6 || Little Hiro

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Requested by: @KiTTcath18
Hope you enjoy!

You knocked on his lab door, "Hey Hiro, I've got you something!" You said cheerfully, clutching at the same familiar colored packed candy, your bestfriend obssessed with. You once again knocked at the lab door, but you didn't get a respond, "Hiro?" You slowly opened it, revealing the unfinished project he may be working.

Where in the world he could be gone to?

Then a familliar student who is a foot taller than you, with blonde hair, round-shaped glasses underneath was his baby blue eyes, came running in front of you. "Citron? What's the rush?"

"Hi..." He tries to catch his breath from all the running, "...ro."

"What?" You tilted your head in confusion.

"It's Hiro!" He exclaimed.

Nervousness came over you. "What happened?!"

He didn't answer your question, instead, dragged you all the way to his lab.

You stepped inside and you felt something blocked your feet. You looked down and saw something black and fuzzy. And the 'thing' turned around and looked at up at you.

It wasn't a 'thing', it's a kid. Around 4 or 5 years of age. Holding...


He looked at you in wonder with his big brown eyes, and tilting his head as his mop of raven hair following. "[Y/N]-chan?"

That made your eyes went wide as saucers.

No way...



The five-year-old Hiro Hamada?!

"[Y/N]-chan!" He squealed as he stood up and hugged your legs, grinning, revealing his cute little tooth gap.

No. This isn't possible. But...

Messy jet black hair. Check.

Hazel-brown eyes. Check.

Tooth gap. Check

Now the other things...

You ruffled his fluffy hair that you really loved to do to him so much. "[Y/N]-chan really loves my hair."

Hiro doesn't like anyone to touch his hair, anyone, except me. Check.

Then, the last part of checking, you handed him the pack of Hiro's favorite sweet treat to him that you had. He squealed in delight, "Thank you, [Y/N]-chan!" He put Megabot to his side, ripped the pack open, getting a handful of it and shoving it to his mouth.

Obviously loves gummy bears. Check.

Well, that's 5 out of 5.

You kneeled in front of him to leveled with his height, "H-Hiro? Is this really... You?"

He pointed himself with his thumb, proudly, "Yes, of course I'm Hiro Hamada!" Then he frowned, "Don't you remember me?"

"O-Of course! I do remember you, Hiro!" You looked back at Citron, who is sweating in nervousness, "Citron. Care to explain what happened?" You sternly said.

He rubbed the back of his head, "Uhh... I may sprayed him with one of my chemicals accidentally." He nervously laughed. Then suddenly bowed, "I'm so sorry!"

Pichi's One-shots: Younger Hamada (Hiro Hamada × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now