Suck it up ..

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A/n :

yea puerto Rico is in central Am to my surprise but I'm not changing it so just go with it lol .

I awake next to Zayn who is sound asleep beside me , it's early I think so I check my phone but instead i am drawn to the locket he had given me the last night that sits on the bed side locker ,

It is beautiful .

I can't help think that yeah he messed up yesterday but I guess I should of said something because he would of listened but I didn't , I tested him instead and he failed !

I put it back onto the dresser and I get up to get changed , I'm feeling like I just want to go to the pool , lay down and read a book alone .

I know , yesterday I complained to him because he wouldn't spend time with me and today I want to be alone but I want Zayn to want to be alone too with me , I want up lay on the sun lounge with him and do nothing !

I change in my bikini but I'm wearing my white sheer chiffon beach dress over it , I hadn't expected it to be quite so fitted but then my bump has grown the last month .

I grab my sunnies and my beach bag before giving one last glance at zayn who's out for the count , he probably needs the sleep anyway .

Harry and Louis are eating breakfast on the balcony and both eyes turn to me immediately when i step out .

"Hey " I say quietly and I pull out a chair awkwardly .

"I am in Puerto Rico 5 minutes and already I'm trouble" I mutter with a nervous laugh .

"Nah Skye stop you did nothing wrong love " Harry smiles and hands me the menu .

"Order what you want " he says and I offer him a smile .

"Skye I'm sorry .. Zayn and I were just messing around " Louis replies nervously and comes to hug my shoulders from behind .

Harry smiles genuinely at me .

"It's not your fault Louis at all, that was his choice .. I guess I shouldn't of just taken off with Harry without telling him but to be honest I didn't think he's react like that , I expected him to be glad that I had found something to do " I reply while I glance thru the menu .

I wana say something to Harry about him and Zayn last night but I don't know what to say .

"Zayn lost it . We smoked that J and went looking for you but after half an hour he started to panic and he called the minders to have a look .. Ten more minutes and was calling hotel security.

Like I told Harry he just panicked and of course it doesn't help that he was off his head , it's sounds bad when you say it aloud but it was never meant to be like that " Louis replies and I nod before adverting my eyes to Harry .

"So what do you want to eat , I will order for you ?" Harry smiles

"Harry ? About last night " I reply sympathetically but he shakes his head.

"You must eat first .. Your huge " he laughs and I know he's changing the subject .

"Gee thanks loser .. I will have Pancakes " I scoff and he laughs out loud .

He goes inside and orders my breakfast and I take an opportunity to

Talk with Louis .

"Louis I have been with Zayn when he's .. Well you know ! But that's the first time he's flipped like that and it scared me . Has he done that before" I ask quietly .

"Not that I no of, Zayn isn't like that he's usually the fun one when we get on it , I don't know what happened I guess angry wasn't a good mix but listen Skye , don't get worked up over it . Zayn's a good guy and he's just looking after you.

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