I cant do this again : (

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I'm sat in the living room curled up on the sofa watching the corrie catch up with Jonathan drinking hot chocolate . I have missed Jonathan the last couple of weeks and I am in dire need of his bubbly company .

Zayn Is gone out for a little bit thou I don't know where he is . I'm under strict instructions not to leave thou I am not going anywhere in this rain .

Once corrie is over Jonathan helps me look online for some Christmas presents as shopping will prove to be difficult considering Zayn thinks Im being stalked and my figure has become a little fuller , Im definitely getting the child bearing hips ..

It will take one bad picture to start speculation and I want to tell my family and the boys first ...

"Hey you two " Zayn calls out from the sitting room door and I shut down the iPad straight away.

"Well look at you looking all sexily carefree , did you run out of hair gel " Jonathan whistles thru his teeth . I laugh out loud at Jonathan and his obvious crush on Zayn .

Zayn's hair is down and brushed to the side , something I'm not very used to seeing at all but I like it .

Zayn scoffs at Jonathan rolling his eyes .

"Hello handsome " I reply holding out my arms from him to come say hi properly .

He wraps his around me sitting next to me folding his arms around me . He starts to kiss my cheek fondly .

"Oh Zayn .. Your making me blush " Jonathan teases .

"We need to find you a man , preferably gay " Zayn teases.

"Yes because he's all mine " I laugh reaching my hand up pulling his face to mine , planting a kiss on the corner of his mouth .

"You make me sick " Jonathan scoffs sarcastically .

"Any way , I'm going to leave you sexed crazed kids to your affections because I'm meeting Indi and Amy for drinks at soho , are you sure you won't come ?" Jonathan begs .

"Just not really feeling it , I want to get started on this Christmas list " I reply pointing towards the iPad .

"Fair enough beautiful ,call you tomorrow love you " he says leaning in kissing me cheek . He ruffles his fingers thru Zayn's fringe teasing him and Zayn scoffs again slapping away his hand .

He blows us kisses before leaving us be . I'm still laughing out loud at his antics ..

"So what's this Christmas list ?" Zayn asks curiously .

"Never you mind you " I giggle leaning back into his arms resting my feet out in front of me .

He smiles as he lifts up my top slightly resting his hands over my belly .

"Your growing " he smiles against my ear .

"I know , another few weeks and il be proper showing . I'm just about getting away with it " I reply holding my hands over his .

"You have new curves and its very sexy" he says in awe .

"Awe Zayn .. " I coo at him and he kisses the top of my head .

"Anyway i told my team today i went to the office , well it's on a need to know basis just for know and when were ready to open up they just want to know first . Obviously we well tell all our family and friends before we public " Zayn explains .

"You don't think it will get out before that.?" I ask nervously .

"No baby it won't . It's only a handful of people that know and they respect our privacy . When your ready we will tell them " he replies reassuring me .

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