Tomorrow With You

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Three years. For three years. That whole time I was loved by so many. I treasured every moment I spent with Yoongi, doing my best to make him happy.

Now, all seven of us were sat together, waiting for our moment. My eyes were squeezed shut as I imagined actually getting the award, a smile forming on my lips.

"The award for best album of the year goes to..."

I sat, my hands in tight sweaty balls, and I prayed. The breath she took as she went to read off of the paper in front of her seemed like forever, but she finally spoke.

"Bangtan Sonyeondan!"

Screams erupted from the crowd, and I flew up and out of my seat. Already, tears were forming in my eyes, and only two other members had realised what she'd said.

We'd won.

Yoongi, startled, didn't get up at first. He sat there, eyes the size of saucers.

"Yoongi! We did it!"

I had to shout over the roar of the fans, and somehow he heard me.

Hand in hand, we walked up with the others. They too were crying, some more obviously than others, and I smiled widely through the tears that were streaming down my face.

Namjoon, upon receiving the award, went to the microphone to speak. I was glad he was the one to make the speech. I wouldn't have been able to talk without bursting into tears.

As he spoke, I listened intently to his words, my arm around Yoongi as he cried his eyes out.

"Let's fly with our beautiful wings into 2017."

At Namjoon's words, something clicked in Yoongi's head. He pulled a small object out of his pocket, not looking up or making a sound. The only reason I realised was because of how close we were.

I watched as he fiddled with it, rolling the small black box between his fingers. I tried to figure out what it was, but my mind stayed blank because of the screaming crowd drowning out my thoughts.

Some fans realised what he'd done, and went quiet. They must have known.

But I was still in the dark.

The whole crowd was silent, one or two people cheering to fill the silence. Yoongi stepped away from me, wiping his face to dry the tears. Namjoon handed him the microphone, and he spoke.

"Y/N... You know I love you, but you can't possibly know how much I treasure every second I spend next to you. You helped me do what I could only dream of doing, and made more than the best of a bad situation. I... I wish I could be a happy, as optimistic and as talented as you... You're just amazing... I want to be with you forever..."

I suddenly realised what was happening.

Is he...?

My thoughts became reality as he got down on one knee, looking me straight in the eye as he did so. The small box opened, revealing a beautiful blue gem, surrounded by smaller diamond like stones, fashioned into a ring.

My hands cane to my mouth as I gasped, more tears coming to my eyes. The crowd, now alive, was chanting in both English and Korean.

"Don't be afraid to take that step! We love you no matter what!"

The repeated it, perfectly in sync with eachother as they went from one language to the other.

I couldn't talk I was crying that much.

All I could do was nod my head, a smile plastered on my face.

TOMORROW. [✔]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat