(Chpt.12-02) Tracking🔎

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Chapter Twelve
-With You At last-
:: Few minutes later ::
(Jacob's Pov)

Freshly out of the shower and putting on a fresh new outfit my mom was able to recover from Chris's move, I walked out and entered in the living room. Spotting my mother in the couch, holding a blunt in her mouth as she lit it with a lighter underneath.

"Uh mom, how you get a house so nice like this?" I asked her curious, looking around at the modern apartment.

"With the money boy, how else?"

"What money? You gotta job or something?"

She looked at me confused. "Jacob honey, we're not broke anymore remember? Did Adriana not tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Oh...., so you don't know. Well Adriana went to go confront the chick that stole our money and robbed the cartel. Everything went well actually and Adri even got her to give us all the money back. I thought she told you this, since it has been a while since it happened..."

"When did it happen exactly?"

"Maybe a year ago...., it definitely didn't happen last year. Maybe last last fall..."

"So we had money all this time and she kept it away from me!"

"Apparently so..."

"Ugh. She had me stressed the fuck out because I was broke in the first place! How could she forget to tell me!" I yelled, losing my temper.

"Jay calm down, I can understand why you're upset but yelling about isn't going to change anything"

"So I'm a just call her and curse her out then"

She laughed. "No, don't go bothering your sister. I'll get on her about it, okay. So I suppose you didn't know she had a daughter either?" she said, standing up.

"Adri had a kid?" I looked up.

"And moved to Nevada...., but yeah she had a little baby girl named Alyssa. Let me show you because she is just adorable" She grabbed her phone and brought it over to me.

 Let me show you because she is just adorable" She grabbed her phone and brought it over to me

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"That's her and her daddy, isn't she precious" She said smiling.

"Heh, yeah. She's so pretty...just like her mom"

"Mhm and speaking of babies, you need to go and find yours. That little girl deserves a father like everyone else, I know you probably scared her....but only you can make it right again. Kids are either a hit or miss to make it up to them. But while she's still young, I think you need to do this now"

"I will and I gotta plan. Since I got my phone back from the jail, I can get in touch with Kehlani. Kehlani is her best friend so she's bound to know where Dyme is. My phone is a little shattered but I just really need the number out of it"

Flaws and AllOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora