Leave yesterday in the past and the future to be told : )

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I'm standing at the entrance of the pavilion . My mechanical team are here today to take all the bikes out for a good spin . It's early morning and they have been here since 6 .

With the events of the day before yesterday now hopefully behind us it feels good to be able to physically leave the house without jack or John tailgating behind , even when it's just on the property .

"What's going On ?" Zayn calls out coming towards me with a confused expression .

"They need to be takin out before they seize up and serviced . I called the boys this morning . I need to keep my mind busy " I reply reaching up to kiss him gently when he nears me .

"I felt you twisting and turning all night baby " he replies wrapping his arms around me keeping me warm .

It's cold , I'm dressed in Wellies , a trench coat and a dappy hat .

"Yea it was a restless night ... mmmmm your nice and warm " I whisper leaning back into him . He takes my hands in his and rubs them .

"Do you miss it ?" he asks

"Like a child misses there blanket " I reply and he holds me tighter .

"Come on Zayn , before joe gets his hands on your rapture " William shouts out grabbing our full attention as he pulls up beside us .

"Go " I urge to a hesitant Zayn . He smiles widely at me before running off in the direction of the shed .

Zayn's comes to love the sport but he's refraining himself from it because of me for my benefit. if I can't ride , then this is the next best thing , I want him to enjoy himself .

Mary emerges from the house with a warm cup of tea for us both .

"You want a go Mary ?" I ask teasing her .

"No way , il probably fall and break my neck " she laughs .

Iv grown to love Mary here around the house , she's become a comforting familiar face these past few weeks and I would be lost without her .

Mary and i stand by the pavilion watching the boys as they scurry thru the waterlogged mud revving and skidding like you'd expect , well from boys .

Aj appears from no where laughing as he catches a glimpse of the boys .

"I came to call Zayn but looks like he's busy " he laughs

"What's up ?" I ask

"The papers , front page like we expected " he replies shaking his head.

"Leave him alone for a while eh " I suggest smiling at his antics on the track .

He needs to let of steam , god knows he's bottled it up from me for long enough .

I take out my phone and take there picture , it's been a while since I posted something . Maybe it would be go to show people that the problems of late don't stop us . I take one of Zayn and joe and one of them all unknown to them .

- Like a pro already x @zaynmalik1D-

- For once I'm supervising lol : ) -

Mary leaves us be heading back to house to prepare lunch for all of us .

The boys bring back the bikes into the yard where they start washing them one by one .

Zayn and joe are bent over his quad debating something .

"What's up ?" I ask and joe scratches his head .

"It's a little gluggy " Zayn replies .

"Maybe it's the clutch it needs a full service Too ? " joe suggests .

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