Prologue - The Return

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ilbarker's POV

It's been a while since Becca's posted anything.

I mean, I've seen her around on Wattpad, but nothing new on her page.

However...I was sure that we were all thinking the same thing....

Kit's POV

I put the finishing touches on my DRM...R art.

I sighed and relaxed a bit, letting my mind wander.

How WAS Becca?

And...were we all wondering the same thing...?

Cassia's POV

I jumped back from my screen.


Honestly, though, I was...getting a bit worried.


I wondered if all of us were thinking the same thing....

Object's POV

I laid back on my bed roughly, heaving a great sigh.

I was BORED.

Like, NOTHING interesting happened anymore.

The most interesting was being in Becca's book, even if it was just for a moment.

I think I can come to an easy conclusion that we're all wondering the same thing....

spark's POV

I laid down on the floor, flicking through my recommended section.

I paused when I saw Becca's DRM books side by side.

It got me thinking of something that didn't seem uncommon to all of us....

Aura's POV

I sighed in annoyance as I had lost ANOTHER ToS game.


That reminded me of being the Jester in Becca's book.

I...had a thought that I was sure everyone else was thinking....

Known's POV

I glanced through various wattpad books, trying to find one that would interest me.

Then, as I was scrolling through, I saw a familiar picture.

A giant question mark.

Becca's DRM book.

That was an interesting experience.  Sometimes, I wished I could go back.

Many questions floated in my mind, but one in particular stood out to me....

One that all the readers involved could relate with....

Everyone's POV

Is it possible to go back?  To have one last adventure?

Becca's POV

Is it possible to go back...?  I wondered aloud, hearing the collective thoughts of my readers, though 7 stood out to me the most.

I sighed as I hung upside down from the crystal chandelier above the Grand Hall table.

I straightened my legs and fell headfirst towards the table, stopping myself about a foot or so away from smashing my head against the table.

Don't get reckless now, Becca.  Becky said lightly in my head.

I have to agree.  Rebekitah agreed.

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