Chapter 27 - The Revelation Of elbarker....

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il's POV  (And as a note, revelation in this sense means revealing)

Uhh...thanks...POV teller....


Where did we leave off with us?


Oh, yeah!  We just found Becca's castle!

I sighed.

Soon, I can probably be free again....

Jerome sighed, too.  "Finally.  Though...I have to admit, I never thought I'd come back here...."

"I can't wait to see Becca again, boyo!  Uh, no offense, Jerome and Mitch.  She was just my first friend, boyo."

The two chuckled.  "It's fine, Kirby----"

Jerome paused as he was looking at Mitch and looked back.  I did too to see Kit stopped.

"Kit?"  I asked.

She looked down at her stick and frowned before looking at the castle.  "Why?"

"Why?"  I repeated.  "Why...what?"

"Why us?  Are we really even her friends, or are we just another set of characters for her to play with?"


"K-Kit, seriously?  Of course she thinks of us as her friends!"

She narrowed her eyes and turned away.  "Well, OBVIOUSLY you.  She seems to like you the most, but what about the rest of us?"

I frowned.  "She...likes us all the same, Kit...."

She ignored me.  "And yet another thing.  Is she, like, narcissistic or something?  What book has she NOT been the main character of?"

I blinked slowly at her.  I noticed Jerome and Mitch, with Kirby on Mitch's head again, backing away from us.  A small circle of baccas formed around us whilst others stared as they passed by.

"Kit...that's...just the way she writes...she even told us why that is....  Plus, the first book didn't have her as the main character, that was Mitch and Jerome."

"And BECCA came in a close third!  I mean, REALLY?!  The AUTHOR as the mastermind?!  How vain could one get to make themselves so POWERFUL?!!"

The rational part of me knew something wasn't right, but....


Something inside me stirred slightly.

"That's not vanity, Kit, that's how she writes."  I said slowly.

I felt my fists clenching slightly.

She scoffed.  "Uh huh.  And why did she add us as characters, anyway?  To get more people to read it in hopes that THEY could be added?  Is this her way of getting reads?"


That something stirred again, moreso than before.

"Kit...she likes to interact with know that...."

"And she's interacted with YOU the most out of all of us.  Admit it."

"I...."  I trailed off.

She was...right, but...that's just 'cause I commented on EVERY paragraph....

She threw her stick down and it shifted instantly into KitKat the panther, who started growling.

Baccas started to back away and some of the starers turned and headed towards the castle at a slightly faster pace.

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