My white knight

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Nannie Ria and I are chatting on the sofa while Dad Jason and pop are cheering on the game . Nannie is quite taken with Zayn but she thinks he's accent is funny . I guess it's so thick compared to us Londoners where we pronounce every syllable .

Zayn had appeared at the door ways little while ago for 5 minutes chatting with mom until he disappeared again .

"Skye may I borrow you for half an hour it's quite important " Zayn smiles and I hadn't noticed him come back in.

"You see what I mean dear .. " Nannie replies .

Zayn gives us a questioning look .

"Your accent .. " I smile and he laughs.

I give them a smile and take Zayns hand where he leads me out to the main hall.

"Well" I whisper hurriedly .

"Up stairs is Sarah , she's the stylist and seamstress on that works with us on Tour . I told her the dressmaker fucked up and you hadn't realised until this morning , i said you need a inch or two " he explains but he's hiding his amusement .

"Zayn your a life saver .. " I squeal jumping on him hugging him tightly .

"Just go and il keep the show going down here " he urges kissing me quickly before I shoot up stairs ..

Upstairs I meet Sarah in my room and judging by the pin in her mouth and the tape around her neck she's ready to get started straight away ..

Oh Zayn my white knight ..

After Sarah leaves discreetly an hour later I go in search of Zayn . Turns out he's in the games room playing cards with the boys .

He gives me a questioning look when I pop my head in and I give him the thumbs up before heading back out to the girls who are drinking champagne by the open fire in the living room gushing over tomorrow .

At 8 pm the tiredness hits me and I know it's baby fatigue .. At least with this pregnancy I understand what's going on I have been here before .. But I don't want to Dwell on that now ..

I say my good nights leaving them to there banter and go in search of my man ..

He's still playing cards and drinking whiskey when I join them . I stand behind Zayn planting my two hands on his shoulders . I reach down and kiss his forehead .

"I came to say that I'm an going to bed its been a long day .. But stay and finish your game " I smile .

"Il be up in a little bit anyway I have some emails I need to reply to" Zayn replies but i know it's a white lie .

Zayn doesn't respond to business emails , Aj takes care of that now .

I kiss the top of his head and say my goodnights before leaving them to finish there game.

After getting ready for bed I wait for him but my eyes give in ..

Maybe I could just rest them for 5 minutes - - -


"Skye ...?" -

I eyes flutter open immediately and I see Zayn leaning over me watching me with a smile etched on his face .. His hand is on my belly running his hand along the silk fabric .

"Hi .. " I whisper

"Hi " he replies still smiling .

"What time is it ?" I asks groggily

"I hate to say it but its time to get up " he replies regretfully .

"My sister is getting married today " I whisper proudly ..

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