Chapter 18 - And...We're Off!

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The sun was just above the horizon, so I had about 12ish hours to use the light.

spark is probably ranting on that pirate ship about some scientific thing about light not tracking....

She DOES realize she was SUMMONED into a BOOK and got turned into a WOLF PUP.

I rolled my eyes.  She'd still rant.

I spread my wings and flew to the top of the mansion to get a better view of the sun.

I sighed, closing my eyes and concentrating on spark's essence.

Everyone had light in them.  Some I'm more accustomed to than others.

Cue IRL spark rant....

Almost like an eagle-eye view, I visually flew over the ocean to the spot where spark's essence was strongest.  I found it on a pirate ship with a black flag and a zombie head on it.  It was extremely faded.  She was probably in the ship.

I figured the general direction of her essence before opening my eyes.

The yellow sparks around me dissipated.

I stretched my wings once more before taking off, letting the light loosely guide me.

And that was that.

I flew when there was light and slept when there wasn't.  I picked apples off trees when I could.

Finally, I got to the ocean.  It was dusk of the second day.

I landed in a forest not too far from the ocean and stretched my wings again.

After not being used for...probably a week or so, they ached quite a bit.

I climbed a tree and sat on the uppermost branch that could hold me before wrapping my wings around myself like a blanket.

I let my mind wander for a bit.

How were the others doing?  Were they alright?

ilbarker, Cassia, Object, spark, Known...Aura....

I hoped her body was ok....

I eventually fell asleep.

In the morning, I awoke, almost falling off the branch.

I carefully unwrapped myself and got down from the tree.

And then a sharp pain hit me in the arm.

I yelled and turned to see a skeleton hanging out under a tree.  He shot again and I ducked behind the tree I was sleeping in.

Painfully, I removed the arrow and threw it down.

I called some sparks down through the trees and formed a small ball of light.

I peeked out from behind the tree and threw the ball.

It hit the skeleton and it died almost instantly.

Ok, it wasn't THAT powerful.  I'm guessing it had been in the sun and ducked under a tree with a little health left.

I walked out of the forest onto the strip of land in front of the ocean.

I clutched my arm, wincing at the pain.

I called down some more sparks and they wrapped around my wound, blocking it like an invisible bandage.

I sighed heavily and stretched my wings before taking off.

As I flew, I called more sparks to form around me as I flew near the water.  Anyone who saw me would think it was just a shimmer of the water.  The sparks reflected the water around me to hide me.

Dangan Ronpa Minecraft...Finale....Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz