Chapter 15: Fruits of Labour

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Huh? Where am I? I can only see about five metres in front of me before some kind of fog blocks my vision but from the looks of the ground I seem to be in some kind of forest.

"Ah~ I can't believe you put your life on the line for a sparring match."

Oh, now I know where I am.

[Kai] "you refurbished this place a little huh? Entity."

Turning around, I saw the familiar cosmic figure wearing a strange black and white kimono.

[Kai] "uh, what's with that?"
[Entity] "hm? I was looking through your memories and this looked comfortable."
[Kai] "oh well that explains it... not! Why were you looking through my memories!?"
[Entity] "you've been unconscious for three days. I was getting bored."
[Kai] "e-three days?"
[Entity] "indeed."
[Kai] "great. So why talk to me now?"
[Entity] "you've been keeping me entertained. So I thought I'd reward you again."
[Kai] "oh, uh, do you mind telling me what is was that entertained you?"
[Entity] "you're usage of your abilities. Normally, anyone I send to another world is all brawn no brain and end up getting themselves killed once they go mad with power and meet someone stronger."
[Kai] "I probably would have ended up the same way if I didn't meet these guys."
[Entity] "possibly. Now, what would you like to be rewarded with?"
[Kai] "I uh..."
[Entity] "hm? Not sure this time?"

It's true. I honestly have nothing. I can't think of anything I really need at this moment off the top of my head.

Entity tilted its head whilst placing a finger on its chin in a thinking pose.

[Entity] "how about this then. I'll speed up the healing process to get you back on your feet and give you a little hint at your future.
[Kai] "you're a fortune teller now?"
[Entity] "do you want it or not?"
[Kai] "I... suppose. I don't really have any better idea."

God clapped its hands together once at my reply and let show a wide smile.

[Entity] "take care of Mother Nature and be wary of the snake that swallows its own tail."
[Kai] "huh?"
[Entity] "see you next time~"

Entity waved to me with its fingers with the same wide grin on its face.


[Valentina] "what's going on?"
[Seyird] "hm? His wounds are healing?"

I opened my eyes as I sat up in a hurry, only for my head to hit something extremely hard.

[Valentina] "ow~"

I guess I got up so fast I headbutted Valentina so now she's standing there with her hand rubbing her forehead. Most likely in jest considering how powerful she is.

[Kai] "apologies."
[Valentina] "eh? No need to be so polite with me. Besides, I'm here to see what you would demand of me."
[Kai] "oh, okay then. Wait, what do you mean by my demands? I lost."
[Valentina] "heh. The deal was you last longer than the potion. Right before I hit you it ran out. So you won."
[Kai] "o-oh."
[Valentina] "so, what do you want me to do~?"

She said that last part rather seductively but sorry, even if I was interested, if I got in bed with you, you'd probably end up breaking me.

[Kai] "I want you to train me."
[Valentina] "huh? Okay, now it's my turn to be surprised. Why would you want that?"
[Kai] "you're strong and I want to be strong. What more is there to wonder?"
[Valentin] "hmm... it's just... I'm not sure how much I could teach you. I could go over the basics for hand to hand and most weapons but that's about it."
[Kai] "that would be fine too."
[Valentina] "hm, alright then. I'll take you as a student! Come see me when you want to learn."
[Kai] "will do. Thanks."

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