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Soooo I'm thinking of doing some GOT7 x reader books.

Who should I do first?

As you can see, I'm prepared for Jackson's 😂😂 got another one for him too 😅

Just guess who my GOT7 bias is 😂😂

Yoongi and I were getting closer every day. We trusted eachother more than ever, and gained money for food and clothes by working together. We were close to being able to get a hotel room for a night, and worked hard to get there as soon as we could.

Mornings would be spent moving around, afternoons busking and evenings just chatting. He was really opening up to me compared to what he'd been like when we first met. He didn't steal my food.

Yes, we were homeless. But it felt like the best thing ever, and I gained freedom that I'd never experienced before. It was amazing, just that we could move around how we pleased, and Yoongi's tongue technology/my puppy dog eyes kept bringing money in.

When spring came around, the nights got shorter and the sun rose earlier than previously. Less sleep, more talking. More time to get money. It was looking up.

We finally got enough money to have two nights in a little hostel nearby. Only enough for a shared room, but we had a bed. A bed.

I just knew it was going to be heaven.

The person we were sharing the room with was a guy around Yoongi's age, a smile plastered on his face.

"Hi! I'm Jung Hoseok, but you can call me J-hope!" he said the moment we entered the room, before jumping backwards onto his bed screeching.

I looked at Yoongi confused, and he returned the face.

"Uh.. I'm L/N Y/N, you can call me-"

"Dimples," Yoongi cut in, grinning at me.

"Huh?" I said, looking at him, "Dimples?"

"You've got dimples. So I calling you dimples. So can J-hope here."

"DIMPLES!" J-hope shouted, rolling off of his bed and onto the floor.

"And who are you?" J-hope whispered, pointing at Yoongi.

"I'm Min Yoongi."

"Do you have a nickname?"


I cut him off, wanting revenge.

"Suga. His nickname is Suga."

"Suga?" Yoongi questioned, while J-hope watched intently.

I smirked, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Is it because I'm so sweet? Sweet like sugar?"

"No. I just like it."

We laughed, J-hope squealing in the corner.

We'd just seen the room. So when we looked around a bit more, we noticed that there was only two beds, one of which was occupied by J-hope.

"Yoongi. There's only one bed left." I whispered, pointing at the double bed in one corner of the room.

"So? We normally sleep quite close to each other anyway. Won't make a difference."

"I guess you're right... It's just, won't
J-hope make the wrong assumption if we sleep together?"

"I don't care what he thinks. We just met him. Probably won't see him again after these two nights."

"OK." I said. What he'd said soothed me a bit, but I was still worried.

"I thought you trusted meeee?" he whined, pouting at me. I laughed, my mind at ease.

"I do trust you, silly." I pouted back at him, imitating his facial expression.

J-hope had gone to have a shower, leaving me and Yoongi alone for a bit. I jumped on the bed, letting the soft duvet envelope me. Yoongi followed, propping himself up on one elbow to look at me.

"So, Dimples, what's it like now that we've got a place to stay for a bit?"

"Well now, Suga, it's freaking wonderful. I mean, it smells amazing. It's way more comfortable than pavement. Plus, it's warmer."

He grinned, happy with himself.

"Glad to see my hard work has payed off."

"I put a lot of effort into my puppy dog eyes. It drains me on a daily basis, having to look so pitiable."

"What's your singing voice like? You could harmonise with my rapping. That would bring in money."

"I can't sing. I can squawk. No singing, though."

"Come on, let me hear you sing."


"You know that I'll stop you straight away if you can't sing."

"Whatever. At least J-hope isn't here."

I took a deep breath, thinking of what to sing. I chose Stay, by BLACKPINK, since it isn't very strenuous and doesn't require full on screeching like some Adele songs do.

The whole time he was staring at me, mesmerised.

He didn't stop me. Just watched.

I didn't break eye contact with him.

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