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He seemed normal enough. So I lost interest. Just an ordinary boy that doesn't appear to need to participate to get amazing grades. *cOuGh* bribe *cOuGh*

I shouldn't be sticking my nose in someone else's business. Anyone does that to me, they'd die, so I shouldn't do it to someone. He might notice anyway. And that would be awkward.

School ended quickly that day, and I went from one hell to another. My parents are kinda everything you wouldn't want in a person. Kinda like a real life Filthy Frank. Minus the moans and strange sounds. Ish.

For one, my dad is a homophobic, perverted twat. The only reason my mum let's him anyway near her is that he has money. Which leads me onto my mum, the greedy cheating bitch. And these two have compete control over my life.

The two people I'm supposed to look up to are the worst humans- no, things on this planet.

Fuck you mum.

Fuck you dad.

When I walked through the door of my small apartment, the first thing I smelt was alcohol. The first thing I heard was grunting. And the first thing I saw was the unholy sight of my mum, naked, with a random bloke above her, also naked. The were on the freaking floor! She doesn't even have the decency to take her male prostitutes to her fucking bedroom! And where the fuck is my dad?!

They didn't even notice me as I slid out again, gagging. I wasn't coming home that night, that was for sure. Maybe this time I would pluck up the courage to never come back. Maybe not.

Probably not.

I walked around our small town trying desperately to get that image out of my head, but to no avail. No matter how hard I tried, my mind always returned to that scene.

I repeat, fuck you mum.

But something did eventually distract me. The door to a house across the street from me opened, and I could see four drunk people inside. Two females, two males. The guys were shoving someone out the door and the girls were making out.

I don't have anything against it, I just kinda don't like PDA. Especially when they're drunk. And those two were practically barfing into eachothers mouths. Metaphorically. I think.

The person being chucked out wasn't a lot younger than the people in the house. My age by the look of the back of their head. Short black hair and a pale neck was all I had towards any means of identification, so I had no idea as to who it could have been.

He stumbled backward and landed on his arse, a loud cuss escaping his lips. It was a mix of 'fuck' and 'wanker' so ended up as 'fanker!'

A small sleeping bag was thrown at him as he sat on the damp floor, and it knocked him over it was thrown with such force. The door was slammed loudly, and he was left.

He didn't look like he was in a good situation, so I thought I should check he was OK. I wasn't going to offer him a place to stay because sleeping in my house was worse than sleeping on the streets.

I walked across the street, glancing for incoming traffic, but quickly reaching the guy.

"Uh, are you OK?" I asked.

Well that was stupid. Of course he's not OK. He just got chucked out.

"Oh, I'm fine and dandy," he said with a sarcastic tone. He still didn't raise his head.

"Well at least I asked! Some people would just laugh at you for getting chucked out," I said defensively.

"Well, if you're so kind, then why don't you offer me a place to stay, peaches?" he asked, making me halt.

I might as well tell him I'm having trouble. Maybe we could stick together, watching eachothers backs or something. That would give me the courage to escape my house. Someone to run away with.

"Believe me, I would, but I'm kinda in the same predicament as you right now, sweetie,"

I emphasised the last part, copying his 'peaches'.

Fight fire with fire.

At my words, he finally decided to look up.

And I saw someone that I wasn't expecting whatsoever.

I first saw those piercing brown eyes. Then his perfect cheeks.

And then I saw who it was.

Heartthrob of the school, Min Yoongi.


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