(Chpt.9-10) A Break Down😓

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Chapter Nine
-Baby girl-
"So.....what happened for you and daddy to get back on good terms again?"

"Well.....I had to let it go. Let all of the hurt...all of his b.s. and everything else....go. That sadly was done by me...breaking down in front of him. But it was well needed for me to calm myself afterwards. And then we had a nice....friendly conversation" I smiled.
:: The next day, June 5th ::
(JayJay's Pov)

"Awww, she's so cute" The lady said, staring down at my daughter.

"Thank you" I smiled. "Do you like the cut sir?" I asked the lady's boyfriend.

Yeah, I'm a barber now and I work in a shop around my neighborhood. I'm still low on my though sadly, but I gotta do what I gotta do to provide for myself and my baby girl of course.

"Yeah, man. It's nice and clean, Thanks. I'll be back here, trust me" he chuckled, getting up from the chair.

"Aight. Good doing business with you" I shook his hand and collected the 20 dollars.

Turning around, I noticed sadly that Des had crawled off somewhere else in the shop. Man, after she learned how to crawl and sit down all by herself, nothing could stop her.....she was out from here on out.

"Yo? You see my daughter?" I asked Ricky, seeing him in the middle of shaving this guy's fade.

"Uh-nah man. Better go find her though, homie. Before her mama kick yo a**" he teased, laughing.

"Ha ha ha. Funny"

I shortly walked away from him and went into the waiting room next door, relieved when I saw her indeed on the floor crawling away. Hearing my foot steps approaching, she stopped from crawling and turned to me, sitting her little butt down on the hard wood floor as I came up to her.

"What chu' doin huh? Is that my baby?" I baby talked her, seeing her smile happily up at me.

"What chu' doin huh? Is that my baby?" I baby talked her, seeing her smile happily up at me

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"Come on with Dada" I smiled, reaching my arms out.

Reaching her tiny arms towards me, I picked her up and gave her a kiss to express my love. I loved spending quaily time with her, I just never thought I'd be like this before she came into my life. But now.....I just couldn't imagine life without her and her slobbery kisses.

Just last night, Dyme called me to come pick her up. She said it was because she needed some "me time" and that I needed to see her anyways. So without complaints, I drove over and picked up my daughter. As I came through though, they both were already standing outside and Dyme herself was dressed up in some dress and black hot heel boots.

Of course, I complimented her and asked where she was heading. In which she simply just said "I'm going out and here's your daughter", then she walked off and got in her car.

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