Chapter 14

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The boys got home tired and stressed late that night. They ran everywhere to look for Kai Li. They couldn't find her. They came back to get Yuri to help them. They enter the house exhausted and yuri woke up. "Yuri! " Yugyeom called for. "Shhh" she shut him up. "Yuri you don't understand we ..." JB states to talk to her. "Go get cleaned and then talk to me or I won't listen you guys smell" they do as she says and sprint up to get changed because they know that she will really not listen. Jackson and Mark are the first up the stairs. They split and went their ways. Jackson slams his door opened and runs to his jacket. Kai Li sound asleep turns in his bed to get comfortable. Jackson breathes out with relief. He goes down and sits against his drawers. Yuri walks in. "She came 20 minutes ago she tried to sleep on the couch but it didn't work once she was in your bed she fell straight to sleep. Stay with her for a while I will tell the others" she walked out the room and told the others. Jackson sat on BamBam's bed just across his and looked at her sleeping.

45 minutes have already passed and not too long ago Jackson also fell a sleep but being woken up by crying, and mumbling. He sat to look at Kai Li. He saw tears come from eyes she moved and mumbles to herself. It didn't take him long to know that she was scared. He moved into the covers and carried her body to rest over his. He put his arms over her and hugged her patting her head. "Don't worry it's okay" he whispered. Kai Li not knowing any thing that she was doing she put her body closer to him only breathes away and latch on him. "Your funny you know" he smirk to her reaction. "Jackson" she mumbled. Jackson eyes looked down on her. "Jackson I am scared" she mumble. She got closer and put head under his chin resting on his chest. "I know it's okay I am here" Jackson whispered back. He didn't know what it was but he kept thinking about her. He thought how she can be dangerous. How her mind works. How she has been questioning herself for years. Has she been crying in her sleep alone since she was little. How she can be interesting, fun , and the biggest is beautiful. She has been betrayed by everyone because she was being herself.

The next morning Kai Li and Jackson were still latch on to each other when Jacksons clock rang. Jackson removed one arm and shut it off putting it back around her. Ka Li was woken up by the ring. She slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes opened when she notice how close Jackson to her. She scanned all of this features and saw how he had her in his arms. Kai Li shot up and pushed him off the bed. She was shocked she remembered falling asleep alone. "What the heck happened last night" she said confused. "You slept over last night" Jackson said rumbling his head. Kai Li looked at the sheets and then the door, she grabbed her bag and shoes. Kai Li left the room and left Jackson speechless and confused. Making her way to the door she saw Yuri sitting in the kitchen looking at Youngjae and Mark cook breakfast. "Oh good morning " Mark said checking up on the food heating up.  Kai Li looked around the place and walked up to Yuri pulling her to the living room. Kai Li looked behind her, still unsure of everything. She has been a burden to the boys and she doesn't want to hurt them so she tries to have people hate her. "Let's get outta of here" Kai Li whispers. She and Yuri looked as the other boys including Jackson come down. " have you decided to live longer." Yuri shouted. The boys all looked at them and Jackson stopped walking and look at Kai Li putting her hand over Yuri's mouth. She hasn't decided on the topic of life. She might not even choose to live because she's scared of being herself. "So what's you answer" The boys besides Jackson said it. She looked at them on how they have been trying to save her. They had their fingers crossed wishing and hoping. But she was the person to ruin moments she didn't know why they liked being around or why they were nice they will just turn into the others and betray her. "Can I ask you all a question" she says straight up looking at them all. "Why? Why do you wanna save me so bad?" she asked them. "Well we -" they stuttered. "Look thanks for being nice but I am going to go back" she stated. "But what about your life are you really considering to die" Jackson yelled to her. Opening the door she didn't look back "you will find out soon" she walked out. "KAI LI" he shouted following her but it was too late she was already gone.

Kai Li didn't go to the cave. She walked and breathe the woods air. She laid down on the hills with her earbuds in her ears. She saw images of her and the boys having fun at the amusement park. They were the first people to bring a smile to her face even her old friends couldn't do that. They showed many things. She laughed, screamed, and was safe even when her ex friends came to mess her up they were there. She saw how her life was going to end. She saw hatred and she was, what people hated the most. She dreamed of living on the moon alone. She was unique and fresh breeze of weird but beautiful. She didn't know it but someone does care about her. Kai Li at up to notice a pack of wolves, deer, bear, and more. She was alone again.

"What do you think will happen to her" Yugyeom said worried.
Jackson left the cabin to go look for Kai Li. He couldn't find her any where. Yuri look for her at the cave and the boys went to the camp. No one found her. The sun was going down Kai Li was still at the hill listening to music. She saw the sun set alone. She didn't really know what was going to happen. It took him the whole day to look her Jackson saw a small black dot from a far. The sun was finally down it was 6 o'clock. Kai Li took her earbuds off. She felt him near she was curious why he followed. She wasn't scared when he was around he made her feel free. Jackson breathless was behind her he walk and sat next her looking at her look at the sky. His heart beat change and his chest was pounding. He saw her at peace.

"Those files and the two people I killed" Kai Li mumbling. "The first person I killed it wasn't me I was just at the scene" people saw only a monster in her. They didn't know the truth but she was about to tell Jackson even if they haven't know each other that long. It was because she felt a force with him. " I don't know why I am telling you this" she put her chin on her knees and hug them. "You already know what I am don't you. I am goddess and the daughter of the most powerful one. Those files were the people that the camp master had me to train with. He killed them all and labeled me as witch. He came into my life with Rave when I was nine. That picture you saw the girl smiling was me. I used to happy. When one knight and followed by the ours I was tortured and abuse. I was made to kill everything but I didn't. For the first time I really did want to kill someone and I did but I didn't feel anything it was like I was used to be called a killer" she looked at him. " the camp master destroyed me sense of life Yuri was with my mom so she left me to the camp master. She came back once she found out about the master." A tear fell from her eyes. She looked back at the sky with only fear. Jackson looked at her speak he couldn't even believe what she has been through. "what about Rave" he ask out spoken. "She laughed at me cry she only puts an act she was the one who did those things to those people a Goddess can kill a person in an instant" she started to pet the rabbit that was next to her.

"Your not the only one" he spoke out looking at the sky. "Do you know what I am?"
She look at him with curious eyes. "I am a God" her eyes eyes opened and her body became stiff. She started to think about him and how she felt safe. "I know how you feel I mean I was never abused but people hated me and were scared" Jackson laid back on the ground. "Wait what about the others are they also" she jumped up and sat up where her face was over his. "No I am the only one" he stared at her eyes that shined. "Aren't you scared" she says with attitude. "No why would I be" he said with a smirk. She giggled her way back down laying next him. "You know I have never talked to anyone as long as this before so consider yourself lucky" he turns around to what she said and answers her "I hope we can have more talks like this" she turned to see him looking at her. "Jackson-"
"Your going live"
"I have nothing and I just want to rest for now"
"Your wrong when I saw you at the bathroom that night we met there was something that didn't feel right. I got curious when I saw those files and when I saw you fight, it was different from anything else. When you used your power I knew that only goddesses can do that. I figured you out but I saw something else in you."
"What my bad attitude with everyone"
"No I saw that you were just like me I just didn't know you were alone and used and treated like shit by everyone."

They both went into a deep silence still looking at the each other. Jackson broke the silence "your also wrong about having nothing you have me now". She looked at him and thought about what life would be with him. He saw her for her and not the monster everyone knows her as. The laid there for 45 min. Kai Li felt a burn in her chest for awhile but didn't say anything. She woke up see her surroundings. She saw the time and it around 7:30. She had finally thought about it and decided. She saw Jackson sleeping right next to her. She felt safe and now they know each other.

What did she decide? I don't know I am just really bored at school (I have no friends). 😅🤷🏻‍♀️💚

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