Chapter Twenty-Nine

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At the police station, they had Matt and I sit outside the sheriff's office to wait for our parents so they can talk to them. I sat and waited. Matt's parents were the first to show up. Both of his parents started yelling at him and then started yelling at me. Saying I was a bad influence. Matt tried to defend me but his parents didn't want to hear it.

"I don't want you seeing him anymore," His mom said.

"You can't do that," Matt defended himself. "I'm eighteen. You can't tell me who I can and can't be friends with."

"Yes, we can," His dad said.

The officer walked out of his office and looked over at Matt's parents. "We can talk now." Matt and his parents headed into the office. The police officer looked over at me. "Are your parents here yet."

I shook my head and crossed my arms. "No."

"We'll talk once they get here," He said and entered back into his office, shutting the door behind him.

I was all alone. Except for a police officer who stood down the hall. I looked over to the side when I heard the echo of footsteps heading towards me. When I first heard it I thought it was my parents but the footsteps sounded as if they were from a single person and they were calm. I saw Tim walking over to me. Why was he here?

"Mikayla told me what happened," He said once he reached me. "So, you brought a gun to school?"

I leaned forward, trying to avoid eye contact. "You wouldn't understand."

He sat down beside me on the bench I was sitting on. "I probably wouldn't. I'm not mad at you. I just want to talk to you."

"Then talk," I said, still avoiding eye contact with him.

"Well, let's start off by talking about why you did it."

I turned my head slightly to him. I could feel a tear escape from the corner of my eye. "I haven't had the best luck with high school." I paused for a moment. "I've had homicidal and suicidal thoughts for quite a while."

He nodded. "How long have you been planning all this?"

I shrugged. "About a year." I sighed. It came out sort of raspy. "I don't really want to talk about it." I felt more tears roll down my face. Tim suddenly brought me into a hug and I started crying bad into his shoulder as he sort of rocked me gently. Telling me it was going to be okay.

He shushed me a couple times, trying to calm me a bit. "You're going to be okay. I promise."

"Thank you," I whispered and wrapped my arms around him. Hugging him back as I continued crying.

Tim decided to stay with me until my parents showed up. By the time they showed up, Matt and his family were finished speaking with the police and had left. I knew my parents were coming when I finally heard the sound of two pairs of feet stomping down the hall. I sighed when I noticed the angry expression that came across their faces.

"What is wrong with you?!" My mom yelled out once she was beside me.

"You guys don't get it," I said quietly.

"Out of every stupid thing you've ever done, this is beyond the stupidest!" Dad yelled at me. I could feel spit flying out of his mouth.

Tim stood up with a sigh and extended his hand to my dad. "Hi, you must be Colin's dad."

My dad shook Tim's hand. "Yeah. Who are you?"

"The name is Tim Thomas. I'm a minister at the church I believe your family goes to," Tim explained.

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