(Chpt.12-06) Daddy's Day💚

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Chapter Twelve
-With You At Last-
:: One week later, March 23rd ::
(Dyme's Pov)

Waking up to the smell of pancakes and other foods, I slowly sat up from my position to stretch. Damn this baby need to hurry up and come out, I was barely getting any sleep at night with him moving and kicking me.

I moved my legs from the mattress down to the carpet in my bedroom, seeing the yellow school bus pulling up to my house. Shit. Trying to get up faster than I should, a pain grew in my back as I bent over. Damnit pregnancy.

I held my back through the pain and finally stood up. I had to get my kids on the bus before it left them. I was panicking and trying to find my slippers when I looked at the window to see Jay and the kids already in the process of leaving. I stood up straight and went to the window myself, watching him pick up Desiree to give her a kiss on the cheek and placing her on the top step of the bus. Then he looked back at James and shook his hair before giving him a fist bump.

He stood patiently out there until the bus pulled off down the street, now going to the side of the house to bring our trashcans out to the curb. That's when I really started to focus in on him, watching as he took off his shirt because this California weather could kill a person. Then he went up to my car in the drive way to look under the hood, I guess to inspect that tapping sound I told him about yesterday.

Wow, maybe it was good to have a man around the house again. I've been without one for so long, I forgot the perks that came with it. But after I was done spying on my ex, I went to the bathroom...did my business and finally came downstairs. When I did, I could see a plate of untouched breakfast still in the microwave. It smelt so good that I opened it right up to take a piece a bacon and then another one after that.

"Good morning" His voice startled me from behind as I jumped up.

"Oh shit! You scared me" I said, trying to hide the half eaten bacon.

"Why because you're eating my bacon?"

My eyes got bigger. "Ohh wait...how this get in my hands?"

He laughed at me. "Girl please, it's yours anyways. I ate already"

I gave him a smirk. "You play too much, but thank you" I bent down to grab the plate itself.

"You're welcome, and I fixed that tapping noise you complained about. It was just one of your belts being loose. Now it doesn't tap when it's running"

"Oh thank you Jay..." I looked up from eating.

"I also made sure the kids were fine, I got them up and let em wash up. Cooked them breakfast, made them lunch and made sure they got on the bus--"

"You made them lunch?"

"Yeah, ain't they suppose to have lunches. You ain't never make them lunch?"

"Mm Mm" I shook my head. "I thought they fed the kids in school, they have to. And I just don't really have that much energy in the morning to do all that. I know I should though, I gotta get like super parent over here"

"Ha. Nah, you can just take it slow since you're pregnant. I know you need more rest now a days so...I'll take care of the kids aight"

"Awe how sweet. I appreciate the help though. How's your chest?"

"Getting better, it still hurts sometimes but it's healing. They said it takes about....4-6 weeks to heal properly"

"Oh okay, what are you about to do now?"

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