Chapter 9

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After lunch everyone went back to there practice areas. Kai Li was sitting on the floor with her eyes closed. At that time someone came to sit by her. It was Rave. "Hey" she said soft while taking a book out.
Kai Li didn't talk to her and just ignore the girl. "So where do you sleep now?" She asked Kai Li.
Kai Li was angry and wanted to be left alone. Everyone was practicing except them.
"Alright everyone come here so we can go over a plan for a special mission we have tomorrow." Jinyoung called for everyone.
Kai Li stood up making her way when she noticed three poison cuts open up on her left wrist. She made a small noise not to loud for everyone to hear but someone sensed the poison quick.
Jackson quickly looked towards Kai Li to see her hold her wrist.
As everyone was getting together Jackson walked around everyone as he walked around Kai Li, they made eye contact soon his eyes went looking down when he saw the wrist. She hid her wrist and continued to listen to her task. Jackson just looked at her back and her holding her wrist. He new what was up but stills held back to go up to her especially when the council was watching.

After practice everyone went their way.
"Kai Li-" Jackson was cut off by his mind when seeing Rave run after her.
Jackson took action for himself and followed just in case but in his mind he really thought that Kai Li showed the tough act to much.
Jackson hurried and told the boys to go without him and ran behind Rave while Rave ran behind Kai Li.
Kai Li finally made it to the cave and dropped down on her bed. Her body facing up to look at the bats on the roof. She took a couple of inhales and exhales when she grabbed her knife throwing it towards the opening of the cave. "Go away or I won't miss next time and stop following me like a lost child" she spoke out impatient.
"Can we please talk" Rave said concerned.
"She doesn't even know that you are following her ttchh" she sent a mind message to Jackson.
Jackson from a far got it and just laughed on how he already knows about her power.
"I don't want to talk I want to sleep so leave or I will make you go back to the camp in blood" she snapped back
"Do you think you have the right to speak to me that way"
"So what do you care you threw me out let me remind you and the master so I don't want to hear it"
"Alright fine I am going to admit that I threw you out but you wanna know the truth I threw you out because I was scared you would kill me you know I have never felt one bit happy or comfortable around you like I do with the others. Everyone is always scared of me because of you" she snapped back yelling at Kai Li in anger.
"I never told you to follow me, and we are not friends and I didn't care why would I waste my life to a kill a nothing in this world you are already dead so I don't care" Kai Li shut her eyes telling her calmly.
"A nothing well this nothing delt with your sorry-" she was interrupted when Ka Li stood out in front of her face
"I never forced you or told you to stay by me you didn't have to do that so stop with the fucking excuses" Kai Li raise her voice in anger.
"What ever fine but this is the last time I am looking after your ass be careful with those boys"
"They are dangerous and they will kill you"
Kai Li looked confused still looking at the girls back. A few moments she relaxed she smirked "so your dangerous and your going to kill me haha" Jackson didn't know if it was okay if he can come in or go fuck off. Jackson stood his so Rave won't see him as Rave left and made his way to Kai Li.
Kai li laid on her bed with her eyes closed. Jackson can't read any emotions off of her but sadness and betrayal. He soon walked up to her and sat at the edge.
"So your going to kill me how nice" she just spoke out.
"Kai Li are you okay like, in the mental state" he said sarcastically. They both just stayed in silence.

Without noticing it was morning and Jackson fell asleep at the cave.
"Yah Yah Hello Hey GOODMORNING DEADBEAT" Jacksons body was shocked awake when water was poured all over him. Wiping his eyes and looking up to see a blurry figure.
"I think he's awake you can stop yelling" Yuri said annoyed
"Wake up wake up" she sang jumping up and down
Once getting his vision he saw Kai Li. "Why is it so cold and why are you here let me sleep we don't have to be there until 8:00 also tell Bam Bam to turn off the air condition." He just continued blabbing to her not even remembering that he slept over. Kai Li and Yuri looked at each other at the same time confused and they both started to laugh.
"Hey brain fart your at my place and I live in a cave remember so get up it takes us an hour to get to the camp." She said hitting him with a pillow. Just hearing Kai Li shocked him out of bed, he looked at her smiled and just like that everything went out of picture but her smile. Just staring out at her he was shocked when Yuri jumped at him. "She's changing go outside now" biting down on his clothes and pulling him outside. "Just wait right here don't go anywhere, I have to talk with you anyways" she walked back in to help Kai Li with something.

Later she walked out.a
"Okay young man we need to talk because when I saw you the last time was when I picked Kai Li up"
"Okay but can I ask one question before you start with the questions"
"Yes" she said confident. "Who are you or what are you"
"I am Yuri and I am-" she got interrupted when Jackson spoke in surprise. " you are a mutant cheetah here to care of Kai Li you were sent to her by her mother" just staring into the young boys eyes she was speechless. "H-how... Hey their I don't know who you are and stop giving a very stalker vibe off of you."
"Can we talk farther away I don't want her hearing us" he walked out toward the forest.
"It's okay I put up a barrier that she can't hear anything."
"Okay listen to me clearing I know a way to save her" he said concerned.

My schools doesn't do anything so I have a lot time on my hands and I have no friends so yea please enjoy💜🖤

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