Stuck for life

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Getting through security was tough. It took forever for them to return our bags because they needed to double check us when they found a knife in Alex's bag. He forgot he put it in their when he was throwing all his clothes in his bag. They had to run a check on him and that delayed us a little.

When we finally got through security we still had a half hour before our flight was going to take off. We decided to grab some McDonald's breakfast and wait for our flight to board. It was a 9 hour flight but we had a layover in North Carolina first. I was excited to go I just didn't want to fly for so long.

"So are you excited?" Alex asked

"Yes we're gonna be in London in 9 hours" I smiled

"We're gonna go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower and everything see Big Ben" He said

"I can't wait Paris is so beautiful especially the Eiffel Tower that's like the most romantic place ever" I gushed

Now I was starting to figure out why Alex wanted to bring me to London for this vacation/ honeymoon because he was gonna propose and I had a feeling it was gonna be at the Eiffel Tower which would honestly be the most romantic thing any guy has ever done.

"I know it is. I knew you would love to go somewhere like that" He smiled pulling my head so it was on his shoulder

"Thank you babe for everything" I said

I was trying to get by all the people who were trying to walk in the same small entrance to the plane. I had my big suitcase in my left hand a duffle bag in my right with my Victoria secret pink backpack on. I remember being in Texas for two weeks without anything when Lelia was born so I might have went a little overboard and brought some extra stuff I didn't need.

"Excuse me!" I said loudly brushing past the crowd of people in the isle

"Window seat" Alex yelled jumping over the other seat

"Your so cute babe" I chuckled

"Do you want the window seat babe?" He asked

I shook my head fast. "No no I'm good"

"Aw is my baby afraid of heights?" He wondered

"Maybe" I said feeling shy

            "Come here babe" He said opening his arms wide

I cuddled into his arms and buckled my seat belt. The plane was starting to take off and I decided I was going to text Austin before I wouldn't have an service.

To baby daddy- I'm about to take off tell Lelia and Nevada I love them and give them a kiss

I locked my phone not expecting him to text back because he's still salty I'm dating his best friend. I don't know why he's so mad he won in a way he's got two kids with me but I guess he sees Alex as the winner because he has me now. My phone buzzed in my lap and I was shocked to see his name come across the screen.

From baby daddy- anything you need while your with your boyfriend

I couldn't help but be able to picture his attitude while he typed that to me. I know he's jealous but he doesn't have to be a total douche why can't he just go date someone else and get over me already.

"Austins so annoying" I groaned

"Why?" Alex asked turning his gaze to me

"Because I texted him to tell the kids something and he texts me back with his attitude" I said rolling my eyes

"I think Austin is just jealous"

"Of you?"

"Yeah which I don't know why because he should just get over it. I know where he's coming from a little because I was his best friend and now his baby momma is gonna be my fiancé and also my baby momma" He chuckled

"Yeah I don't think he's gonna like to to much that we have a baby together"

"But that's not Austins choice" He scoffed

"I know babe, I want a baby with you I want us to bring a kid into this world"

"How many do you want?" He asked holding my hand

"Well I already have two and I only wanted three but I might have four"

"I want two" he smiled

"I kinda want another boy" I said

"I want a boy too I feel like a girl is a lot of work"

"She is" I laughed

"And when she gets older and starts to date I'd be so protective"

"What about when your little girl wears booty shorts" I laughed thinking of Lelia

"Id whip her little booty into some pants" He shrieked

"You'd be a good daddy to a daughter"

"I want one I'm more of just scared of the future" He sighed

"What do you think Lelia and Nevada are gonna think of a new baby?" I wondered

"I don't think they'll understand for a while"

"It will give us time to explain this fucked up family tree"

"I'm thinking of how the holidays are gonna be because Austin is Lelia and Nevadas daddy but our baby is gonna be half siblings" Alex said

"I know it's gonna be weird we're all gonna be related now"

"I always thought my kids would date Austins kids but now they'd be dating their sister" Alex laughed

"Well have to scratch that idea that would be so weird"

"In a way it's cool to always be linked to Austin I love him he's my boy, I just wish he would forgive me" He admitted

"He will he just needs some time I think"

I started to think deep into what was going to happen in the future I was gonna be married and pregnant and moved in with Alex with my kids. It's gonna be a wild ride but I got myself deep into Austin and I can't dig myself out of this hole. When you have kids with someone your stuck for life.

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