Chapter 30

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The boys finally got home from their orders except for JB he took Hani home. Jackson opened his door pulling his tie away from his collar. He unbuttoned his suit. He was exhausted he rubbed his eyes. Kai Li still had her shoes on and her dress. He took his suit off throwing it on the other bed. He saw that Kai Li had not taken anything off and her feet were bleeding. "Did you really walk the entire way in those" he mumbled out. He bent down and took her shoes and cleaned up the blood putting on bandaids and to keep her feet warm he put socks on her. He laid right next to her wrapping his arms around her to keep her close to him. It was soon an instinct and she wrapped her arms around him.

Kai Li woke up first. She looked up at Jackson sleeping and quietly she soon loosened her self from her grip but she still couldn't escape he pulled her back down to him. "Just stay in bed" he whispered. "Jackson I have to pee you have let go" she nagged. "Hold it" he hugged her tighter. "Jackson I have to go I will be right back" she gave him a kiss on his cheek to see if maybe he would let go. Jacksons blood rushed all over him. "Okay just because you kissed me" he let go. "Your so annoying sometimes" she put his slippers on making her way to the door. "You still love me and make sure you put the trash can outside" he said from bed. "Yea I know" she rolled her eyes. They now put the trash can outside to warn people that the bathroom is being occupied because the door is locked. Kai Li walked into the bathroom and was scared of her makeup being smudged all over her face. "Eww this is why I don't wear makeup" she rubbed her face with water. She also putt new bandaids on her feet from the heels. She also still had her dress on. "Ugh I am a mess I should go back before someone get's impatient" she mumbled to herself. Kai Li came out the bathroom to see a walking shadow she then became serious to see who it was. She slowly followed the person behind. The person was half way over to the door when a knife snipped their ear. Kai Li holding another knife. "I missed weird"she was playing around with the knife to show her threat. But her mouth drop to see who she cut the ear. Hani turned around getting caught. "Yah I thought you went home" she quickly got a napkin and ran to her to stop the cut from bleeding. "Aren't you supposed to be home to" Hani whispered back. "What are you talking about this is my home" she whispered the two girls didn't want to make noise. "What you live with seven guys" Hani was shocked. "And her" Kai Li pointed at Yuri. "JB and me went to my house but it was locked my family went out so he just decided to bring me here" she sat on the sofa. "Wow so where did you sleep" Kai Li sat by her. "In his bed" she looked at her hands. "Wait then where did he sleep" Kai Li was getting curious she never have thought Hani and JB would be a thing. "In his bed" she blushed. "Oohh" she started to fangirl. "Shh their still sleeping" Hani hit her arm. "You want something to drink" she walked to the kitchen. "Thank you" Kai Li came back with a cup of water. "Hey just stay until he wakes up he doesn't show it much but he's actually really caring" she sat by her."thank you" she said again to Kai Li. Kai Li jumped from how long she was taking "oh shit I forgot Jackson" Hani looked up to her. "Can you please wait I will be -" a voice from the stairs "just go she my guest anyways" JB came down from not finding Hani in his bed. "Thanks your a lifesaver" Kai Li ran up the stairs. And slowly went to the room. She walked to the bed her arm being pulled by Jackson. "That's it I am not letting you go, you took way to long" he angry. She just laughed "okay that fine with me". She hugged him back.

"It's been a couple weeks now" Hani complained. "So what about it" Kai Li was flipping through a magazine. "Isn't it weird that you know who has not bothered me" she looked at Kai Li. "Nope it's probably JB" she flipped the next page. "What about him" she said back. "He cares for you and the other day he told her not to go near you or your family" she was just talking as if nothing. "He's amazing I must be lucky" she leaned her head on her hand. "Say how long have you been and Jackson been together" she asked Kai Li. "Since the boys came to the camp so about 7 months."she said. "Well now the camp knows but I didn't know it was that long you guys are too cute" she started fangirling. Kai Li just remembered how long they were with each other. He stayed by her and she stay by him. They did and still have troubles to go through but they stucked together.

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