Fun free time : )

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Im bored sat in the hotel room, half the boys are MIA and zayn is in the shower .
There's nothing fun to do around this damn place when your confined to a hotel because the fans are proving to be a security risk .

I'm flicking thru the tv channels and twitter absentmindedly at the same time when Zayn emerges from the room after and he's looking hot .
Im a little frazzled to be honest so i straighten up flicking my hair off my shoulder.
Not only has he re-styled his hair but he's shaved too . He looks younger too , He's dressed in a jeans boots and a long sleeve T-shirt .
I can smell his aftershave from across the room .

"Going somewhere ?" i ask suspiciously .

"Yea we are are .. " He replies
"Where ? ... " I ask a little confused because we can't leave the complex .

"We are not spending the night stuck up in here , We are going to the bar to meet the boys unless you want to just hang out here .. " He replies and I know he's trying to do something with tonight being out last night .

"I could think of something but ... Yes I would love to go to the bar " I tease and he winks slyly at me ..

"Go get ready .. " He says and I rush to bedroom quickly in my trackies to change , but stopping to kiss him quickly first .

I'm ready in 20 ,
Tying my hair into a bun and opting for just mascara .
I put on my navy jersey fit long sleeve casual dress but pair it with the only other pair of shoes I bought and have left thanks to Zayn - my cream flat ankle boots with 4 gold buttons up the side .

They will have to do or I'm stuck with vans .

"That has got to be a record ..... you look gorgeous " Zayn whistles as I grab my purse .
"Ditto .. " I reply taking his hand in mine .
He's wearing a jacket which is weird because we are only going downstairs ..?
Zayn and his fashion again ..

We walk hand in hand down to the hotel bar laughing about the picture of Zayn and I at the gym earlier ..
Twitter is a buzz with it ..

The bar is empty at first look until we see Harry and Niall in the corner .
They are playing pool ..

"Hey .. " Niall says getting ready to take his shot ..
Zayn calls the only barman here and orders some soft drinks .

I try to hid my smile from him but he sees it and smiles out of the corner of his mouth .

"So who's red and who's yellow " I ask sitting up onto the bar stool .

Harry points it out with his stick .

Zayn removes something from the inside of his jacket pocket and when I look down he'a holding a nagon of gin.

"You know that's illegal in all states of America " I whisper teasing him while he pours it into our drinks sneakily .

"That's rich coming from miss I make my own rules " he laughs out loud .

" I do " I reply showing him the contents of my purse .

"Did you really think 2 mini bottles of whiskey would do us ..?" He replies placing the bottle back into his pocket before taking it off and carefully placing it over the barstool .

I just shrug and smile at him .
He laughs again and dips his head to press his lips against mine before handing me my drink .

"Gin makes me giddy .. " I mutter taking a sip .
"Well then this should be fun " he winks .

We watch on the boys as they finish up there game leaving Harry the clear winner and Niall with 5 red balls still on the table .

Niall moans obviously disgusted with his defeat before ordering more drinks.
Harry calls Zayn to play lining up the balls again .

Niall hands around the drinks and immediately I can taste gin again.
We're not the only ones tonight ..
But gin really ? It must be the only drink that comes in nagons in the mini bar .

Zayn hands me some change and points towards the duke box.

"Don't try and be funny by putting on 1D now .. " He warns eyeing up his next shot .
"Il save my ears thank you very much " I reply sarcastically and he looks up .
"Cheeky bitch " he laughs .

I put on some music and use the remaining change on the entertainment machine after I size it up first .
Niall and i get stuck into 4 pictures 1 word only to get stuck straight away .
He hands me another drink cursing the game .

Zayn cheers and Harry nags ..

"Best out of 3 mate gotta be " Harry pleads but Zayn looks to me first before coming up behind me ..

"What are you doing love are you ok ?" he asks and I know he's trying to figure out if I'm happy for him to play another game .

"I'm playing games on this and to be honest it's a lot of fun .. " I laugh
"Go and play pool , I just love being able to hang out with you like this .. Pretending to be normal and anyway I have you all to myself later " I add smiling at him. He runs his hand along my ass and kisses the corner of my mouth but says nothing but I can feel his smile .

"So what are you playing now .. ?" Harry says from behind me and it startles me for a second .
"Oh just hangman .. " I reply and he hands me another drink .
"Ohh thank you kindly " I reply sipping my drink .
Again gin but with coke ..
His mixer of choice no doubt ..

"I take it you lost .. " I say nodding my head towards the pool table .
"Yea and Niall is about to lose too " he laughs .
He reaches in and takes out some change popping some quarters in my machine to top it up before he restarts an album on the duke box .

"So lets do the trivia , I love trivia " Harry gloats running his hands threw his hair .
"Trival pursuit " I suggest
"Is that the one with the wedges we played in yours in LA ?" he asks
"The very one .. " I reply and he winks.

I start the game ...

Harry and I are fighting for the first place .
We are really concentrating and not giving away the answers the each other even if we know them .

Niall and Zayn are on there third game.

"Who won the noble peace prize in 2012 " Harry mutters to himself before taking a random guess . He gets it wrong and cries out in frustration .

"Sickener .. " he moans and I take my turn which I completely get wrong ..
How am I suppose to know Africa's population ?

Harry hands me another drink when suddenly Zayn lifts my dress slightly with the stick while taking his shot .

"Just as admiring the view " He smiles wickedly and I scoff him away .

