"You're Austin Mahone" I said in total shock.

"Yes ma'am that's me. Damn Alex you told me Christina was pretty but not beautiful" He said with a smiled.

Before I could say anything else I fainted.

I woke up and stretched out realizing the events that happened before I fainted. I stood up slowly and followed the voices to a living room.

"I'm awake", I waved with a slight smile.

"Hello beautiful how are you", Austin said walking up behind me.

"I'm great", I smiled.

"Hello darling nice to see you up. I'm Michele. Can I get you anything", Michele asked.

"So nice to meet you too. Could I have some water please", I smiled.

"Of course just get comfortable on the couch honey", she said.

We all sat talking for a while and watching the game.

"Alex mom said its time to come home" I said

"Alright" He replied.

"We'll how about we walk you guys out" Michele suggested

"Sure" I replied

"Bye Dave bye Michele" I said hugging them both.

"Bye sweetheart your welcome here anytime ok" Michele called out.

"Ok thank you" I called back.

"Bye Christina" Dave said.

Before I got in the car Austin grabbed my waist and pulled me close.

"Hey wait can I have your number" He said handing me his phone

"Sure" I said handing him mine.

I put my number in and I put my name in as Christina😝😍😏 then gave him his phone back. When I got mine back he put his under Austin😍😘❤

I hugged austin goodbye and he kissed my cheek goodbye. I look at dave and see he's making missy faces but I ignore it.

the triplets ( austin mahone )Where stories live. Discover now