Finding out

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3 months later

Lelia had her 9 month checkup today and I was excited to see how much she's grown since I had her 9 months ago I can't believe it's been that long. I was going to the doctor alone today because Austin and I are still fighting over him cheating on me. He dosent know I slept with Alex but that's something for him to find out.

"How is Lelia doing?"

"She's great she tries to crawl around now" I said

"That's a good thing, no dad today is he working?"

"Yeah he's working but we're not really together at the moment" I said

"I'm sorry to hear that. The sad truth is not a lot of teenagers stay together when they have a baby"

"Yeah your right that's the sad reality" I said

The doctor examined her and checked her to make sure everything was going good with her which it was. She weighs over 10 pounds now and she has grown a couple inches. She also had to get shots today and she was a pretty good baby for getting stabbed with a needle three times. I really wanted Austin to be here for this but clearly that wasn't an option.

"I'm sorry baby you had to get your shots" I said carrying her out

When I got out of the doctors Alex texted me asking me if he wanted him to pick me up and we could go out to get some mlunch and I told him I had Lelia but he didn't care and he came and picked me up. Austin was still supporting Lelia I just have to get myself my own car.

"Hey cutie" He said rolling his window down

"Hey Alex, you don't have a car seat so I don't know how this is safe" I said

"We can stop by your house and get one" he said

"Yeah we're gonna need to my dad has one in his car" I said

When I got to the house I said I was just gonna run it and get my dads keys and take the seat out of the car but when I got inside Austin was their with a sympathetic look on his face and I really couldn't care to hear it.

"Hey how did her doctor go?" he asked

"If you cared you would have came" I said

"I had to work to support her" He said

"Yeah I know Austin it's whatever I don't even care I'm trying to find my dads keys I need to get the car seat" I said

"For what?" He asked

"I'm going out" I said

Austin followed me out of the house and instantly knew who's car I was getting into. I grabbed the car seat and put it in the back seat.

"Seriously Scarlet your going out with my best friend"

"He called me so talk to him" I said getting in the car

"Alex seriously" He said

"Dude were just chillin she needs someone after you cheated on her" He said

"Wow Alex turn your back on me and go hang out with my baby momma" Austin said walking back inside

"Dam I can't believe how petty he is" Alex said

"He acts like we're gonna do anything" I smirked

"We have" He laughed

"I know"

             Alex drove us to this little diner that was off the coast of the ocean. It was this cute little 80s themed diner and it had a retro feel to it. Their was a little dinner bar you could sit at that had red shiny stools at them and then their was booths and tables with jukeboxes all around to play music.

            "This is a cute little place" I said

            "Yeah me and the guys hang out here a lot it's like our spot"

            "It's cute I like it" I said

            "Three?" The waiter said


             The guy sat us at one of the little booths and brought a highchair over for Lelia. Alex and I had a good time and I was glad to be out with him. He was good with Lelia and I was happy that him and my daughter got along. She was looking more and more like Austin everyday and it was absolutely crazy how beautiful she was. I felt kinda weird that I was being with his best friend but that's between Austin and Alex.

Later on that night.

            I didn't think I would be having to do this again at least not this soon. I haven't had my period in over 4 months but I thought it was just because I just had a baby. But since I slept with Austin the night before he cheated on me and then Alex the night after I'm not sure who's baby it would be if I am pregnant again. My dad is gonna kill me yet again and I can't believe I'm in this situation again I should have got on birth control.

"Lelia you might be a big sister" I said sighing taking the white foil off of the test

Lelia just looked at me and then continued to play with her toys on the floor. I heard the front door open and I had a feeling it was Austin and it was because I heard his loud voice saying something to my dad.

I placed the test on the sink and my life kind of flashed back to a year ago when Lelia was the one In my stomach and not another baby. If I was I was hoping it was Austins because I always wanted all my kids to have the same dad but if it was Alex's that was gonna be okay eventually.

"Scarlet?" Austin called his voice getting closer and closer. I tried to scramble and put the test away because I thought the door was locked but it swung open and Austin was confused

"God admit Austin don't you fucking knock I could have been naked!" I yelled

"That's nothing I ain't seen before clearly our daughter is sitting on the floor over their" He said going to pick her up

"Well can you leave now I was doing something" I said trying to cover up what was behind em

"How did you date go with Alex" He scoffed

"It's not a date all we did was hang out I have a baby their isn't really a room for a relationship right now" I said

"Scarlet what is that behind you?" He asked looking at the wrappers I tossed in the trash "Scarlet are you fucking pregnant!"

"If I am i don't know who's baby it is" I admitted and his face was pure shock

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