Chapter 22: Date at Haly's Circus.

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I'm about to open the door when I see that Nightwing was about to do the same. When he sees me he looks surprised.

" look beautiful"

"Uh thanks" I blush "you look very nice too"

Then I see Tim and Barbara running towards the entrance of the Bat-cave.

"What's wrong?" Asks Nightwing.

"New mission"

"Right now?" He says.

I put my hand on his shoulder and give him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, we can go have dinner some other day."

"Yeah, there's no rush." He says and we both go to the entrance.

"You" he grabs my hand and pulls me close "are coming down with me" he picks me up.

"What's the mission?" I ask.

"Nothing." Says Bruce "you too are supposed to be on a date. Don't worry about us we'll call if we need backup"

"Thanks" Nightwing says.

We get on his motorcycle. Nightwing grabs a helmet and puts it on my head. So different from Jason, with Jason I don't use any protection. I put my hands around his waist and rest my head on his shoulder. After we drive for a while we arrive to Haly's circus. Nightwing parks his motorcycle and we get down.

"Okay from here I'm going to cover your eyes. No peeking okay?"

He covers my eyes and I follow his lead.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now"

We are inside the circus, where all the circus people perform. There is a table with some candles, plates and a red rose.

"First I have to tell you something...." He takes his mask off revealing his eyes. "I'm Dick Grayson"

"Dick, you didn't have to this, I know how much this place means to you"

"Don't worry about it, I have other surprises for you"

"But...but I didn't bring anything for you" I look down. Dick lifts up my chin and kisses me.

Then he gets behind me and puts something around my neck. I look at it. It's a silver color bat and Nightwing's symbol.

"Dick, this is beautiful, thank you"

We have dinner and then Dick asks me to put on my gymnastic suit.

"Ready to be an acrobat?" He says.

"Yes, I've always wanted to try it"

"Well let's see if you trust me"

He says leading me all the way to the top. When we get to the top, we sit next to each other and look at each other. I was so distracted that before I know Dick pushes me off. At first I feel a little scared but I know that Dick is going to catch me. So I just put my arms up and feel Dick's hands grabbing my wrists. When I look up, I see him swinging from the swing.

"That was fun" I say once we are on the ground again.

"Hahaha you do trust me"

"I know you were not going to let me fall"

"If you fall I'm not bringing you up again"

We both start laughing. We spend some time doing acrobatics and Dick teaches me some tricks. When I check my watch and it's ten o' clock.

"We have to go back" I say.

"You're right but first let me give you your last surprise"

He takes out the costume I designed.

"Alfred wanted me to give it to you"

"Thank you Dick"

"So what is going to be your new name?"

"I haven't decided yet"

We grab all our stuff and head back to the manor. It's midnight by the time we get there.

"I had a lot of fun..." I say looking down.

"Yeah, me too." Sick says rubbing the back of his neck. "Soo......if anyone asks we just had dinner, I think it's too soon for anything else."

"I agree with you." I say with a smile.

When we go into the Manor Bruce is in the living room waiting for us.

"I was worried about you" he says.

"Sorry,we lost track of time." we say, then Bruce notices Dick and I being awkward so he gets up and leaves.

Out of nowhere I get an idea for my name. That's it! my name is going to be Midnight. It sounds mysterious.

Dick and say goodnight and go to our rooms, before he let's go he kisses me on the cheek.

"Goodnight Victoria"

"Goodnight Dick"

It was a wonderful night, and I took a lot of pictures......

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