Its a gift

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After our quick make up session in the studio Zayn and I disperse leaving me to freshen up upstairs and him to deal with the caters who where waiting for him to sign off on there delivery in the hall ..

Oops ..

My dad has the golf on in the sitting room watching it with pops and the oldies.

Boring ..

Mom and the rest of the girls are in the kitchen drinking fine wine enjoying the food .

I head straight for the games room instead knowing exactly were Zayn will be .

Dan , Zayn , Peter and ben are sat around the poker table eating and drinking beers .

Jason , Anthony and Nathan are playing pool .

Ruby and Harry are playing pinball dirtily in the corner .

"Hey " I smile To Zayn and he opens his arms inviting me to sit on his lap .

"Hey baby " he replies kissing my ear tenderly .

"So what are you boys up to ?" I ask taking Zayn's bread roll from his plate.

"About to eat that " Zayn replies sarcastically and I bite down on his bread roll .

"I'm hungry " I shrug picking up his samosa and taking a bite .

"Oh yuck .. " I spit out ..

He bites the rest of it out of my hand.

I think he's drunk he has that adorable goofy look ..

"Want me to get you food Baby ?" he offers sarcastically .

"Im good " I reply laughing tucking into the bread roll again dipping it into the coleslaw .

"Il come with you to Bradford next week .. And LA is cancelled . I'm going to do whatever I can here and preferably this week before .. Well you know ... " I say quietly to him and he smiles widely at me .

"Thank you .. and you shouldn't talk with your mouth full " he replies running his nose along my cheek softly. I giggle loudly because I know how he hates that ..

"Im allowed .." I reply wrapping my arms around his neck and cuddling into him .

"Your Milking it " he laughs

"I love you -


Zayn carries my bags to the jeep while I run around grabbing some last minute things .

Today we are finally going to Bradford for a couple of days for The eid party .

I don't understand it but I'm going for Zayn because its important to him .

After hiding my pregnancy now another week and getting thru 2 photo shoots I can finally breath again and I mean literally . It's hard hiding these new curves !

Zayn and I are up extra early this morning because we are going to the clinic for a check up with my doctor .

Zayn thinks because I have been going thru some stressful situations that I should go for a check up because what I need to do more than anything is to keep my blood pressure down .

That's a little hard when every 2 seconds i find out my boyfriend is hiding yet something or i am getting another threatening letter but lets not dwell on that ..

I have promised myself that I need to accept Zayn's help and not be so god damn stubborn . I guess I need to let go of my girl eat boy outlook on life persona but its a little hard when I drilled that into myself from the day I got on that bike trying to prove myself.

Pinning my rebel heart (a zayn malik fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now