My turn .. I hit entertainment .

"Oh my god too easy ,
In what year did one direction enter the Xfactor UK " Harry shouts shaking his head taking out his phone .
"This is defiantly a twit pic " he laughs like he can't believe it ...

And I can't believe that I don't know..
Oh shit ..
Was it 2009 or 2010 ?

I stare at the screen after Harry takes his picture .

"Oh my god , you don't know ?" Harry accuses and I bite my lip .
"Shut up it was 2010 " I reply and he gives me an uncertain look ..
Maybe 2009 ?

I go with my gut and press 2010 and bingo it's right .
"Best leave that part off twitter " Zayn says from behind me and I turn slowly to smile at him cutely .

He shakes his head like he's annoyed but I know he's amused .
"You were lucky " Zayn teases ..

Harry and I finish up with him just winning by the skin of his teeth .
He smiles smugly at me before handing me another drink .

I'm feeling a little tipsy ..
Well actually very tipsy when
The bar man calls me and for a second I think we're busted . But instead he asks for a picture because he's a fan.
I oblige of course and Harry takes the picture .

"Enjoying the alcohol " he asks and I freeze .
He winks before walking away .
Phewwwww ...

"Il play you Harry .. Wipe that smug grin off your face " Niall says while i take a seat at the bar .

"He has a crush on you" Zayn says standing behind me wrapping his arms around my shoulders .

"Harry hardly has a crush .. " I laugh rolling my eyes .
"I meant the barman " he replies and he sounds a little off .
"Don't be silly " I reply fobbing him off.
"He's had his eyes on you all night " he says sourly .
He's jealous ..
I swing around in my stool to face him.
"But I'm going to bed with you " I reply and he smirks .

"Pool ?" I suggest and he laughs .
"If you play pool like you Ice skate .. "

"Excuse me , you have little faith " I reply pretending to be appalled .
"Il line them up .. " He smirks .

Harry hands us two more drinks while I chalk my cue stick .

Zayn breaks first and pots the yellow .
"Looks like I'm red .." I say and aim for the corner right pocket but I miss .
He pockets 3 yellows and tries to hide his smug smile .
I neck back the end of my drink before lining up my shot .

I have to get this I mentally tell myself.

I pocket it and another ..
I line up my third aiming for the centre left pocket and just like I was hoping I pocket it ..
That wiped the smile right off his face just like I'm wiping those red balls off the table .

Did I speak too soon because I miss .
Damn it ..

Harry hands me a whiskey and coke before continuing his game with Niall.

"My girl can play but can she win ?" Zayn teases as he pockets all his balls leaving the black on the table .

I scoff him off and line up my next shot . He leans against his mouth at my ear .
"Your out by half an inch " he whispers before he puts his hand up the back of my dress seductivily.

I move it over and I pot the red just like he said all while he's still leaning over me .
"Well played " he laughs like he can't believe it .

I blow the top of my cue stick and he laughs out loud .
I pot another yellow then another leaving only the black ball on the table.
"I'm on fire " I say with a smile until I miss the black .
"Shit " I say laughing hysterically .
"And do the giddiness starts " Zayn replies .

He pots the black and gives me a sly smile .
"Don't look so smug .. " I reply cheekily swinging from the top of the stick .
"I think somebody's drunk .. " He says sizing me up .
I laugh out loud until the hiccups come .

"Ok maybe I am just a little bit " I reply holding 1 finger .

"You really can't handle gin can you ?" he asks surprised .

"Nope ... " I reply laughing and twirling around the cue stick .

He shakes his head laughing at me clearly amused before coming to my aid and sitting me down before I fall down .

"Your cute when your drunk .." He smirks taking out his phone and taking a drunken snap of me .
"That's for the personal album " he winks and I lunge myself at him .

"Whooaaaa .." He laughs as he grabs me in his arms .

"Take me to bed Zayn .. " I plead with a pout
He smiles devilishly at me .

"It would me my pleasure .. " He replies running his index finger along my jawline .
"Or mine " I reply back pulling him with me .
"Oh so your using me now for drunken sex .. " He scoffs
"Because you are the best at what you do .. " I wink back giggling .

He shakes his head while he slings his arm around my shoulder .

"Later boys .. " He teases and I giggle up at him .

Oh why oh why do I have to be up in 6 hours .....


Zayn is hoovering over me when I wake .
"What are you staring at you goof " I tease and he smiles at me .
"Il miss you thats all " he replies sincerely and i am suddenly faced with the reality that i have to leave soon for god knows how long .

" I will surprise you again i promise ... But no hidden extras this time " I warn

" oh you can count on that " he replies laughing .

He lifts my right hand up and holds it in his .
" nearly half way there " he whispers and presses his lips to my ring .

" nearly but not quite yet .. " i reply sighing lightly .

"Yea but were not far off one year .. Me and you " he says leaning forward to kiss me .

"Yea i know .. Its in 8 weeks how could i forget that moment on my deck in LA " i smile as i recall the moment .

"Well techinally i had kissed you already and probally slept with you so whos keeping dates " he shrugs

" you just said it you loser .. And i like to keep that night amd that date in my head " i reply pressing my lips to his chin softly .

"And do you know what came after that ? ..." He smiles with a hint of rebellion in his eyes .

" im sure you are about to remind me " i reply and he winks .

Its going to be immpossible to leave this bed , leave him but i have to ...

Its a quick a recap ....

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