Chapter 27

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Jackson was walking alone at night to get some air when he received a text from Miss Kim. "Come and pick her up we are at a food stand by my shop" she texted him of picture of Kai Li crying over chopsticks. Jackson was a mess in his mind but he is not the only one. Jackson thought back to when Kai Li left, Rave started to flirt with him and he couldn't take it anymore he just wanted to hold Kai Li and have her be the only girl he holds. She made him happy and strong with her. He liked how she makes him laugh at her loosing to games or how she try's to be cute and dances to music. She searches jokes online to make him laugh and how she cries over a character that dies in a drama. She wasn't so dangerous like everyone knew her. She was a kind girl that just hid in the dark.

"1 step & 2 step girl everybody wanna makes that noise ....." Jackson heard a familiar voice from a far and walked towards it. The next thing he saw was Miss Kim sitting across a drunk girl that had gone through 10 beers. "Why did you let her drink" he complained. "She looked like she needed it" was all Miss Kim could say. "Yah have you ever seen how cute it is when Jackson gets when he and Mark play basketball with Yuri" she laughs lifting her head up her cheeks were burning red
and she was 100% drunk. "Haha she can't even hold the ball but he still plays with her" she laughed more. "Kai Li come lets go home" he tells her exhausted. "No one more beer I like thinking about Jackson" she turns away from him. "Kai Li it's me" he bent down to her, showing her his face. "Omo wow it's actually him isn't he handsome Miss" she pulls him close to show off. "Yes he is" she laughs. "Well he's mine you can't take him. I will be scared if he leaves" she pouted like a child. "It'll be to hard to live. Because if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have ever smiled. But I feel like I don't want to hold him back from loving another women. I mean I don't want him to feel sorry for me. " she looked sincere. Those word hit him so hard she felt like she was still a burden to him but she loved him so much that it hurt her. "Jackson will life get better"she looked at his face and lips and then eyes as her tears flowed down. "Kai Li" he and her have war but will they make it. From the amount of alcohol she passed out dropping her head on his shoulders. "She's scared but she is slowly accepting herself" Miss Kim said with strength.

"Hard carry ah let it flow let flow now..." she sang quietly to herself laying on Jackson back. "Kai Li can I tell you something" he sounded relaxed. "You believe in unicorns" she said with excitement but dizzy. "Well not exactly" he answered her. "Oh that sucks their pretty cool" she said cutely. It made him laugh a little how cute she was being. "Hey you know I love you more than anything right" he said.
"Wait really"
"Haha your the first girl that has ever made me smile and feel happy about love"
"Can I tell you a secret I get really jealous when you smile or hold hands with other girls. I never showed it because you might get annoyed and leave."
"Kai Li you see that bracelet on your wrist I have the same one. We are one and you are my only one you make feel great and you make me work for you and your happiness"
"Don't you get tired"
"No because when I see you smile it's like I won the world"
"Wow what a man you sure are charming"
"Haha but just know I am never going to stop loving you and if it hurts I will deal with the pain if you stop loving me"
"Your my first friend, my best friend you saved me, you make happy and feel like I am worth something I love you"
"Say the last part one more time"
"What I love you"
"Haha I love you to"

"Ahh my head" Kai Li complained walking down stairs. Her vision was blurry still trying to wake up. She almost trip by missing one of the steps but Yugyeom caught her from falling. "You okay" he asked. She turned and was confused "yea" she stood for a few seconds. "Come I made a hangover soup for you" BamBam helped Jinyoung to set the table. "Hangover?" She tried to remember last night. A small flashback from last night came up to her head "no one more beer I like thinking of Jackson". "Fuck" she rubbed her hair everywhere. "Is Jackson up" she asked curiously. "You know what never mind give me a second" she ran upstairs. And straight to the bathroom. She closed the door and looked at herself in the mirror. "Stupid, stupid remember" she hit her head to knock some sense. She wiggle her headed sided to but stop to see a familiar person with a towel around his waist and towel cover over half of his head. "JACKSON OH MY GOD" she took a step back. His upper body was showing. "I need to fix that lock" he said in a joke way. "Uhh oh yea um let me just go you finish up okay I am leaving now sorry" she was embressed and every inch of her body was red. She stood out side the bathroom door hitting her head. Jackson was surprised but just laughed it out.

She walked behind Jackson as she didn't know what she said or did last night. Which was a little odd how she didn't feel weird to see him with his shirt off or anything as she was already use to it. "Do you have the list" he asked her. "Oh yea" she was clueless. "You okay" he looked behind her. "Yea why" she finally controlled herself. "I mean you seem nervous" he waited for her to be by her side. "Yea okay whatever lets just go."she said with no problem just her rebellious side coming out.
She walked passed him just to be pulled back and leaned on a tree. Jackson had one hand behind her head for comfort and the other on her side. "Tell me if your okay or not" he whispered in her ear making her shiver and her cheeks running red. "I know you better than anybody else" his face got closer to her face. She just smirked "you know me so much why don't you tell me about the person I am" she smirk and looked up and down his eyes and lips. "Your not a monster, your cute and make me laugh, your smart, you can be impatient sometimes, you love to listen to music, play video games, and your beautiful in all aspects but hotter and sexier when your in action" he got closer to her lips. "But your a ball of life when your drunk" he whispers moving back a little . "Haha you know who I am but not what I feel" she looks away from being flustered with the space and to get the topic of her drunk off. "You feel happy, scared, clueless, angry, loved, strong, sad, and the one you show less but it hurts you the most is jealousy" he looked her in the eye. "Jackson" she gave up, looking at him. "I told you, your a ball of life when your drunk" he moved back to looked at her hole face. Her eyes shot open in a flashback of last knight "Can I tell you a secret I get really jealous". 
"Looks like I am a ball of life when I am drunk" she giggled in losing with him.  She leaned back holding her own arms. "Why didn't you tell me you felt that way" he cared for her. "Looks like I did tell you" she put her head down looking at her hands. "Kai Li I don't want alcohol to take over you, for you to tell me important things like this" he said softer. "Jackson I don't know it's just when I see you my heart beats fast, my body starts to feel weird, my eyes only look at you, I really do love you. I feel safe when I am around you I feel like myself like I am something in life so I don't want to lose you" she looked him the eye. Her words synced in his heart, it was feeling for him she didn't want to let go she trusted and new she was safe around him. That's what made him go crazy those moments when he finally got her to speak of her feeling with him. He felt like the luckiest guy. "I love you and you only no one is going to take that away and I am finally happy that you are by my side" he moved her hair out of her eyes. "What are you talking about I have always been on your side" she was clueless. "Yea but you didn't mention at all about being a burden. You finally let me in. Man do I have to be the luckiest guy in the world to have such a girl as amazing as you are" he came back closer. She tasted his vanilla breathe and heat from his mouth as he got closer she did too. Both mouth collided and rubbed against each other. She kissed him back putting her arms around his neck and his around her.  She couldn't get enough of him and he had same feeling. He admired her as his lover. They took each of their breathes away.

"Cheese!" They both yelled with excitement. "Let's take a lot of this home" Jackson grabbed it like a little child sneaking food. "Yea but hey why do you want me to make food for lunch I mean the camp has free food" she checked the list and pushed the cart. "Oh yea about that, the boys got poisoned" he rubbed his back head. "So what's the problem-" she was clueless until it got to her and one second she stopped the cart and looked at him pissed "wait what?" she yelled people looked at them weird. "What do you mean they got poisoned" she whispered this time continuing to walk as he walked along her side. "The master threatened me if I held Rave's hand for her birthday I would have an antidote" he put his hands in his pockets. They kept walking. "It's good that you agreed" she had a sense of relief. "Yea, but it's only for a couple of hours" he looked at her worried if she might get mad. "Jackson I am not going to get jealous it was a threat and I care about the boys too I mean if Rave was a guy I would do the same" she gave him a sense of relief.
"Okay well then we have to cook three meals a day for 9" she marched pushing the cart Jackson followed behind her. "9?" He was clueless. "Look who's the clueless one now, did you forget about Yuri" she laughed playful hitting his arm. "Actually I forgot about everyone except you and me" he attacked her with a back hug. She laughed and let him be. It was their thing to be weird infront of everyone.

I have nothing to do but write hehe 😅✍🏻

My Goddess | Jackson Wang |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin