"Well, normally it wouldn't be but, for whatever fudging reason Vik thought fit, he is also bringing his other business partners Josh Bradley and Simon Minter from the Sidemen Corp."

"Oh, fudge..." I said, anxiety setting in me.

"Yeah, so everyone is freaking out but Preston."

"Of course he isn't," I muttered.

"HEY LANDON!" called out a loud voice from across the lobby.

Speak of the devil and they shall appear.

I turned from Rob and looked towards where Preston called from. He was currently standing by the elevators, trying to look intimidating in his business suit, his youthful features making it hard though as he tried to glare at Rob and me.

Rob chuckled behind me.

"Come on, let's head on over there before he starts screaming his head off."

"He's gonna do that anyway but yeah, sure," I commented.

Rob let out a loud laugh and I turned to look at him, smiling.

He really was a decent guy, even though he ran one of the biggest businesses in America with my cousin. Their company was called, Cosmic Inc.

There were only a few companies that could even rival the numbers their company pulled in. Such companies were The Nexus Inc. and Treasure Wars Inc.

Of course, all of these companies were dwarfed by the power and wealth of the Sidemen Corporation. That company literally ran the world due to six of the seven business partners all having their fingers in six different areas and bringing all the money back to the Corporation. The seventh business partner, and head of the Sidemen Corporation, Olajide Olatunji, or JJ as he is known by the people close to him, ran the company, directing things and organizing the profits. It was a well run and powerful organization and everyone was in awe of it.

Vik, who was also a business partner in Treasure Wars Inc. with Lachlan, worked with both companies but mainly focused on the Sidemen Corp. There was a third company he is partnered with as well but his connection with that company are only his name on the documents. Preston told me he did that so it would open more doors for the smaller company. He barely even takes a salary from them and what he does he turns around and donates.

Vik being partnered with both companies would explain why Mr. Minter and Mr. Bradley were with him but the exact reason they were coming was a mystery. Preston told me that the Sidemen Corp. had always denied any requests of them working together with Cosmic Inc. I wonder if something changed.

"Come on Landon." said Rob, walking forward to place his hand on my lower back, shocking me slightly, "Let's get over there and see what's going on. Maybe Preston knows what's up with Josh and Simon coming here with Vik and Lachlan today."

"Okay." I squeaked out, the warmth of his hand slightly distracting me.

Look, I'm gay, not completely out, and I haven't been with anyone for a year, leave me alone if I get distracted by the smallest amount of physical attraction from an attractive male.

Slowly, I moved forward, Rob's hand a constant, warm pressure on my back.

Well, this day is going in a different direction than I thought it would.

Together, Rob and I moved across the floor, heading to where Preston stood, his hands on his hips, waiting for us.

"FINALLY!" he screamed out loudly. It didn't bother anyone, everyone who worked for him knew how loud Preston could get. "You two decided to finally wander on over here."

"Sorry Preston, I was just telling Landon about how Simon, Josh, Vik, and Lachlan, were going to be here soon." commented Rob.

"Oh well good because guess what, they are here now." said Preston, gesturing towards the door.

Oh, fudge.

I slowly turned towards the front, my eyes looking at the glass doors just as four imposing, well okay three, Vik does not look that imposing standing next to guys who are over half a foot taller than him, businessmen walk in. 

They were all dressed in dark business suits, their appearances immaculate, all of them attractive and just breath taking, well at least to me. I was still working out my preferences on what I like physically but that doesn't mean I can't look.

I already knew Vik was not my type, too short for my tastes. The other three taller boys were extremely appealing to me though.

"You might want to wipe that drool off your face." whispered Rob into my ear, huskily causing a shiver to run down my spine.

"Thanks," I muttered absentmindedly, moving to wipe my mouth, a small chuckle coming from Rob causing another shiver to run down my spine.

Easy Landon.

"Hey guys!" called out Preston loudly, moving to walk towards the approaching group, Rob removing his hand from my back and following him, doing what you are supposed to do when big important businessmen come, you go say hi.

I stood back, watching as they all greeted each other with old friends, handshakes, and laughs, bright smiles on their faces before falling into an easy conversation.

As they talked one of the tall boys looked towards me, his eyes shining brightly as they met mine, making my knees weak.

He gave me a bright smile, winking quickly, before turning back to the conversation at hand.

I felt like I wanted to pass out right then and there, my legs feeling like Jello as I stared open mouthed at the man.

I was worried that I wouldn't be able to survive a month here, now I am not sure I am going to survive today, especially if I have to be around these guys all day.

Someone help me.


-End OneShot-

A/N: Okay, confession time. So I was talking to Micky the other day and he and I were talking about the lack of Lachdon books and our ideas for one. Well, if you couldn't tell, I loved my idea so much that I wrote the first chapter for it and posted it here to see what you guys think.

This is what I want. If you would like to see more, please either comment or vote so I can get a gauge on how people feel. 

Basically, the plot of the story will be following Landon as he starts working for Preston and meets all of these businessmen who start to take an interest in him and he doesn't know what to do. 

Now, if I do this as a book if you guys like the idea, it will probably be slow updates so I can work on my other stuff without having to worry about this too much. (By slow updates, I mean once a week, at least) I really like it though and I would love to know what you guys think. Please let me know if you want more. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this and may your day be filled with love, smiles, and laughs.

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