(Chpt.1-05) Valentine's Day💜

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Chapter One
-A Valuable Lesson-

"Y'all had such a good time it seems, but what happened next after he took it?"

Motherf*cker left me...

:: The Next day, February 14th ::
*alarm rings*

Happily, I got up and hopped down from my bed to head straight for the bathroom for my morning routine. After doing my business, I washed my hands and face before I started to brush my teeth in the sink. I was in such a good mood already this morning, probably because of the day to come as I went to school on Valentine's day.

I finally had someone to love and surprise me on this day and I just couldn't get it together with the constant smiling. I wonder if he'll pull me to the side or just do it in front of everyone to show them we were together. I really hope he got me a bear though and some chocolate would be nice too.

After finishing up in the bathroom, I returned back to my room and got dressed up for the occasion. I wore a pink dress, gold accessories to match and some nude colored flats. Now knowing a little bit about hair, I curled my brown hair up into a nice curly bob and added in a flower pin up top to add to it.

Applying lotion and perfume, I smoothed on some lip gloss and added it to my purse before I left. I went downstair and made me a bowl of frosted flakes and sat down to eat it at the table.

Both of my parents were gone and off to work already, leaving me in the house with Mariah who didn't wake up until 9. I never mentioned that my dad is a lawyer and my mom is an accountant now. Whatever that is...

:: At school ::🏫

"Awe don't you look nice today" Kehlani teased, pulling on my dress.

I blushed. "I gotta look good for my man, right"

"Shit, you look good alright sis. Happy Valentine's day by the way"

I smiled at her and pulled her into a hug, wrapping my arms around her back. Opening my eyes again, I could see Malik up ahead, giving away a teddy bear to one of the girls for some reason. That made me release Kehlani and ask for her opinion.

"You think Malik got me something? Or am I expecting too much?"

"I um–I really don't know. Maybe he'll surprise you"

"Yeah. I'll catch you later though okay"

She nodded and gave me another hug. From there, I walked over to the table where Malik stood at and asked for his attention. "Hey baby"

"Baby? And who are you again?"

"What do you mean? It's Diynara remember..." I asked confused.

"Nah, I don't know you, shawty" he looked me up and down.

I took it as a joke honestly. I know he was always the playful type, and he played way too much to take him serious at times. "Malik stop playing with me"

A girl came up to him suddenly and stood really close by to him, as I'd she was hid girlfriend instead. By then, I wasn't thinking that he was just playing around anymore.

"I'm not playing with you, I don't even know you yo" he wrapped his arm around the other girl's waist.

"You do. You took my first time and everything" I said sadly.

"You had sex with her Malik?" the girl asked him.

"Hell yeah, I smashed but that's old and now I don't know her. So do me a favor and leave me alone from now on okay..." he said to me.

Looking down after his hurtful comment, I started to cry in front of both of them after putting the obvious pieces together. "You just wanted to use me?" I looked up at him, with tears in my eyes.

"I thought you knew that. I got it tatted on my arm for Christ sake, but I guess you haven't learned Spanish yet chica. But what am I doing still talking to you, you wasn't nothing to me and your nothing now, baby. Its a shame how you gave yourself up like that though...." he chuckled.

Then he walked away with the girl, leaving me at the Valentine's table alone, where I hoped he had got me a bear too.

:: 15 minutes later ::🕦
*sound of Diya crying*😭😢😞💔

After ditching school with Kehlani, we stopped at a nearby park, where she held me like a baby while I broke down in her arms. Words couldn't describe the feelings I felt. I just felt so used😢

"Can you tell me now? You're really crying, D..." she tucked my hair back.

I wiped my eyes and sniffed. "He played me and.....–told me I was nothing. Then he admitted to using me like a f*cking hoe off the streets *cries*. I didn't mean anything to him–....and the worst part is.....–I thought he at least liked me" I cried.

"Fuck him okay. Fuck him" she cursed angrily.

"He robbed me of my virginity and just ran with it. No wonder why he took it so fast that night, he couldn't wait to ditch me"

"He's a bitch, Diya..."

"Whatever, yo. It gotta be something wrong with me, because why don't anyone else like me the way I am. My own household avoids even my own sister, she and both of my parents avoid me. Like I'm different from them but I'm just as human. I have fucking feelings too"

"I know you do. You love hard girl and–"

"And that's my problem, I'm pathetic and vulnerable to anyone *sighs* Thanks for listening though, but I think I just need to be alone..."

:: 6:32 pm ::🕞✨

Playing grand theft auto in my room, I see my door swing open and in came in Mariah.

"What?" I asked, pressing down on the bottons.

"I just wanted to know how your day was. You were all dressed up for some little boy this morning"

"Fuck him..." I cursed, killing a random guy on the game.

"You curse now? But anyways, I heard what happened"

My eyes widened. "With what?" I paused my game.

"You having sex with the biggest player in school. Malik right?"

"How you know all that?"

"He bragged about it today and how you let him take your first time and everything. So I just came to see if it was true. Did you really give him your virginity, Diya?!"

"Yes..." I confessed and looked away.

"And you're stupid for that! You're too young anyways to be having sex. I should tell mom and dad"

"No! Please don't Mariah. I'm already having a bad day as it is...okay" I started to cry again, feeling like everything is against me today. "I thought he loved me. That's what he told me and then we did it. He showed me that affection that I never felt before, but that was all for show. He just wanted to f*ck and be done with me. He used me and didn't care about me from the start"

"You only have yourself to blame, Diya. You're stupid and nasty. Why can't you just be a sweet little girl who does her homework, but now you're not a virgin and fucking with players. Its your fault. Why would you give it to him anyways?"

"Because I thought he liked me okay! But I was wrong and he played me like a fool! You don't even care either! So get the fuck out my room! Don't ever talk to me again yo, fuck you"

Diya in the Media🌸🌸🌸
Hey, thanks for reading💝📚 --Tay

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