(Chpt.3-03) Pool Party🌞

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Chapter Three
-As A Teen-

:: Saturday, 12:55 pm :: 🌞🌞🌞

Today I was planning on going to a pool party with Josh and a few other of my girlfriends. And since the location was in his neighborhood instead of ours, we had to rely on the bus to get us there. Which wasn't too long of a ride.

Currently me, Keisha, Miya and Nicki are on the bus and on our way to the party itself, that starts at 1.

"So Vanessa jumped you, huh?" Keisha asked, looking over her shoulder.

"Yeah that b*tch jumped me..." I said, eating my candy as I looked out of the window.

"That's so nutty" Miya commented.

"Yeah but it's okay, I got my revenge. Just wait til she comes back to school on Monday" I smiled.

"Oh no, what did you do?" They all turned to me.

"Oh you'll see. She might look a little.....trimmed this time though and oh that reminds me. Where can I sell a nice IPhone for a good price?"

"It's her phone, isn't it!" Miya laughed.

"You're brutal. You took her phone?"

"That's not the only thing missing honey and you'll see. But for real though, I need to sell this thing to get rid of the evidence"

"Sell it to one of ya boys. I know how you be kickin' it with them thugs at school"

"True true" I agreed, nodding my head.

"Yo, we still going to the hair dresser right?" Miya asked Nicki.

"Nah, I gotta go to church. My mom said I have to" she complained.


"Well you still going right, Diya?"

"Hell to the yeah. I need this shit cut from taking out that weave, child" I comb through my hair with my fingers.

"Don't cut it all off, girl." Keisha warned me.

"Why? You don't think I'll look good with a boy cut"

"Let me find out you're low key a dyke now" Miya laughed.

"Probably so. We've all seen how Diya be staring at some of the girl's asses in school" Nicki teased.

I blushed from the accusations.
"Yo, shut up, I'm not gay" ...I have a whole kid👶

"That's what they all say" Keisha teased.

=20 minutes later=✨🕢

=20 minutes later=✨🕢

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