The element of surpise : )

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It's the morning of my satvasa and Zayn was right I didn't lift a finger with regards to planning it .

He's hired the best in the business and all I have been seeing is large trucks in the front yard all week .

I'm not allowed to look because it will ruin the element of surprise .

It's being held In the gym/pool house and with my week filled with dress fittings and shopping , I haven't had the temptation to have a peek .

Knowing Zayn there has been no expense spared and knowing how excited he is I dare not argue .

His extended family are due here shortly and are being escorted to the outdoor venue along with my family and friends .

It was planned secretly with my family , friends and the boys only getting an invitation the day before yesterday because of the media circus it would attract .

The only people in the house are Patricia and Donyia who are helping me dress in traditional sari silks and jewels .

I have a floor length red sari with gold trim lace which is fitted against my bump perfectly .

My sheer red veil is long and lays over my shoulders to keep my modesty around Zayn's family.

On the top of head is a gold jewelled band and it just peeks out on my forehead under my veil .

My fingers , wrists and neck are dripping in over the top lavish gold jewels with bright coloured stones .

I certainly look the part but I don't feel it , i hope people won't think it's stupid.

Donyia takes photographs to up load later for the fans when it's over as not to draw the media on us during our big day , or should I say the Malik's big day .

God it feels like I'm about to walk down the aisle .. But its s baby shower or Satvasa as I should say . I don't even know what to expect from today .

"Are you ready love ?" Patricia asks kindly and I nod .

She looks so pretty dressed in a dark blue sari with a silver trim .

Donyia holds my hands and she leads us down the stairs and to the garden .

I look ahead and already I can see people mingling outside dressed in brightly coloured sari's . When they see me they gasp and come forward to greet me with hugs and kisses .

I have meet them before at EID at Zayn's family home so there's no discomfort around them , but I know there are people here who I have never meet and I hope I meet there expectations .

Donyia takes my hand again and we walk Inside ,

My breath is taken away when I see it .

It's amazing .. I'm speechless.

It's not the gym anymore , it's like walking into a Bollywood party , everybody is brightly dressed but its easy to pick apart Zayn's family to mine .

There's a distinct smell of Incense in the Air but i am not sure what it is , maybe citronella?

Reds , pinks , golds .. It's an array mix-matched Indian decor with red silk covered chairs and tables . Candles flicker everywhere , mismatched large floor cushions are scattered everywhere for people to sit and in my pool are bunches of floating frangipani flowers and candles contrasting against the pink dye in the pool water .

Suddenly all eyes turn to me and they gasp .

I smile polity but I'm feeling a little put on the spot here .

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