8 || Amusement Park Pt. 2

421 15 8

Sorry, I'm late. Tehee…
I'll just add a bonus on it for you. ^^
Part two: Amusement Park


"Who wants to go Zipline?" You asked excitedly, gripping tighter at the giant stuffed toy.

Hiro jumped, up and down. "I do! I do!"

The two older guys laughed at your excitedly actions. "You two can go. We'll just wait you at the other side."

Me? With [Y/N]… alone… together?! Hiro thought, his face started to heat up.

You nod. You hand over Tadashi the toy and grabbed Hiro's cold hands against your warm ones, making him more flustered.

As you two reached, where the starting point is, you still hadn't released his hand. You hand out the tickets with one hand at the man in-charge.

"I would like to go in a solo!" You grinned, now releasing his hand. Hiro frowned.

I was hoping we ride it together. He sadly thought.

"Sorry, we only have the duos left." The man said, Hiro's hopes, perking up.

"Oh. Well, I guess we could enjoy the ride together." You smiled cutely. "Right, Hiro?"

He nibble his bottom lip, preventing himself to squeal because of the overwhelming feeling that you'll ride together, and the cuteness you are doing.

"Y-Yeah!" He squeaked. When your back faced him, Hiro started fistbumping at the air, like the dork he is.

You two geared up. When you are all settled up, the man pushed you both to give force at the ride.

You started squealing at the view. People scattered below, the sea reflecting the sky in the mix of color orange, pink, and blue.

You took Hiro's hand again, which caught him off guard. "I can't wait to see the city lights later tonight." You breathed.

Hiro breathed heavily. "Mind if I come with you later?" He asks, a lil' bit confident this time. He gave your hand a squeeze.

"Of course!" You squeezed his hand back. "Too bad I didn't bring my camera with me."

"Don't worry, [N/N]. Your mind had its own camera." Hiro assured.

When you reached the other side, you two grinned at each other, still holding hands.


Drop Tower:

You and Tadashi are face in pale, as Hiro dragged the two of you at the rude he picked.

"Eh? H-Hiro, you can go with T-Tadashi, and have a brotherly moment at the ride." You faked a smile as you made up an excuse.

"No. [Y/N], you dragged me at the Bumper Cars, there's no way I'm letting you go and don't try it." Hiro said.

You groaned. "Fine."

You handed the guy in-charge, three tickets. Uncle Ry didn't ride with you guys again, of some reason.

You took a seat next to Hiro, at your left, and Tadashi at his left, making Hiro in between the both of you. The guy made sure that your seats are safe and the belts won't loosed.

"Hiro, I swear if something happens--" You were cut off when your seats are being held up high. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no-- Woah! The view's pretty good up her-- WAAAAAAH!!!"

Pichi's One-shots: Younger Hamada (Hiro Hamada × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now