Chapter 42

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"Jackson it's her first date just wait down stairs" Rave got girly and pushed him out. "Wait no" Kai Li tried to stop her but couldn't. Hani and Rave were picking at Kai Li's face and putting clothes on her. But if they kept going she new she would be in a bad mood. She wanted to feel her own way around Jackson. Hani and Rave were talking about the hair style. "How long do you think she will last with them bothering her" Jinyoung said. "Lets count 5,4,3,2,1" the boys counted hearing Kai Li yell "Knock it off". "Bingo" Youngjae put his thumb up. "She hasn't changed, it's good that she's back" Mark said. Kai Li pushed Hani and Rave outside "I am going to get dressed the way I want now wait down stairs".

"I knew she was going to blow" Rave said

"So why did you stress her out" Yugyeom put his arms around her.

"It's her first date every girl wants to feel special we were just helping her" Hani pouted.

"She not every girl she's Kai Li my girl" Jackson said to her. Everyone laughed how he felt cute about her. "Sorry I just had to take everything off that they put on" Kai Li ran down the stairs. "You looked fine" Hani said. "I looked like a clown, you guys know I don't like a lot of jewelry or makeup" she said back. "You not wearing a dress" Rave questioned at Kai Li wearing jeans. "Do I have too" she said with attitude. "No you don't you look fine" Jackson pulled her towards him "I like her for her if she doesn't feel comfortable neither do I, so can you guys finally leave her alone and let us get going" he was annoyed. Everyone just looked at both of them walk away. "Well there goes that" Rave said embressed. "You girls should be yourselves it kinda makes it a more joy ride for us" JB said with his arms crossed. "You guys are annoying" the girls rolled their eyes to them.

"Man they are so annoying" she fixed her hair taking out a a hair clip out of her hair. "Here let me help" he stopped her as he saw her struggle. It was quiet for just a couple of seconds. He took it out, fixing her hair and petting it down. "Thanks" she put it in her bag. He was curious why she didn't want to dress up for him was he not worth it. "So exactly why didn't you want to dress up" he locked his hands with her. "Really then how about we turn back I go put on a dress and you don't wear a t-shirt with a black hoody over, ripped black jeans, and SnapBack and instead wear a nice dress shirt and nice pants with nice shoes" she stopped him pointing at each part of his clothing she soon smiled at him. "Okay clothes don't matter lets just go" he dragged her annoyed and she laughed. "So where are we going exactly" she was curious. He stopped and grabbed both of her hands "close your eyes". She did has he said it took only second before she felt the think air in the forest, to the wind breeze on a hill. "Open" he said. She still confused why he brought her to the hill they always go to. She just smiled at him "what are we doing here". He thought about it last night and saw her hurt emotionally, she couldn't sleep not even with him around. He wanted her to relax and take in some fresh air. "We are going to sleep" he said pulling her down to the ground on top of him. "Haha real funny come on what are we doing here" she looked at him with his eyes close looking at the sunny skies. "Kai Li just relax" he said calm. She got of off him and looked up at the sky "Jackson all we do is sleep can we actually go do something" she wanted to go places and do things with him. "We will at night don't worry but for now let's just relax" he said quietly. She can't relax because when she does the pain comes back to her. The day she lost everything and everyone. Even Jackson couldn't help her sleep anymore so what was the point. "I  can't so let's just stop wasting time" she sat up trying to stand but was pulled down by Jackson. "Jackson" she said strict. "What" he was so calm. She pouted a little going back down. "Never mind" she breathed out.

[Jackson stood in front of Kai Li "Jackson what are you doing here" she asked yelling at him. Jackson didn't speak and pointed to the right her head followed his finger "Kai Li please don't leave me" she saw him cry with her dead in his hands. She turned back to him but he was gone. "You see my darling you don't deserve happiness, you will always be alone and die over and over, he will leave you" evil spirits surrounded her head. She covered her ears. It was finally quiet she looked around and saw Jackson. She just stood there and watch him "I can't do this anymore I don't love you anymore your a waste". "Jackson no don't do this" she walked up to him and tried to hold his hands. "I don't need someone who makes me miserable" he snatch his hands away from her. "I am sorry I didn't mean to" she fell crying while he walked away. "Why did I even live" she cried quietly to herself. "Because you are a fool" sprits tortured. But then it went away when they heard sounds]

"KAI LI WAKE UP" Jackson shaked her out of her nightmare. She woke up her eyes wide open and sat up. She breathed heavy trying to find some sense. She looked at Jackson. He looked worried but it finally came to him how she wasn't feeling good. "I told you to relax not to scare yourself" he hugged her tighter patting her back. "I tried but I can't" she was sad. "Kai Li I think we should-" Jackson was interrupted by a kiss from Kai Li she was scared to here certain words. She backed down a little "please you can't leave me not even for a while, I know it might be hard but please don't leave" she cried looking down. He looked at her and thought how he should use his words. But she was still scared even after the storm passed. The same way he wanted to touch her lips, hug her, and love her for the past month is probably, the same, she wanted him by her side. "What are talking about why would I leave you, look at me" he raised her face. Dried her tears and looked at her he came close and kissed her fore head, her nose and finally her lips. He tasted her like he missed in a month. He pulled away "I am not going anywhere. I love you too much that I even didn't survive the last month" he tried to make her feel better. "But weren't you about to say we should breakup" she leaned into his chest. "No, why would you even think that, it will never come up my mind, I was going to say we should start to meditate or do something to take your mind off of things" he laughed at her cuteness to jumping conclusion. "I don't understand" she liked the idea but didn't know the reason. "You couldn't sleep last night, not even with me for some reason so I thought that you might have trauma from death I also wanted to see if what I thought was true so I brought you out here to our quiet place and I was right, so I wanted help instead of looking at you cry" he explained to her. "Thank you" is all she could say hugging him.

My Goddess | Jackson Wang |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz