Chapter 14 - *Quietly Eating Breakfast* OH MAI GOD SO MANY VOICES

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I yawned slightly.


Yo, what the heck was with that dream?

I dunno.  You're asking me when you are me.


I sighed and rolled my eyes, floating lazily into the kitchen.

What?  Floating is fun!

I grabbed some pancakes and bacon and orange juice and went back to the Grand Hall.

You know, I'm kinda worried about my friends....  They haven't called back in for a while....

Maybe they're busy?

Or in trouble.

I prefer Becky's thought....

I sat down at the table and started eating.

I do wonder how they are, though....  It sucks I can't contact them....

Well, last we heard, they seemed to have gained Candid's trust...somewhat.

Somewhat.  That's not very helpful there, Rebekitah....


I sighed and kept eating.

' Becca? '

I froze.


' Becca? Ya there? '


I heard a bit of barking then.

Still couldn't understand it....

' Yo, Becca, can you hear us? '


' Yes!  Thank God I could reach you! '  ' Yes!  We've got contact! '  ' Yay!  Hi, Becca! '  Happy barking.

Woah, woah, woah!  Hold up!  Please stop talking all at once!


I heard vague mutters but didn't really catch any of it.

Can you guys please talk one at a time?

' We got separated! '  ' We don't know where the others are! '  A whimper.  ' Uh, I can't hear any of the others.... '

Ok, ok, woah, geez, I'm guessing you guys are separated!  Don't answer that, I heard someone say that.  Ok, you guys can't hear each other.  Great.  Lemme do a role call so I can confirm who's here.  ilbarker, you here?

' Yup!  Hi! '

I giggled.  Ok, ilbarker's here.  Kit?

' Eyo!  Wazzup?  Known's with me, too! '

' Sup. '

Ok, Known and Kit are accounted for.  So they're together.  Object?

' Hey!  I'm with Cassia! '

' Hi, Becca! '

Object and Cassia are together.  Uhh...I heard barking, so spark's here.  Aura?



spark whimpered.

Uhh...lez just set this up real quick.  spark, bark once for no and twice for yes, k?

Dangan Ronpa Minecraft...Finale....Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang