Chapter 17 - Paranoia To The Extreme

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Brax didn't change his position.

Quentin didn't move either.  "Brax...."  He said slowly.

Brax narrowed his eyes.  "What are they blackmailing you with?"

Oh great....

Quentin rolled his eyes.  "Seriously?  They're not!  They're not the killers!  They...well, this sounds ridiculous, but those killers are these two's clones!"

Brax sighed and picked something up, turning it on.  "I need...probably some major backup at the front desk."

"Bra---"  Quentin started.

Brax pointed the gun at him.

My eyes widened.  Were they THIS scared?!

Quentin backed up a step, his hands in the air.  "Ok, Brax, come on now.  If I were in trouble, do you think I wouldn't tell you?"


Quentin sighed but left his hands in the air.  "Told you they were jumpy...."  He muttered to us.

"No kidding...are they always this paranoid?"  Object whispered.

"Like I said, this only started when your clones showed up."

"Thissssss issssss not going to end well...."

Not too long after I said that, the doors behind the front desk opened up swiftly, and about 10 men came through.

They took one look at us and then attacked.

I yelped as one knocked me backwards.  I could feel my flames flaring inside me, but I didn't let it out.  These people weren't evil, just scared.

"YO, CAN WE, LIKE, NOT?!"  Object groaned.

"Guys, seriously...."  Quentin sighed heavily.

About 4 people held me down, which seemed, keyword seemed, like overkill.  I dunno if our clones were stronger than us or not....

Well, they killed, like, 10 people in no time, so I'ma guess they're stronger....

Welp, guess we're going through THIS crap again!

Geez, what is with the author getting us put in these situations all the time...?  It's like a fridging fetish....

"Shuddap, Cassia, I just like writing these kinds of scenes! "  IRL Becca hissed.

Err, lez see....  All of us at the Popstar base, kinda at the castle, ilbarker kinda with Jerome and her being unable to move, Aura and spark on the pirate ship, us with these guys, then Aura dies and spark gets put into ANOTHER cell, us still in this situation then transit to another similar situation in the forest, Red, Barney, and spark on that pirate ship, and now this AGAIN.  What is that...9 times?  Geez....

"You aren't even supposed to know that!  Shush!  Stay in character! "

I rolled my eyes.  Whatever....

The men yanked us up and cuffed us...again.



"Ok, can we NOT go through thissssss again?"  I groaned.

"Guys, I freaking saw their clones kill all the men!  They just left these two and me alive!"  Quentin exclaimed.

"Yeah, or they could've killed every man and left you alive and blackmailed you."

Oh my....

I freaking give up.

"Ok, now you guyssssss are jusssssst being ridiculoussssss."

They just proceeded to shove us through the doorway.

I rolled my eyes and just walked wherever they were taking us.

Eventually, we got to some cells with thick iron bars.  They threw me in one and Object in the other without taking the cuffs off.

"...ridiculous!  If they were blackmailing me, I would tell you!"  Quentin exclaimed...again.

I walked up to the bars and leaned against them.  "Deja vu, huh...?"

Object nodded.  "Seriously.  Though, last time, there was reason.  This time...well, I guess there still is one, but geez...."

Quentin came down to the cells with his arms crossed.  "I don't know where they keep the keys for these cells."  Quentin huffed.

I shrugged.  "At thissssss rate, I'm getting ussssssed to it...which issssss probably not normal."

"Hey, at least they didn't cover your mouth this time...right?"  Object said meekly.

I shook my head.  "That'ssssss not the point.  The point issssss that Asssssshley will be here at ssssssome point and we're in here.  Sssssshe won't be able to find ussssss down here unlesssssss she either broke in or got arressssssted hersssssself or ssssssomething...."

"What does she look like?"  Quentin asked.

"You'll know her when you see her.  She has big brown wings and red hair.  Kinda hard to miss that combination."

Quentin nodded.  "I'll see what I can do.  While I watch for her...I guess you guys are gonna have to just hang down here....  Sorry 'bout that...."

I scoffed.  "Don't be.  You were trying to do what you believed wassssss right.  Technically, you were right, but they weren't.  That'ssssss why we're here.  Jusssssst go wait for her.  We'll be fine."

Quentin nodded.  "Don't do anything to get yourselves in more trouble.  Please."

I chuckled slightly.  "Heh.  No promissssssessssss, but we'll definitely try."

"Well, hope to see you guys later!"

Quentin turned and left.

I looked at Object and she looked at me.

"Yeah...we're probably sssssscrewed...."

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