to the bus stop and bring what Miss Kim gives you and then can you go to the camp and go help the boys" she begged. "Okay but is he okay" she walked to the door turning back to her. "Yea he's fine" she looked back Jackson and lied because he was not. Yuri left and Jackson was the bed weak he was light headed and could barley move his muscles. Gods and goddess get sick but it's very rare even if they battles for years they can become sick out of no where for example Kai Li has been tortured but never got sick. Jackson was breathing heavy his skin was pale and and he was burning up. Sweat was on his forehead. He was scared but he's never been attached to a girl like this before what was it. He hated her being alone and he hated her being scared and hide. He was on his bed laying down he could barley see but he saw a girl walk into the room with a bow and a rag. She placed it to the side and sat by his side. Jackson saw the girl and it was Jia he soon sat up and grabbed her wrist from touching him. Jackson was angry and wanted to kill her he squeezed her wrist "why can't you just leave me alone" he said pissed. "Jackson your hurting me ow and if you want to be alone fine but let go of me" the girl spoke. "Jia you deserve to die don't go near Kai Li" he pushed her off him. The girl looked at him with a blank face. "Jackson" the girl stood up. He jumped out of bed and raised his hand to slap her but was stopped when he saw Kai Li. She stood in front of him worried and frighten about his action. He was having hallucinations. Kai Li looked him in the eye she saw him fight his tears back has he put his hand down. Jackson was going crazy that he almost hit Kai Li. He had squeezed her wrist and almost hurt her. He looked down confused and was dizzy almost collapsing again. Kai Li caught him and walked him to the bed "okay here we go again". She sat him on the bed he kept looking down on himself. She moved her hand through his hair to try to get his attention. He looked up at her and grabbed her hand and placed it on his cheek. She look at his face warmly "do you wanna talk about it" she said soft. "Your still by my side" he said weak. "You told me to trust you" she tried to get eye contact. "Can you stay here with me" he looked up to her. She nodded yes and he pulled her close to him. She comforted him as he hugged her small body. He tucked his head by her neck and hugged her body. "Your not the only one with a dark past" he send in her ear. "It's fine just relax" she closed her eyes and pulled him in close to her.
"It was at party that the Gods were having. The boys and I were hanging out with Heechul and his guys before we were actually really good friends. Heechul had a crush on a goddess there at the party I just didn't know who it was. A girl was hanging out by the drinks drunk" he paused not saying anything.
"Was it Jia" Kai Li had her eyes closed but breathed out the question. "Yea I went to go get a drink and she almost fell. Back then it was my last party before I went back earth. She looked me in the eye and said she loved me and just kissed me out of know where I pushed her off but it was too late Heechul and his guys attacked me. I nearly died that day if it wasn't for JB and the others I would have died. Well the days after that anybody I tried to hang out with she killed them she poisoned me three times. I was scared. I was weak she was insane. I didnt sleep or eat or do anything. That's when she attacked my family and other gods. Those gods and my parents took action and killed her parents. But When she tried to kill my mom I tried to kill her but I failed. But two years ago I thought I finally killed her when I attacked her again. She was going to search for you and you be her weapon. Your mom was of course locked up. The fights and things that me and the boys had fought against that lunatic and Heechul is insane I survived and when I came to the camp at first I hated you because what you did to those people but then I realized you weren't dangerous but a safe zone for me I fell in love with you because you finally put me sleep peacefully and show me life again I guess that's why I won't leave you I need you" he just spoke out and she listened each and every word he said she too had tears fall from how he was tortured by a powerful goddess when he was weak. "Jackson your strong now so this time you can get rid of her" she whispered to him. "Can you stay by my side forever" Jackson looked up to her in tears. "Yes because I love you" she looked at him. The two got closer and kissed each other. They exchange their breathe and lips. Jackson tasted the strawberry coming off her he grabbed her hand and kissed her down her side neck. She breathed hard from his lips touch her skin gently. He came back up and kissed her lips she wrapped her arms around his neck. He touched her skin has he put his hands underneath her shirt touching her skin. The two kissed and Jackson kissed her side cheek and neck up her collar bone. Each time his lips touch her skin her body felt butterfly's and her heart beat went faster. He came back up and kissed her lips. He kissed her lips as if it was the taste that gave him life and energy. The two hugged each other and kissed one another until their last breathe. It felt like he couldn't breathe and her lips was his air.

"Who are you to attack a original memeber of this camp" the council men starting to question Jia at her actions on Kai Li. "You guys want to kill her too" she sat on the other side of the table. All the council men stood still to her words. "But guess what I don't work well with others" she got up and with a blink of an eye she killed all the council men. Blood covered her body in every inch. Heechul came through the door. "Do we clean it up" he said. "No because I didn't do it" she smirked at them walking away.
Rave and Hani were asked to come in as witnesses and the sight of their eyes made them throw up. "Their all dead" Hani put her hand on her mouth. "I'm calling my dad" Rave walked out of the room and got on the phone. He didn't pick up the call. "I'm going to get the boys" Rave ran to the boys which were outside waiting. She came a few seconds where even the boys were disgusted. "Shit now we might have a problem" JB spoke out. Yuri walked in to see the commotion "I know who did this" she was getting aggressive. "That bitches daughter is still alive Jia" she had not know before of the situation but from the work of how she killed the men she knew who it was. "Call Kai Li now I will get ahead start back to the cabin" Yuri ran out the room. Back at the cabin Kai Li was cooking soup. Her phone was in Jackson room on the night stand. In the bed Jackson heard something viberate. He grabbed Kai Li's phone and looked at the scene to see YoungJae caller name. "Hey what's-" Jacksons was interupted by a yell "get Kai Li out of their now" Youngjae yelled through the phone. Jackson sat up quickly to be followed by a glass breaking at the bottom. Jackson ran out the room down stairs. His vision was dizzy. Jackson almost tripped finding Yuri dead asleep on the floor and Kai Li was holding a half broken glass bottle. Kai Li looked up at Jackson shaking in fear of harming Yuri. The feline soon got her senses back together. "That hurt" she muffled out. "Well why would you sneak up behind me" she yelled back in frustration. Jackson breathed out air as a sign of relief. He leaned towards the wall for support. Kai Li dropped the broken bottle and ran to help Jackson.  "I got you" she helped him to the couch. He sat on the couch the phone was still going on he looked at her phone and she looked at him clueless. "What the heck Young Jae Kai Li is fine" he yelled with anger on the phone. "Wait what? did Yuri get there" Young Jae asked through the phone. "Yes what the hell is going on" his voice shaked with anger. "Nothing just rest bye" Young Jae said quickly and hanged up the phone. Jackson looked at the call end all that was going through is mind is what Jia did. Kai Li stood by him when on the phone and at the end of the call Jackson looked spaced out she turned around to Yuri "what happened". Yuri looked confused but thought about it for a while. "I am confused about that too I am going to track her to the camp don't open the door to anybody stay here" Yuri instructed them walking out the cabin. Kai Li tried to follow but a hand stopped her. She turned to Jackson who was weak but still fighting "let's go to the basement we will stay safe down there" he looked her in the eye. Kai Li looked at him worried not about her but about him "Jackson". He stood up a little dizzy "Jia knows where we live maybe that's why Yuri came here something happened and it's not good" he grabbed her hand and they made their way to the basement. They entered a dark stairway. Down stairs was a small room with everything you need to survive an emergency. Kai Li went up the stairs and locked the door she came back done. Jackson laid on the bed breathing heavy. She grabbed one of the blankets and covered him with it. She took care of him the same way he did for her. She sat on a short stool to be at his same height. She continuesly checked him.

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