Unexpected surprises

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I awake in Zayn's arms , wrapped around him while his hand drapes across my back .
It's the best night sleep I have had without the sleeping pills in a long long time .
"Morning baby " he says
"How long have you been awake" I ask stretching out across him .
"A while , iv missed watching you sleep " He replies kissing my forehead.
"Is that ... " ..
"Yep that's Louis , he has the weirdest snoring sound I have ever heard. You get used to it " He laughs .

"What time is it ?" I ask leaning up and resting my elbows on his chest .
"It's just gone past 9 baby " he replies
"Hungry ?" he adds
"Have you cereal ?" I ask him in hope .
"Course I have " he smiles
"Well then I'm going to get dressed and get some because I'm starving " I moan
"Glad to here it .. You have lost weight , so much and its not healthy " he says and I hear the worry in his voice .
"Zayn please .. " I beg
"No skye .. I just think you need to start looking after yourself or you will become sick and then that jeopardises your career " he explains and I have heard enough .

I sigh and climb down from the bunk.
"Who know I'm right " he calls after me while I grab some clothes from the wardrobe . I ignore him and head for the bathroom . I'm brushing my teeth when he comes in after me .

He says nothing only wraps his arms around me resting his chin on my shoulder . I watch him watch me thru the mirror . He's wearing his best puppy eyes .

"I know ... " I whisper .
He smiles before taking the brush from my mouth and sticking it into his mouth .
"Zayn that's disgusting " I yell spitting the toothpaste into the sink . I run some water threw my mouth before watching him brush his teeth With my tooth brush . He smiles a devlish toothpaste infused smile at me .
"Your weird .. " I say laughing at him.
"But you love it .. " He replies
I nod my head before reaching up and kissing his cheek .
"Of course I do " .

I'm dressed in Adidas leggings and a crop top so I'm ready to get some excerise in once I'm done eating .

Niall Zayn and Harry are speaking down the back but I can't hear what there saying . They are all huddled together ..

"Zayn .. " I call out
"2 seconds " he shouts back as I stick my head out the door to see them before I wash my bowl in the sink.

"What wrong ?" he asks creeping up behind me and wrapping his arms around me .
"What's the story with getting a work out in around here ?" I ask turning to face him .
" You have a whole concrete slab isn't that exciting ?" he says sarcastically .
"Il figure it out .. " I reply reaching up to kiss him quickly .

"Your tablets are on the over head shelf over our bed " he says regretfully and I know he wishes he didn't have to . I nod at him but unable to look him in the face .
"I love you " he replies holding me against him by my waist . He tilts my head up .
"We leave again tonight but we have a hotel tomorrow night in Philidephlia love " he smiles .
"With a gym ?" I ask grinning at him .
"Yes with a gym , and our own room with a very big bed with nobody sharing a room with us " he replies kissing me again . I run my nose along his ..
"Sounds perfect .. " I reply .

"And we have some things on anyway in the hotel suite , radio interviews and stuff but you can hang out with us at the hotel or go shopping il make sure Peter knows" he says .

"Thank you " I smile up at him ....


I re-enter the bus too sweaty and gasping for air .
I reach for water straight away before even acknowledging Liam and Zayn sitting in the eating area .

"23 Laps We counted you running that venue block .. " Liam says with an eyebrow raised .
"Damn I thought i was nearing 30" I spit out .
The boys both roll there eyes and scoff at me .
"We gotta go to sound check babe but wel be back in an hour or so " Zayn says eating the last of his sandwich .

"Ok I need to shower anyway I'm sweaty " I reply
"Just how i like you " he winks
"Get out " I scoff back at him ..

I'm showered and changed into my navy jumpsuit . Even managed to fishtail my hair .
It's been more like 2 hours they have been gone but it gave me more time to get ready so I'm ready for the concert again later anyway .

I'm picking out shoes when I hear the door open .
It's Harry and Zayn .
"I'm down here " I call out

"You look incredible " Zayn says grabbing my waist from behind .
"And you smell so good .. " He adds kissing my shoulder .

"Thank you , how was sound check ? "I ask still poking thru the over head locker .
"Yea it was ok .. We have 3 hours until show time so I was thinking .. " He starts to say ..

"Go with the cream ones " Harry suddenly says and we both look at him funnily .
"The shoes..the strappy 1200 inch ones " Harry points out .
Zayn looks from Harry to me and back at him .
"You know what your right .. but not so much about the 1200 inches " I reply surprised at his womanly ways but not as surprised as i am about his impeccable taste .
Zayn rolls his eyes but I don't know why because he can just be as feminine as Harry at times .

"Any way .. Want to go on a little shopping spree with Harry and I babe" Zayn asks and I jump at the chance to get out of this bus and Into a shop , any shop I don't care .

"Where ?" I ask
"It's a Nike outlet store 3 streets from here there closing it for 30 minutes for us" he says and I clap my hands excitedly.
Harry sniggers and Zayn scowls at him.
"It's shopping .. I don't care what kind of store it is " I grin at Zayn .

Not only are we finally getting out and shopping but we can do it in private .

Oh I love the perks of his fame ...

Harry Zayn and I take a car provided by the venue to the store . We are able to enter thru the back which is a huge bonus .

Once inside we start shopping , picking out things at random and using the next 30 minutes of freedom to shop our little hearts out .
I have so much I want to realistically don't need . I narrow it down to 2 things .

I hand Zayn 2 pairs of Nike sweat pants which he offers to pay for so I'm happy to let him pick up my tab.

Men eh ..? Always wanting to pay

"Oh shit ... I forgot my wallet , if you could pay for this il fix up with you when we get back " he says patting his pockets .

"Not to worry , il pay for these it's a first for me anyway I want to " I reply reaching up and kissing him quickly . He hands me back the sweat pants and some hoodies he's picked out .
Harry is sniggering again to himself in the corner and Zayn throws him a dirty look .

"Why's wrong with him " I ask watching while he tries to contain himself .
"It's just ... " Harry says
"He's in a stupid mood ignore him " he replies sourly .

I take the purchases to the counter while Zayn gives Harry a clip around the back of the head .
What the hell is up with them today ?

At the counter the man greets me in an English accent and I'm surprised to hear it . It doesn't happen often that you meet English people here in America .
I smile as I hand him my purchases .

He looks familiar but I don't give it any thought , that happens often and Instead turn my attention to the boys who are admiring some sneakers on a maniquinn .

"That's $348 please miss " the man asks and I hand him over my card .

"I'm sorry miss but your card doesn't seem to be working ?" he says
"Oh try it again its British , but it's a visa debit so try it again " I reply .

"It's just not working " he says examining the card . He fiddles with the machine .

"Perhaps there's no money in it ?" he asks and I'm taken back by his rudeness .

"Excuse me ?" I reply loudly hoping to draw the attention of Zayn but he's still talking with Harry oblivious to my situation .
"Of course there's money in it , a lot so try it again please " I spit out .
I'm getting annoyed now and I'm going to have to call Harry to pay for these things .
This is so embarrassing ..

"Your card is void miss " he says taking out a scissors .

Suddenly he cuts it into two pieces .
"You can't fucken do that .. " I shout turning to grab Zayn attentions once more .
He's not even looking my way .
He cuts it up again into 6 pieces .
"Im sorry miss but it's my job .." He replies .
"You can't just go cutting up my card that's not on . I want to speak with the manager right now " I scowl at him .

"Oh I'm so sorry miss but it's seemed to have gone threw now , sorry about that " he says apologetically .

"That's bullshit what about my card then ? , you have just cut up my card give it to me now " I shout and he shrugs his shoulders .

"ZAYN " I yell but he doesn't come so I yell again .

The assistant pats around the till .
"I can't seem to find it I'm so sorry " he says
"Your hiding the fucken evidence , you better give that to me right now . Your trying to fraud me " I shout .

Where the hell is Zayn ..?

"How about a free set of tennis balls ,you do play don't you ?" he asks waving a pack of tennis balls in front of me .

"No i don't play .. ZAYN .. HARRY " I yell back at them again and they slowly make there way over to me .

The shop attendant waves the bag again in front of me and suddenly a card appears in the bag among the tennis balls .
That wasn't there a second ago ..?

"What the fuck is that ? ... " I ask turning to see where the hell the boys are .

"Is this your card ?" he asks handing me the packet . I look around me first and then tear it open .
I take out my Visa card and hold it up .
"How the hell ... ?" I start to say but I'm lost for words ..

Suddenly Zayn and Harry appear behind me and burst into laughter .

"Oh my god .. Your BEN HANLIN " I shout out covering my mouth with my hands in disbelief .

It all makes sense now ...

"Yes I am and you have just been tricked " he shouts back .

"You set this up , you both did " I say thumping them Zayn and Harry both in the arm . They laugh uncontrollably and I find myself laughing too .

"Where are the cameras , you all are so cruel .. " I laugh out loud .

"There every where " Ben replies happily and no doubt very pleased that he's tricked me for his new TV show .

I'm so mortified and I'm going to kill Zayn .

"I'm so going to get you both back for this .. " I say rolling my eyes .
"There's no way of topping this " Zayn replies between laughing .
"No wonder... I knew something was up with Harry " I reply
"Yea the dufus nearly gave it away " he says scowling at him .

"You were fucken hilarious thou " Harry cries .
"Shut up " I reply giving him the finger. ..

Turns out we had an hour in the shop and Ben is over from the UK to film an American version for his show . I was pretty embarrassed to admit I had never had the chance to watch his UK show before which is why Zayn knew I would be the only one who wouldn't recognise him .
The boys had this set up since last night when they found out in was going to be in the area at the same time as us .
Like what the hell ..?!

I had to sign some paperwork for the rights to the scene before the manager of the store gave us our stuff on the house .
I will admit it was an epic move ..

But Ben still wouldn't tell us how he pulled it off ...

The boys are still imitating and taking the piss out of me once were back in the bus .
"Shut up" I scowl at them while trying to keep a straight face .
It's not working thou ...

"Right boys .. and lady who wants to have some fun ? I'm bored , we could have a kick about outside " Niall suggests .
"You go Zayn , go do what you boys do .. whatever you do when stuck on the bus .. i have had enough fun for one day Thank you very much " I reply sarcastically .

"Aw babe ... " Zayn laughs .
"No seriously .. go have fun do something because I'm actually going to chill in here and have a nose about on the tv " I reply

"You sure ? Coz we could watch a movie now ?" he replies but I assure him I'm fine on my own for a bit and to go hang out the the boys and have fun.

An hour in and I'm bored already .. I don't think I want to go out and face the fans who lure behind the gates screaming for attention .
They must be really hyper ventilating now because the boys are outside parading around the car park in partial view to them .

I open my twitter and already I know what the boys are up to before I even look outside . I send out a tweet telling them my excitement to see the boys perform again tonight .

My mentions are filling up rapidly and it's questions asking me will I throw more of the boys stuff off stage tonight . One girl who is going tonight wants Nialls boxers . I skip the retweet on that one but I do retweet a sweet one from a fan who as they say on twitter , she hearts us .

I have had enough of Kim Kardashian for one afternoon so I am going to see what the boys are doing .

I pop my head out and Peter perks up and comes to stand close by .

Niall and Liam are kicking ball while the fans cheer them on from behind the gate .

I see Harry Louis and Zayn and there running in all directions playing with nerf guns .

Suddenly Zayn runs towards me fast and grabs me , lifting me off the ground and throws me over his shoulder. I am screaming for him to let me down when I realise I'm in view of the fans . Something I didn't want .
He lets me down and holds me against him waving the nerf gun around us .

"Your my savour babe .. I'm getting a hammering here " he says.
"I'm your decoy more like " I reply laughing .

The fans are screaming as us like crazy but there too far away to make out what there saying . Maybe I don't want to know . ...

"That's cheating " Louis shouts
"You can't hit her ... " Zayn gloats

"But I can hit you " Harry shouts from behind us and Zayn gets 4 nerf bullets into the back of the head , which one rebounds off me . I cover my head quickly while Zayn shoots back still holding me tight against him .
Harry legs it after running out of bullets .

"Louis is reloading " I warn Zayn quickly so he turns us around and starts shooting his way .

"Oh I feel like a Bond girl " I squeal and Zayn winks at me smugly .

"Go grab me more bullets quick from the ground .., thats what james bonds girl would do " he urges and i squeal again reaching around to grab as many as I can find around us which is not easy in 5 inch heels .

"Good girl " he says quickly stuffing the foam bullets down the chamber .
He grabs me again placing me in front of him while his two arms rest on my shoulders holding the gun out and ready for Harry who is sneakily coming up between the two buses .

"Ok TIME.. " Liam shouts out tapping his watch .
"It's time to get ready we have a show in an hour " he urges but Harry comes up behind him anyway and starts firing at our legs .
I cover my head again but am fully aware it's my legs he's hitting .. I guess it's just a reflux to protect my head .

"Harry give me that " Liam snaps and I laugh out loud .
Yes he's defiantly got the Dad thing down to a T .
"Zayn drop it " he warns .

Zayn drops it and picks me up off the ground bridal style .
"Oh James .. You saved the world again .. " I tease him as he walks us back inside .
"Don't I get a reward then Ms Carmichael .. " He winks

"Oh and you will .. Tomorrow night " I wink back before we both laugh out loud .....

A/n how's everybody loving my longer chapters and so you like the dialogs because I have been doing a lot of that and will be through out the book and Im wondering if you like it ??
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