3 || Protect Pt. 2

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You, now a fourteen-year-old girl at SFIT, plopped down on your swirvling chair, bored.

Until your phone rings, indicating a phone call.


You picked it up, "Hey, Hiro!"

"Hey, [Y/N]! Sorry, I think I can't ride with you home today. I'm going to tell Wasabi to drove you home with the gang instead."

"W-Wait! How about my bike?"

"I'm going take it to ride it back to café. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning so we could ride together with your bike."

You shrugged, "Sure thing."

"You take care."

"Same for you. Bye!" And you hunged up.

You stood up and walked out of your lab to get some things at your locker.

But what you didn't noticed, four pairs of eyes is watching you walk through the hallway.

When you reached where yours is, someone pushed you. You hit hard at the cold lockers, sure leaving you a bruise at your face, and you slide down at the floor.

But you were grabbed by the collar of your shirt. "Hello, Miss little [Y/N]." A voice growled.

"H-Hey!" You squeaked.

"Listen here you slutty freak, Hiro's mine, so back off." She threated as her piercing scarlet eyes is drated straight at your [E/C] ones. "You didn't deserve to be friends with him, nor be with him."

"H-He's my b-bestfriend. He c-choosed me to be h-his bestfriend." You looked back with the same piercing [E/C] eyes. "You can't do anything about it." You growled.

"We'll see about that." She smiled fakely and punched you, square in the face. You hit the lockers again with your back. "Girls."

Her three other friends walked in and started to beat you up.


"You deserve this hits, you slut!"

"You never belong here!"

Until your vision began to blur.

I don't want to risk our friendship. Ever.



And you blacked out.


"H-He's my b-bestfriend. He c-choosed me to be h-his bestfriend." A familiar voice said. "You can't do anything about it."


"We'll see about that." Another voice said. "Girls."

Then it followed some clashing and crushing sounds, and mean words and names being called. I ran up to the lockers to see [Y/N] being beaten up.


I blocked them to prevent another hit they'll give to her.

"O-Oh. Hello, Hiro." She said in a flirty way.

"Stop hurthing her!" I glared. "Go away! Don't you ever come near her!" And the girls walked away. I kneeled down and brought her to my arms. "[Y/N]…"

"[Y/N]?!" Tadashi and Mina ran up to us. "Hiro, what happened?!" Mina asked frantically.

"Some girls beat her up."

"She's unconcious." Tadashi states. "Me and Hiro will take her to the clinic. Mina, get Baymax." He scooped [Y/N] in his arms and ran to the clinic, me trailing behind him.

Sorry, [Y/N]. I failed to be your bestfriend.


"She's all good." The nurse says, after treating her wounds and bruises. "Just wait her to wake up."

"Okay, thank you." Tadashi replied and the nurse left. "Hiro, we'll let you two alone." Mina and Tadashi, along with Baymax walked out.

I took her hands on mine and just stared at her unconcious form. [Y-Y/N]…" Tears started to fall from my eyes. "I'm s-sorry." I squeezed her hand. "S-sorry. I didn't p-protect you from them. But, CAN YOU AT LEAST PROTECT YOURSELF IF I'M NOT AROUND?! I d-don't want you to get h-hurt, [Y/N]. I c-can't bear with it."

"That is why I didn't fight back, because I don't want to risk our friendship."

My eyes widened and froze. "[Y/N]?"

"Hiro, I'm fine."

"Fine?! DON'T YOU FINE ME!" I yelled, but I pulled her into a hug. "You don't know how worried I am!" I cried.

She gently stroked my hair. "Sorry for making you all worry so much."

I pulled away. "S-Sorry for yelling at you, and for being not the greatest bestfriend."

"Hiro Hamada, you're the perfect and greatest bestfriend I've ever met. No doubt." She smiled.


"No, 'but's."

I sighed. "But remember, I'm willing to protect you, whenever, wherever, whatever happens." I kissed her forehead as she smiles, taking a notice that I quoted her.

Pichi's One-shots: Younger Hamada (Hiro Hamada × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now