Chapter 29

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"Perfect" Kai Li and Hani said together giving high fives to each other. "You think we will make it" Kai Li look at Hani's phone. "Nah but it's better to be late than to never show up" she laughed. "Lets go then" Kai Li put her fist up.

At the party everyone was on two sides and the six boys stood behind Rave and Jackson which were in a arm lock. Rave asked for Suzy"where is Hani" she whispered. "I don't know" she whispered back. She was getting annoyed and Jackson was getting annoyed. "How much longer do we have to stand here" he whispers to her. "I have to welcome all my guest" she said girly. He was getting impatient and irritated. "Alright now we can start" she whispered tighting the grip on Jackson which pissed him off. "Hello everyone and -" she was interrupted by the security. "Excuse me Miss it's seem we have late comers" he announced. She was already angry but she had to keep her cool. "It's fine, please let them come in" she raised her free hand as a gesture. "Yes ma'am" he bowed. A tall, slim beautiful girl walked in. She had short hair, a diamond necklace and earring. Her dress was red and hugged her body and two floral strips coming from the back up to the front hang loose on her sides. Her heels where black and defined her legs perfectly. She had makeup and cherry red lipgloss on her lips, two bracelet on her left hand. Rave got more angry that who she saw dare come late. The dress code was to be in black and white while she was the only one who wore red. But the girl stood smiling waiting for someone else. The next girl came in after wards leaving even Jackson speechless. She wore her hair half way up and half way down, a red diamond flower held her hair in place. She wore a short red cocktail dress with long sleeves. She had black wedges on and a black laced choker. She wore black earrings and the bracelet she received from someone special. Everyone on each side gasped at the two. The boys loosened their arms from behind and their faces showed something else. "What are they doing together" Rave's entire body shivered. Hani arm locked Kai Li in a quick flash. The two walked down together in red dresses. They stopped in front of Rave. Jackson held in his laughter he thought what Kai Li was doing was a little risky but she didn't need to think anymore she knew what she had to do. "Hey guys welcome to my -" she was getting intrupted by Kai Li. "There's the food table" she pointed to the table not caring to much. "Lets go I haven't eaten" Hani pulled her as she was hungry. Kai Li turned back and winked at Jackson. He smirk a little at her act. Rave looked at him and shook him. He just rolled his eyes.

"Hey fat asses" Rave tapped both their backs, Jackson I was behind her like a security guard. Both Kai Li and Hani turned around. Kai Li had her arms crossed while Hani had a brownie in her mouth. "Happy Birthday Rave" Kai Li smirked. She then turned around to grab her drink. "Hani can I know why your with her" Rave titled her head to her. "Because I want to be" she responded. "That's not a good enough explanation" Suzy came from the side into the conversation. "She doesn't need to explain herself, back off" Kai Li said without a care in front of Suzy. The four girls were face to face with each other and Jackson was stepping back. "Hani you will become a loser if you hang out with her" Suzy had her eyes locked on Kai Li. "I was already a loser hanging out with you guys" Hani spoke out. "People will hate you" Rave spoke next. Hani's eyes were taken off when a person pulled her into his chest. "I won't hate her I will stay by her side" JB spoke out holding her in his arms. Hani's face got red and Kai Li just smiled at her. Hani wasn't sure what was happening, all Kai Li could do was move her hands to tell Hani to go have fun. "May I have this dance" JB held his hand and slowly Hani gave in and left with him. "I have to go my date is wait for me" Suzy said with frustration to her date Lee Min Ho the one that she was dating. "Wow how awkward it's just us three" Kai Li laughed. "What are you doing he told me you weren't going to come" Rave step forward to her. "Do you know the word Rebel" she took a sip from her drink. Jackson found out what she was doing. He too was surprised to see her. The amount of emotion that went through him was insane that when Rave tried to hold his hand in front of her he put his hands in his pocket and acted like he didn't know anything. "Yugyeom guys hey" Kai Li spotted the guys and waved at them taking her drink and herself to them. Jackson took his hands out before Rave could turn around and see and has Kai Li passed by him he slowly locked hands with her and quickly let her go as Rave was turning around Kai Li just passed by him .

Kai Li was talking with the guys when a slow dance came on. Hani was dancing JB and BamBam left the group to go look for a girl. Two other girls came and asked Jinyoung and Youngjae, they took the girls. It was just Mark, Yugyeom and her. Kai Li looked towards the dance to see Rave dancing with Jackson. "Help me" a voice came to her head it was Jacksons voice. "Haha give me time I too want to dance with you" Jackson was holding Raves hand to hear back from Kai Li when he tighten Raves hand and sent back a message "hurry please" . Even though he was dancing with a different girl he still stayed connected and thought about Kai Li. "Ah" Rave complained Jackson loosed his grip from her hand has he was hurting her. He did a sarcastic smirk "sorry".
"I have to go use the bathroom" Rave said with attitude and left Jackson on the dance floor alone. Two seconds she left someone tapped his shoulder. Jackson turned around to see his girl with her hand held out. "May I have this dance" Kai Li said with a smile. "My girl came to save me" he attacked her with a hug. She was surprised but she saw how much he missed her. He pulled her back and looked at her with a smile. "You know she will be back so hurry up and make up something" he said like a little kid. "I already did, Miss Kim taught me how to trick the body so her body thinks that the sushi she ate before is not settling in so well" she laughed at her mischievous plan. "But Jackson we rarely interacted with each other at camp and people think you Raves boyfriend" she was worried as some people were already watching them hug each other. "What do I care about what people think I love you not Rave so it doesn't matter, come let me at least dance with you" he grabbed her hands and pulled her close in his arms. He held her left hand up and wrapped his other around her waist. Kai Li came in close wrapping her left hand around and leaning her head in his chest. The two moved slowly side to side and dance. "You look beautiful tonight" he whispered to her. "Hani and the store lady helped me" she whispered back. "You look amazing"he wrapped her tighter. Everyone saw how close they were even JB and Hani smiled at them. "So it is true, they are a thing" Hani laughs to herself. "You should see them at home" JB told her.

The song had ended and both Kai Li and Jackson pulled apart but they didn't take their eyes off each other, she smiled when she noticed that someone standing from a far. She quickly let go of Jacksons arm. Jackson was confused and caught off guard to see Rave coming up from the side. "Sorry I danced one song with him" Kai Li said in an unpleasant attitude. "Oh it's fine" Rave turned to Jackson and quickly took a hold of head pulling him in. Everyone watch, Suzy in the back saying "getem girl". People talking all around. Rave did what she wasn't supposed to do kiss Jackson. Kai Li's hands curled in with anger, but when she accidentally laughed out hearing a voice in her head. Jackson didn't even notice it but he sent a message to Kai Li's head "this stupid bitch I am going to fucking kill you and when I do I will enjoy life with the girl I love. You will see Kai Li is the only one for me I will freaking kill you. God I hope she doesn't get mad we really need to kill these people." Rave was shocked to see Kai Li laugh. At first she looked pissed but hearing those words just made her feel comfortable. Kai Li walked closer to Jackson "so I guess I am the only one" she said with a smile. She then turned around "hey JB make sure you get Hani home okay". She turned back to see Jackson with a disappointing face, her voice came up to his head "you don't care what people say right?" that before he can understand Kai Li wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Jackson was surprised but he felt good and kissed her back. They both show passion and true feeling. Kai Li pulled away just enough to whisper to him "I love you". She took a step back "yah Rave I let you have my boyfriend for a couple of hours that doesn't mean you can kiss him" she walked up to Rave. "Because the next time you do both of us will kick your ass" she smirked and giggled. Still people where silent you can hear a pin drop but Kai Li just did her and Jackson like it. "Alright well at least I got to dance with my man, I am going home" she waved with her back turned to everyone. "Stay safe" Jackson yelled not caring about Rave any more. "I will love you" she yelled back. "Love you too" he yelled looking at Rave. Once Kai Li left Jackson went in front of Rave "you heard my girlfriend no kissing because if you do I don't care that you are a girl I will punch you" he said with a low tone.

At home Yuri was a sleep on her bed that the boys made. Kai Li was so exhausted walking in heels that her feet bled and when she got to Jackson room she just threw her self she didn't take anything off she just laid there. Thinking about Jacksons feeling for her she was composed but loved and it made her happy and feel great. Jackson back at the party felt stronger to control the situation. Rave was left alone and he went to go hangout with the boys and Hani. They all talked about how Hani and Kai Li hand been hanging out all day. The seven boys at the end of Hani's story did go from laughing to a serious where even Youngjae came close "dont hurt her or you will have to deal with us".
"Yah don't scare her" JB got defensive. "Whatever at least Kai Li now has a female friend" Mark laughed. They all laughed even Hani when she got a little spook to being relaxed.


My Goddess | Jackson Wang |حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن