12 || Honey Lemon & GoGo: Wolf Costume?

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Both the bubbly chemist and the adrenaline junkie is in work in peace, until…

"HONEY LEMON! I need your help!"

A certain messy-haired teen came bursting in the Nerd Lab, causing the two girls startle for a bit.

"What something do you need for startling us?!" GoGo irritatedly asked.

Hiro crossed his arms, "I'm not talking to you!"

"Then, fine! Don't you dare come near me if you need anything!" She yelled, then walks out.

He huffs and turns to Honey Lemon, "Can you help me?"

Honey gave him a questioning look, "What kind of help?"

Hiro blushed at the thought, "I-Its about… [Y-Y/N]."

"Ooh…" Her questioning look turns into a sly one. "[Y/N], huh? What about her?"

"I-I, uhh… c-could you help me to make her amuse?" He asked as his face started to became red. "She's been all busy at her projects, and I'm worried for her that even our time together is always being cut short!"

"Oh. Well, if making [Y/N] happy is you need help with, I think you…" Honey trailed. "…came at the wrong person." She sheepishly smile.

Hiro gave him a look. "How come?"

"I'm not really good in making [Y/N] enjoy if she's stressed. Its either you, Mina, Miyu, Arou…" She trailed off again. "…or GoGo."

"GoGo?" He raised a brow. "How could possibly [Y/N] see her amusing?"

"No idea." She shrugged.

I can't ask help in those three, Mina and Arou had an exam to deal with, and Miyu…

She's kinda hard to deal with. Don't ask.

"G-GoGo, eh?"

Am I really going to ask her to help me?



"I told you Hiro not to come near me." She said irratatedly, her back in Hiro's sight.

He sighs. "Look, I'm sorry, about earlier. Just… please help me with [Y/N]!" He pleaded. "I'll even do anything you want to do with me!"

GoGo secretly smirk, an evil one. "Anything?"


"Speak." She simply said, motioning Hiro to tell her what kind of [Y/N] issue help he needs.

"Honey told me that… out of the gang, except for me, you can amuse [Y/N] when she's stress."

"Maybe…" She shrugged. "So you need me, to think of something that'll amuse her?" She turned to Hiro, a sly look on her face. "Well, guess what. I just thought of something perfect."

Hiro started to sweat in nervousness. This 'something perfect' is crepping me out.

"And we need Honey for this." GoGo added.


The three is now standing in front of your lab. The two girls with an amuse face, and the one nervously slightly shaking under his outfit.

"[Y/N]?" Hiro knocked.

"Come in."

He slowly walked in the lab, seeing you, still working in a project, your back in Hiro.


"You need anything…" you turned to face him, when you saw something unexpected. "…Hiro?"

He flushed red in embarrassment when you saw him in a gray-wolf costume. "H-Hey!" He squeaked.

You giggled at what he looks. "What's up with you today?"

Hiro scratched the back of his neck. "Y-You see… I kinda noticed how stress you are the past few days. S-So, I thought a-about b-brightening your day?" That came out like a question, not a statement. "Awoo…"

You laughed at his antics.

Hiro smiled when he heard you laughed. That's more like it, sound in my ears.

You stood up and ruffled his already messy balck hair. "That's so sweet of you."

He flushed pink at your compliment. "Heh, t-thanks."

You then pinch both his cheeks. "And you really look adorable in that costume!"

He turned tomato. "Y-You… y-you really t-think so?"

You nodded. "Yeah!" You hugged him, that shocked Hiro. "Thanks for lightened up my mood, Hiro."

He melted in your arms and returned the hug. "No problem." He nuzzled his face at your neck, you giggled slightly.

You two both didn't noticed that GoGo and Honey caught the whole scene in camera.

"You got all of that?" GoGo asked.

"Yep!" Honey replied. "They really looked so adorable! Its just that [Y/N] is really oblivious about Hiro's feelings towards her. But still, I loved them being together all the time!"

"Agree." GoGo simply said as she blowed up her pink bubblegum and popped it.




I finished this up so I can start another oneshot after my second and last day of exam!

Yeah, its our first day of exams! But like me and my whole class say…


Tomorrow's gonna be the hard ones. I rushed this up to study those subjects for the next day.

Hope you liked it! Fred and her pair is coming up for the next oneshot Pichi OC for the upcoming series!


Well, exams are done! So, update is my next thing!

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"Oh my freaking gosh…" She muttered. "Did my twin little brother really did this?" She asked the two, couldn't believed in what did she just watch on Honey's phone.

They nodded. "You know Hiro will do everything to make [Y/N] smile."

Mina still had her mouth open. "Well, he does really like my sister."

Arou chimed in. "I don't think 'like' is the right term anymore…

She already loves your sister."

Pichi's One-shots: Younger Hamada (Hiro Hamada × Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora