Fond memories to a new start : )

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Zayn and I are sat on the bed about the hit the tweet button and tell the world our news .

Am I ready? Not really it's been nice just keeping it within the family .

"Iv done it " Zayn smiles .

"Let me see " I reply unsure about it now .

It's a picture of Zayn standing behind me in the mirror making a love heart shape with his fingers and holding it against my belly as i take the picture. We had taken various ones but he's uploaded the one of us laughing , the one I had just snapped without intending to use .

-god has blessed us with a gift then multiplied it : ) x -

"You know we will be get hassled so much now " I whisper .

"We get hassled anyway babe " he replies fallowed by a nervous laugh .

I pull myself onto him wrapping my arms tightly around him .

"I love you " .


Another Christmas Day with the crazy family . Another overcooked christmas pudding and tipsy parents .

My phone hasn't stopped ringing since our news last night but aside from answering back to all our well wishes I have refrained from twitter , just for a couple of days anyway .

Zayn loved his presents , I had gotten him 7 vintage marvel superheroes in there original boxes . It had taken some time but marvel had managed to track some down from there international office and I snapped them up . There displayed in the glass case in his games room .

Zayn got me a birkin hand bag and new charm , Its a A little gold house .

We had promised no big gifts this year seeing as we have received the biggest gift of all , instead we donated £10,000 to a local charity for unprivileged kids in Zayn's hometown in Bradford . They were happy to receive the news and no doubt the cheque yesterday . It's already public knowledge but its a good cause so we don't mind the attention .


Tonight for New Year's Eve we are bypassing the countless party invites , the family get togethers and opting for a Zayn and I only party .

Yea we are a bit boring but it's what we both want .

Harry is in La parting it up with friends leaving the rest of the boys with there families .

My sister is spending hers on a yacht in the south of France with Dan's family while my parents party with the stars in Jean Dominique's annual diamond new year party in central London .

I'm dressed down in my pj pance , T-shirt and dressing gown . If its a cosy night in I may as well dress the part .

Zayn is speaking with Jack on the steps of the front porch when I get down stairs .

"What are you guys doing talking here for , ye look like magum PI , It's freezing ye losers " I laugh peeking my head out between them startling them both .

"In Skye it's freezing" Zayn orders backing me away from the open door quickly .

"My thoughts exactly " I reply raising a brow at him .

"Let me speak with jack il be with you in a minute " Zayn says so I salute them both and head to the living room.

The room is lit up with battery scented candles , vanilla my favourite .

On the coffee table is array of all my favourite junk food . He's done well , well Mary has under his orders . The fire is blazing making the room toasty warm . I remove my dressing gown tossing it on the sofa .

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