AKL Part 1

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This is my first ever story. Some of you might have read this before. I wanted to post all my stories here too. So, here is the first one... ARNAV-KHUSHI-LIFE (AKL). Hopefully you guys will like it. Obviously this story is long finished. So, I will post the parts every third day. There will be so many grammatical mistakes and all, please spare me with this. and please Let me know your response...

Looking forward to your response

This update is dedicated to Kiddo_Star and ShaniceKazmi thanks for loving my stories dearies... here is your favorite story in Wattpad... hope you guys will read it again.

Part 1.

Soft moon light, twinkling stars, cool breeze... slight fog is covering the roads due to winter season... It's a pleasant night in Delhi.

Raizada Mansion

The climate is soothing; but Mr. Akul Singh Raizada's mind was disturbed. He is thinking deeply about his elder son's future, as he got the information from his sources saying that how much his son getting spoiled with all the unnecessary habit is...

When he is in deep thoughts, his wife Mrs. Akshaya Singh Raizada came to the terrace. After seeing her husband in deep thoughts, she remembered the phone call which he got at the time of dinner. After receiving the call, he became furious. But he didn't give any answers to the questions asked by his family members. They thought it is may be work related. But after seeing him as tensed more than furious, Akshaya got little bit worried and wanted to know what will be the reason for this. She kept her hand on his shoulder, he turned back to see his wife. After seeing her so much worried, he asked her to sit beside him. She sat and asked him

Akshaya: "Why are you looking so tensed? Is there anything bothering you?"

Akul: "Hhmm." He nodded.

Akshaya: "Is it work related? Is everything fine in your office?"

Akul: "No, it's not work related."

Akshaya: "Not work related? Then what was bothering you? Is there something I should know?"

Akul: "Hhmm... It's about our son Arnav..."

Akshaya: "about Arnav...? What about him? What was that to worry about him...? Is there anything wrong at the college?"

Akul: "In two year he will finish his studies... So, I'm thinking to hand over my business to him... I'm sure he will be successful businessman. I don't have any doubt about my son's capability..."

Akshaya: "Of course he will be successful... u r there to guide him. But what is bothering u still?"

Akul: "After giving the responsibilities of my business I want him to get married..."

Akshaya: "Oh, that's a good thing... I hope we can convince him about marriage... and I think he will agree with us if we find a nice girl..."

Akul: "There is the problem... I asked my sources to keep an eye on him... like what is he doing at college? With whom he is maintaining his friendships and all... but I didn't get any good signs from my sources... They said he is completely spoiled..."

Akshaya: "Spoiled???? What u r saying?? What do u mean spoiled???"

Akul: "I was saying what my sources said... They said he has all the bad habit is like smoking, drinking, racing and he is a complete womanizer... See with smoking and drinking, we hope any girl will adjust... but what about addicting to women... will any girl adjust with that? Do u think they will? And, what about races... if he is that much addicted to races, then how will he able to successful in business?? He is pouring that much money in his habit is... Is this a good sign??? With one year in college made him like this... then think about later... two years remaining in graduation and two more years in Post Graduation... how will he be...?"

Akshaya: "Oh!! Come on... he is a student still... why are u thinking that much about these things... Once after he finishes his studies he will be fine... Now he enjoying his life... let him... when it comes to races, he won't get that much time after taking the business in his hands... And when he knows the importance of health and wealth, he will stop the habit is which will be spoil his health, wealth and his reputation..."

Akul: "And what about marriage...?"

Akshaya: "As I said before... we will convince him... He will agree with us if we find a nice girl for him..."

Akul: "Nice girl...? For Arnav...? Do u really think anybody will give their daughters to a womanizer? I don't think so?"

Akshaya: "What do you mean that?"

Akul: "I mean nobody is ready to give their daughters to Arnav... I already asked my sources to get the opinion on Arnav from some of the families from where I was thinking to get their daughters as our daughter-in-law... Then the person from my source team went to those families like a man who wants to give his daughter to my son... but in returns nobody give him a good opinion on Arnav... everybody said he is a spoiled son of mine..."

Akshaya: "What?!!"

Akul: "Hmmm, Yes, u heard it"

There is a complete silence between them. They come back from their trance with the ring of his mobile... In between, their maid Hari Prakash came and said to Akshaya that Nani is calling her... so she left...

Gupta House, Lucknow

Garima: "NO, I don't accept... Khushi will continue her studies here in Lucknow it iself only"

Shashi: "Oh... Garima what is this now? How many times we discussed about it..? You are again saying this?"

Madhumathi (Buaji): "It's ok Garima; Shyam and Keshi will be there with her... no need to worry."

Khushi: "NO, I am not staying with jiji or bhai buaji... I will be staying in hostel..."

Buaji: "WHAT?!!!"

Garima: "That is why I'm not accepting this. I don't want her to stay alone there"

Shashi Gupta: "Khushi will stay in college hostel. And that is final"

Buaji: "Garima is right. It is not a good decision Shashi. How can she stay alone in hostel? She can't handle the people there. And she can't stay alone there with unknown girls, NO I can't accept...."

Khushi: "Oho come on buaji... I can take care of my self... don't worry about me... anyways jiji and bhayya are there... and morning and evening also I have classes in University. If I'm spending more time in travelling it will be difficult for me to attend the classes and return home on the time. I can't reach home early in the evening. Coz my evening classes will end at evening 8 'O' clock. If I have any problem I can call them... and I WILL call them."

Buaji: "No, I won't accept it... She has to stay in either Keshi's house or with Shyam. If she doesn't want to stay with them then I myself will stay with her..."

With that Khushi looked at her father who assured her with his eyes, like as he is saying 'everything will be fine'. After fighting, pleading, crying and blackmailing or what not for long time... Buaji and Garima accepted for Khushi's stay in hostel...

Khushi is very happy about her admission in UM... She is going to take a graduation course in music (B Music)... She is very interested in music from her childhood. She wants to become a singer... when she is a girl; she learnt music as hobby from senior and famous singers... Due to her father's business, they travelled so many states... with that she learnt both the south Indian (Carnatic) and north Indian (Hindustani) classical and light music... Her interest in music grown with her... she is very talented. With that she got the scholarship in the University. So Shashi Gupta decided to send her to the University... she is eagerly waiting for the day to join in the University... at last the day has come... Tomorrow is the day for long wait to go to Mumbai...

...to be continued

Soooo... How is it??

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